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Chinese Linguistics


Submitted By lekosfmi
Words 678
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Koby Phan Le
Dr. Nian Liu
HON 3980
中國網絡与美國網絡的对比 无所不在的互联网在中国和美国是完全不同的。尽管最近几年越来越多的人接处到互联网,中国独裁政府成功地鼓励其发展的同时明确的阻止敏感信息通过互联网被发布。此外,中国政府大肆花费时间和金钱在其国际互联网的监视和审查制度,并采取严厉的措施,以确保其在互联网上的主导控制。除了禁止许多反政府演讲,网络用户也开始收到一些警告。当用户收到足够的警告,用户将被正式禁止浏览和使用网站。尽管在残酷的审查制度下,许多西方自由言论网站被筛选和阻止,中国政府还是惊人的高度鼓励其公民运用互联网。中国已经成功地克隆替换西方媒体原始形式,然后发展中国的版本。例如,YouTube在中国有自己的版本,被称为优酷。此外,Twitter的中创建版本叫新浪微博。尽管美国和中国都使用互联网,互联网的用途不同基于不同的语言,文化和民族。 首先,与许多其它独裁政府不同,中国政府已经允许宽泛的 社交媒体在本国范围内蓬勃发展。更确切地说,中国政府已经成功地实施其专制的政策,同时鼓励互联网的发展。相比之下,像朝鲜等专制政权,已经完全禁止任何形式的西方社交媒体。同时,像古巴和巴基斯坦的专制政权将中国视为他们可以学习的范本--一个鼓舞人心的典范。中国在管理互联网的成功可能是基于西方和中国互联网概念的融合。然而,与中国互联网管理相比,美国有保护公民的个人自由的法律。然而,在中国个人自由的理念是有限的,它仅仅是一个写入中国宪法之内的概念。个人自由在中国是非常有限的,尤其是在关于互联网。Shao教授南京大学声称如下:“在中国,虽然宪法规定保护言论自由,还规定,公民可行使自由和权利在没有侵害国家,社会以及其他公民的利益下,” (Shao, Internet law in China, 2012). 虽然中国政府限制政治言论,,但中国已在商业化互联网取得进步。互联网的商业化导致在上市的公司如阿里巴巴和新浪微博。与此同时,社会言论传言,中国政府将执行所有可能的政策以禁止任何形式的网上反政府言论。在美国和中国的互联网之间的一个明显区别是,美国公民能够运用互联网来保护他们的人身权利还能发表不服從的发言来反对政府。但是中国公民只能使用互联网于个人或商业用途,任何政治运动都是高度禁止并被视为犯罪行为。 显然,有些中国公民具有强烈的政治发言和政策反对,但政府无法阻止。这些市民居住在中国大陆以外。他们已经作出反对中国政府和其审查系统的网络斗争的决定。例如,无论市 Peter L i还是 Bill Xia 都是受过教育计算机专家和在中国出生的美国人;两人都对中国的审查活动的]发出了反对声音。他们属于一群被称为“hacktivists”志同道合者的。Hacktivists的社区主要目标是从事技术军备竞赛利用政府及其邪恶腐败。此外, Hacktivists制定和编写软件,以降低政府的互联网系统,可以持有任何国家的俘虏。中国政府的“长城防火墙”阻止许多中国公民访问特定的网站,像 Google 或 Facebook。该Hacktivists组织 努力开发技术,来破解这种类型的防火墙,并发布许多政府敏感的话题,像中国的人权记录和天安门大屠杀 (Wiseman, “Cracking the ‘Great Firewall’ of China’s Web censorship”). “长城防火墙”已被用来代表中国政府在互联网投入的巨资项目,以执行其审查系统的技术监护的术语。尽管是大大超过数量,许多 Hacktivists 的努力已经在过去几年有了成果。例如,Bill Xia 创办了一家名为,Dynamic Internet Technology的公司。公司的使命是“发动对中国政权网络战” (Wiseman, “Cracking the ‘Great Firewall’ of China’s Web censorship”)。Xia 和他的公司开发了一种称为技术 Freegate, 这有助于“发现防火墙的漏洞,并帮助中国网民浏览在中国被禁网站 (Wiseman, “Cracking the ‘Great Firewall’ of China’s Web censorship”)。除了复杂的技术,中国网民还利用更少的技术手段来规避政府的审查。例如,中国网民要么加入额外的间距,标点符号要么添加其它字符使一个词或字符不太明显。这方面的一个例子是取代“a”中的“伟哥”这个字符,而不是:“@”。因此,它就会通过系统,而不是:“Vi@gra”。 尽管由黑客行动主义者所取得的成就甚小,中国政府也不会轻易退缩。在佐治亚州亚特兰大的郊区,李伟光在门口被三名男子伏击。他们用中文和韩语交谈当他们洗劫他的房子的时候。抢劫时,这三个人拿走了几个重要的文件和两台计算机。然而,他们未拿走其他的物品,比如电视和摄像机 (Wiseman, “Cracking the ‘Great Firewall’ of China’s Web censorship”)。事件发生后,FBI和县警方同时介入调查。经过彻底的调查和搜查,FBI和国家警察并没有查明这三个人的身份。更糟糕d 是,中国政府否认与这一事件有任何牵连。然而,Li 不相信中国政府。相反,他声称被袭击的原因是因为他的身份--一个黑客行动主义者和一名法轮功学员。当然,攻击无论是否由中国政府计划,迄今为止,Li 并不是第一个或唯一目标。还有许多曾经背叛和反对中国政府严格的指导方针的人经历类似事件。 抛开事故,许多中国网民可以说没有利用互联网进行政治目的的意图。相反,他们定期使用网络与他们的朋友或亲戚联系。从农村到城市的人口的大量涌入造成许多家庭分离。中国人依靠互联网,将其作为长期遥远通信的主要工具之一。此外,在一胎化政策的中国,控制人口增长已经导致了“独生子女一代”。很多年轻人都在利用社会化媒体作为一种娱乐形式,以打发自己的无聊或寂寞。另外,从政府控制的媒体信息的不信任狂热导致了许多中国人依靠互联网作为其可信赖的来源信息 (Crampton, “Social Media in China: The Same, but Different”)。互联网的广泛普及使得中国公民都能够与他们远亲联系,并能了解远亲的生活信息。这篇文章,“Social Media in China: The Same, but Different”,提到“中国的互联网用户在网上每天平均2.7小时,较多于比其他发展中国家,并与美国和日本在同水准 (Crampton, “Social Media in China: The Same, but Different”)。总之,能肯定的结论是,典型的中国公民不只是利用互联网进行政治目的,同时也将网络用于其他的活动。有了这样明确的结论,美国和中国互联网的概念彼此不同。如前所述,该差异是由于语言,文化,和人文引起的。从经济上说,美国和中国都在平等彼此 (“World GDP Ranking 2015”)。尽管中国最近的经济势不可挡,它仍然是一个发展中国家, 它的财富分配差异远比美国更大。此外,美国的生活标准仍比中国高。这些经济因素的间接对语言,文化和人文有影响。此后,这自然会导致中国公民的互联网使用不同于美国。例如,中国人不区分互联网和社会化媒体。对他们来说,社交媒体是互联网和互联网是社会化媒体 (Crampton, “Social Media in China: The Same, but Different”)。当一个中国人首先介绍了互联网,它是通过网站,如新浪微博或人人。在中国人会再内化,并假设微博或人人,这是社会化媒体平台,实际上是互联网本身。在美国,互联网和社交媒体之间存在着明显的区别。互联网是一切,这是在线的,但社交媒体只是相隔更大的互联网。此外,还有中国和美国互联网公司之间的差异。中国政府已经禁止了许多知名西方互联网公司以促进了中国互联网企业的增长。即使是审查是原因之一,但它绝对不是的互联网公司在中国的崛起的唯一原因。中国人已经成功地将社交媒体和互联网从西方形式改造为中国形式,以适应自己的文化和规范。尽管许多中国互联网公司看起来像美版完美克隆,中国已经纳入有区别的元素的IT和社交媒体公司之内。在下面的部分,将有中国和美国互联网公司之间的比较。有些会比较的YouTube与优酷网,Twitter与新浪微博,并与Quora的知呼。 第一个比较将是YouTube和优酷之间。在美国,很多人都知道的Youtube作为一个网站,用户可以创建一个帐户,上传视频,并观看来自其他用户上传的视频。该影片主要是短片,并且是自发的,不专业拍摄。在大多数情况下,人们在Youtube上观看短片和短剧。每个视频片段持续大约5分钟。在中国,类似的标准视频平台是优酷。优酷网已经成功地集成了许多YouTube的功能,但扩展了其平台,以适应中国公民和他们的要求。不同于Youtube,优酷有较长的流媒体视频;通常,在优酷网的视频是专业拍摄的。有趣的是,优酷可能似乎更像是美版的Netflix都和Hulu的。 Netflix和Hulu的是功能仅通过娱乐公司专业制作的视频我们都基于订阅的服务。在理性的结论下,中国公民使用的优酷更像是一个电视服务,而不是看短片或短剧。 下一个比较,我要涵盖的是Twitter与中国的新浪微博热门美微博客服务之间的区别。两者之间的主要相似的是,既允许用户在每个正好140个字符博客。但是,在中国的和内部的英文写成140字符之间存在着巨大的差异。在英语中,只有140个字符,通信是非常有限的。由于每个英文拼成多个字符的话,用户的高度限制在他们被允许说什么;这就是为什么它的考虑微博客。在中国的情况,但是,有很大的不同。在中国,它有可能为一个字符为等同于一个字;因此,一个音节表示一个字。由于中国语言的本质,在140个字符的限制变得更加煞费苦心。时下流行的“微博”变成只是单纯的’博客’为中国用户。一个有趣的例子是Dell电脑。该公司博客关于他们的最新报价,销售之一。下面是中国和英文之间的比较。为了示范的目的,这两者的实施例将示于英语。英文版本是从Twitter和它如下:

“Today’s Deal: Get FREE Eco-Lite Sleeve with the purchase of any Dell Outlet Insprion Mini 10 or 10v Netbook!”


“Dell’s National Day Sale runs from Sept. 11 to Oct. 8. To celebrate the 60th anniversary with the motherland, Dell Home Computers is offering 6 cool gifts and deals on 10 computer models. These exciting offers will run non-stop for 4 weeks. Also, get a free upgrade to color casing and a 512MB independent graphics card, as well as other service upgrades. All offers are on a first-come, first- served basis. What are you waiting for? Act now!” (Crampton, “Social Media in China: The Same, but Different”).

根据“Social Media in China: The Same, but Different”,,在中国,114个文字等同于434个英文字母。由于语言的差异,美国的企业需要成功地使用新浪微博和中国社交平台来发布中国各地的广告。因此,在语言上的差异,也导致新浪微博要查看更多的博客平台,而不是美国的微博形式的。 最后,本文会比较的是美国Quora和中国知乎的差异。两个网站都允许用户创建一个帐户,并提出问题。用户可以回答彼此的问题,并有排名的最佳答案的能力。此后,无论是Quora还是知乎都拥有鼓励活跃的用户社区,能够发布和回答问题的智力,包含各种话题。此外,两者都依赖于专业人员和任何特定领域的专家。例如,这个想法和比尔·盖茨或马云的机会回答的用户的问题之一将激励他们要问的问题。Quora的首次亮相于2009年,而知乎在两年后--2011年首次亮相,由于Facebook和Google被中国禁止,知呼的创始人预计Quora也将被中国禁止 (Tan, “ZhiHu: Quora clone, Made in China”). 除去相似之处,Quora于知呼也有关键和重要的差异。其中一个重要区别是,Quora可链接其它美国的社交媒体网站,如Facebook和Twitter。此外,Quora也是能够链接中国用户的网站,以及中国社交媒体。由于Facebook在中国被禁止,知呼有提请其大部分社区和活动的关中国的社交媒体网站,如新浪微博和人人网的 (Tan, “ZhiHu: Quora clone, Made in China”)。因此,人们认为它们吸引到它们各自的网站的类型是不同的。此外,另一个区别是,知呼在很大程度上受到了中国政府和审查系统监控。用户是鼓励张贴和回答问题;但是,如果有任何问题涉及到敏感话题或反政府的,那么后期将被删除。如前所述,警告的累积后,该用户将被网站禁止。总之,尽管有相似之处,人们既Quora的知呼和吸引的类型,最终由于其各自无论是从一种普遍的网站的社交媒体网站来了像Facebook,以上仅中国人喜欢新浪微博的社会变化。 总体而言,即使有在美国和中国的互联网有相似之处,但差异也是如此。有些差别包括中国严格的审查制度。尽管它的严厉执行中国政府,很多中国公民利用互联网超过政治原因。此外,由于中国的审查制度,社会媒体的许多西方形式已被禁止在中国。这导致了许多中国克隆版美国互联网公司,如YouTube在中国的克隆是优酷网,Twitter在中国的新浪微博,与Quora的在中国的知呼。即使他们是克隆,存在特殊的差异,使得优酷网,新浪微博,制壶,和其他许多中国互联网公司特别是中国特色中。这可能是由于中国的不同语言,文化和人民。

Works Cited
Crampton, T. (2011, January 1). Social Media in China: The Same, but Different. Retrieved April 30, 2015, from
Shao, G. (2012). Internet Speech. In Internet law in China (p. 53). Oxford: Chandos Pub.
Tan, F. (2011, January 25). ZhiHu: Quora clone, Made in China. Retrieved April 30, 2015, from
Wiseman, P., & Today, U. (n.d.). Cracking the 'Great Firewall' of China's Web censorship. Retrieved April 30, 2015, from
World GDP Ranking 2015. (2015, April 1). Retrieved April 30, 2015, from

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...Available at: Achieving Mutual Understanding for Effective Intercultural Management Helen Spencer-Oatey Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick WORKING PAPER Abstract Purpose – To introduce an approach to managing intercultural communication that is effective for achieving mutual understanding among people in culturally complex situations. Design/methodology/approach – The paper takes a ‘meaning negotiation’ approach to the intercultural communication process. It argues against a generalised ‘differences/adaptation’ approach, and maintains that people need to interact in contextually sensitive ways. Findings – The paper outlines a set of strategies that can help people in intercultural interaction contexts negotiate and agree the messages they are trying to convey. It draws them together into a conceptual framework of intercultural communication competencies. Research limitations/implications – The paper only focuses on the communication of messages, not the use of language to manage relationships. It also does not attempt to suggest practical techniques for helping managers and their staff develop competence in using the strategies. Practical implications – Since mutual understanding is achieved through meaning negotiation, it is important for managers and their staff to know how this takes place and to develop a communication strategy for implementing it. Social implications...

Words: 6858 - Pages: 28

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...In Other Words This book addresses the need for a systematic approach to the training of translators and provides an explicit syllabus which reflects some of the main intricacies involved in rendering a text from one language into another. It explores the relevance of some of the key areas of modern linguistic theory and illustrates how an understanding of these key areas can guide and inform at least some of the decisions that translators have to make. It draws on insights from current research in such areas as lexical studies, text linguistics and pragmatics to maintain a constant link between language, translation, and the social and cultural environment in which both language and translation operate. In Other Words examines various areas of language, ranging from the meaning of single words and expressions to grammatical categories and cultural contexts. Firmly grounded in modern linguistic theory, the book starts at a simple level and grows in complexity by widening its focus gradually. The author explains with clarity and precision the concepts and theoretical positions explored within each chapter and relates these to authentic examples of translated texts in a variety of languages, although a knowledge of English is all that is required to understand the examples presented. Each chapter ends with a series of practical exercises which provide the translator with an opportunity to test the relevance of the issues discussed. This combination of theoretical discussion and...

Words: 109520 - Pages: 439

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Reflection on Esol Teaching and Learning

... which focuses on vocabulary, grammar and linguistic phenomenon rather than on listening and speaking. The teaching pattern is text-based and teacher-dominated, and will inevitably prevent students from developing their creativities. I used to be an English teacher in a vocational college of China and the ages of my students usually range from 17 to 21. In the process of English learning, students often confront with some concrete problems. For example, all the students learnt the dialogue: “How are you?” “Fine/Good.” However, when a foreigner asks them “How are you?” in their presence, most of them don’t know how to give response. Obviously, lots of students cannot transfer their theoretical knowledge into oral application. Many students always get high scores in English test but speak English stutteringly. Nowadays, in the campus, more and more college students are bothered by the CET (College English Test). They always hold a vocabulary book in their hands and make their efforts to memorize these words. They just mechanically stuff these vocabularies into their brains but rarely think of how to associate one word with other related words or how to use one word in a specified context. I still remember that many students asked me how to cope with English vocabularies and they often complained that it was really difficult to memorize them. In fact, how to memorize English vocabularies has become an obstacle for a great many Chinese students. Besides vocabularies, English grammar...

Words: 453 - Pages: 2

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Artsinfluences of Hengshui Dialect on Englishpronunciation Learningcandidate

...only the phonics imitation method,but also the basic knowledge about phonetics.However,with the influence of quality-orientededucation and the western language teaching mode,pronunciation teaching in China tends touse the imitation method and the basic knowledge of phonetics is undervalued.It is worth tonotice that English acquisition environment for Chinese students is different from the West.First,English teachers in China are mostly Chinese.Even if there are foreign teachers,theforeigners teaching force is relatively weak.Second,the language surrounding to the studentsis mainly in Chinese.And students in the oral English class are not active to participate andinteract.Moreover,English belongs to Indo-European language system,while Chinesebelongs to Sino-Tibetan language system.They belong to different language families andthere are many differences in tone,syllable and phoneme.Thus the negative influence ofChinese on the English acquisition is great.Without any basic knowledge of phonetics,thelearners will meet lots of difficulties when they learn a new language which is quite differentfrom their mother tongue.Therefore,the Chinese phonetic teaching only relying on theimitation phonics method is premature.This study aims at the practical problems in phonetics teaching.And the basic currentsituation of English phonetics teaching in Hengshui is summed up by the way of surveys,questionnaires,interviews,statistics analysis,etc.According to the survey results,this thesisanalyzes the...

Words: 17475 - Pages: 70

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Pidgins, Creoles and the Critical Period Hypothesis

...UNIVERSIDAD DE BELGRANO FACULTAD DE LENGUAS Y ESTUDIOS EXTRANJEROS TRADUCTORADO PÚBLICO, LITERARIO Y CIENT. TEC. DE INGLÉS PROF. ALEJANDRO PARINI “PIDGINS, CREOLES AND THE CRITICAL PERIOD HYPOTHESIS” SAMANTHA VÁSQUEZ 7517 INTRODUCTION In this paper I am going to talk about pidgins and creoles from the point of view of language acquisition. Creolistics (short form for pidgin and creole linguistics) have provided some revealing and controversial insights into language evolution, acquisition and use; though disagreements exist over what languages or varieties can be labelled as 'creole' or as 'pidgin', and debate continues over the nature of creolization, the 'life cycle' of pidgins and creoles and the origin of grammatical structures in creoles which are absent in any preceding pidgin. PIDGIN LANGUAGES A pidgin language is a language which is based on another language or to be precise on several other languages. A pidgin language develops among people and becomes a means of communication among people who speak different native languages, but in contrast to normal natural languages a pidgin language shows a very poor grammar and a sharply curtailed vocabulary. The major ingredients of a pidgin language come from the native languages of the pidgin speakers. The language with the strongest influence on the pidgin is called the superstrate language and all other contributing languages are called the substrate...

Words: 1536 - Pages: 7

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The Importance Of Language

...humans to express their ideas, thoughts and knowledge through communication. The terms that will be discussedare imperative in comprehension linguistics. Teaching second language learners how to read, recognize otheir learning types, strengths and weaknesses higher performance and language development is achieved. Language is the communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals such as voice, sounds gesters, or written symbols. Dialect refers to a particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific region or social group. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is the general idea that differences in language structure cause people to view the world...

Words: 1094 - Pages: 5

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Formation of English Literary Language

...Саратовский Государственный Университет им Н.Г.Чернышевского Literary Language Formation of English Literary Language Выполнила студентка 411 группы Журкина Дарья Саратов, 2012 1. Literary Language  Literary language is a developed form of a national language, with norms fixed in writing to varying extents; the language of all manifestations of culture that are expressed in words. The concept of a “developed form” is historically variable (in different ages and with different peoples). In the age of feudalism many peoples of the world used foreign languages as their written literary languages. The Iranian and Turkish peoples used classical Arabic, the Japanese and Koreans used classical Chinese, the Germanic and West Slavic peoples used Latin, and the people in the Baltic region and the Czechs used German. The popular languages supplanted the foreign language in many functional spheres of communication during the 14th and 15th centuries in some states and in the 16th and 17th centuries in others. The literary language is always the result of collective creative activity. The notion that the norms of a literary language are “fixed” is somewhat relative (despite all the importance and stability of the norm, it changes in time). It is not possible to imagine a national culture that is rich and developed without a rich and developed literary language. This is why the problem of the literary language is very important for society. Linguists do not agree about the...

Words: 2366 - Pages: 10

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English Proficiency

...UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP SYSTEM - DALTA UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP SYSTEM - DALTA MOLINO CAMPUS MOLINO CAMPUS Molino III, Bacoor City Molino III, Bacoor City English Proficiency of Grade 9 Students of University of Perpetual Help System – DALTA – Molino Campus Francia Lasala Maria Angelica Anne Velasco Kurt Wilson Arias James Oliver Niango Eduardo Delima III Lester Evangelista Rovic Kalugdan Alexander Acedilla RESEARCHERS Figure 1: Respondent’s Mother’s Educational Background Figure 1 shows that among the 210 respondents, 42% of the Respondents Mother’s educational background are graduated at Bachelor’s Degree, 36% of respondents Mother’s educational background are Highschool graduate, 21% of respondents Mother’s educational background are graduated at Master’s Degree and 1 % of the respondents Mother’s educational background is graduated at Doctoral’s Degree. This shows that majority of the respondents Mother’s educational background has graduated at a Bachelor’s Degree. Figure 2: Respondents Father’s Educational Background Figure 2 shows that among the 210 respondents, 49% of the Respondents Father’s educational background are graduated at Bachelor’s Degree, 25% of respondents Father’s educational background are Highschool graduate, 25% of respondents Father’s educational background are graduated at Master’s Degree and 1 % of the respondents Father’s educational background is graduated at Doctoral’s Degree. This shows...

Words: 774 - Pages: 4

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Introduction to Sociolinguistic

...AITA01 1 5/9/05, 4:36 PM Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics The books included in this series provide comprehensive accounts of some of the most central and most rapidly developing areas of research in linguistics. Intended primarily for introductory and post-introductory students, they include exercises, discussion points, and suggestions for further reading. 1. Liliane Haegeman 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Andrew Spencer Helen Goodluck Ronald Wardhaugh Martin Atkinson Diane Blakemore Michael Kenstowicz Deborah Schiffrin John Clark and Colin Yallop 10. 11. 12. 13. Natsuko Tsujimura Robert D. Borsley Nigel Fabb Irene Heim and Angelika Kratzer 14. Liliane Haegeman and Jacqueline Guéron 15. Stephen Crain and Diane Lillo-Martin 16. Joan Bresnan 17. Barbara A. Fennell 18. Henry Rogers 19. Benjamin W. Fortson IV 20. AITA01 Liliane Haegeman 2 Introduction to Government and Binding Theory (Second Edition) Morphological Theory Language Acquisition Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Fifth Edition) Children’s Syntax Understanding Utterances Phonology in Generative Grammar Approaches to Discourse An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (Second Edition) An Introduction to Japanese Linguistics Modern Phrase Structure Grammar Linguistics and Literature Semantics in Generative Grammar English Grammar: A Generative Perspective An Introduction to Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition Lexical-Functional Syntax ...

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