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Choosing A DUI Lawyer

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If you are arrested on suspicion of DUI, the most important thing that you can do to lessen your chance of being convicted is to hire a DUI lawyer. Choosing the right DUI lawyer can make or break your case. Considering all of the costs of a DUI conviction, not only financial but also time commitments and emotional stress, it is well worth the effort to seek out the counsel of a skilled DUI attorney.

It can be tricky to pick a lawyer who will be able to fight your case most effectively, especially if you've never had a reason to hire a lawyer before. Choosing the right attorney is a bit more complex than just opening up the phone book and picking a law firm at random. You want to hire the most experienced attorney you can find. You can begin …show more content…
They will know all of the ins and outs of the law, and be able to fight against the admission of your blood alcohol tests or breathalyzer results. Finding a DUI lawyer in the state in which you were arrested is crucial if you want to defend yourself in court. Do not be afraid to ask your potential lawyer about their specific experience working with defendants in DUI cases similar to yours.

It is important to find a DUI lawyer who is not only experienced, but who also makes you feel comfortable with the procedure. Many attorneys offer no-obligation consultation visits, during which time they will explain what they plan to do in your specific situation. Pick a DUI lawyer who puts your mind at ease, and who you feel comfortable trusting with the outcome of your case.

Your attorney should ask a lot of questions about your background and the situation. Both can make a huge impact on the strategies used to fight your case. For example, you may wish to avoid plea-bargaining if any criminal conviction will affect your current job. Be prepared to answer questions about the circumstances of your DUI charge honestly, because your attorney needs to understand exactly what happened before preparing a defense

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