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Christ Church

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The finial I visited was my primer church. The church I attend is called Christ Church, located in Montclair, New Jersey. I started to attend Christ Church during my freshman year at Drew and I absolute love it. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming. Everyone is always friendly and the ushers are always making sure that you are comfortable. Christ Church is completely different from my childhood church that I grew up in. My old childhood church named Mont Olive Church of God or what we call it MOC, is Haitian based church. Which means that majority of people that attend the church are Haitian and culture that surrounds the church is Haitian. While my old church only represented one ethnic group, Christ Church is the complete opposite. Christ …show more content…
After observing and analyzing what I have seen, I can say that Christ Church has a Pro-Choice view of the world. Takes this term from Kristin Luker who wrote the article “World Views of the Activist” where in her article she discuss the different views, beliefs, and meanings that pro-life and pro-choice activist have when it comes topics such as gender roles, parenthood and most important abortion. And when it comes to pro-choice activist and their view on sex, Luker states in her article that Pro-choice activist see sex more than just producing children and it more about the pleasure, the human contract and most important the intimacy. She furthermore and says, “Despite the claims of some pro-life people, pro-choice people do believe that sex can be sacred but it is a different kind of sacredness that they have in mind…. It can be achieved only when people feel secure, when they feel trusting, and when they feel love for themselves and for the other” (Luker

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