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Arlington House Research Paper

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Arlington Paper
I: Arlington History
George Washington was the step-father to George Washington Parke Custis. George who was the founder of our country, married Martha Washington and had five kids. George Washington’s wife Martha Dandridge who was part of the family. Martha Dandridge had originally inhabited the Arlington House. Then, after the death of her first husband, Daniel the Arlington House was acquired by Martha Dandridge. Mary Randolph who is the great granddaughter of Martha Washington. Robert was the son of Ann and Henry Lee, Arlington’s army took Robert away from his family. Lee decided to leave, because he had his heart set on the southern, he went to the south to put aside the bitterness and work to reunite the country. According to the certificate of sale, Arlington’s new owner intended to reserve the property for …show more content…
in the Civil War guards have to go through physical training and take other kinds of tests. They have to be 6 feet tall, their weight has to be trim, have to have perfect military record, and can’t have any police record. Twenty-One is so important, because of them saying twenty-one salute. The Sentinel’s creed that all sentinel’s at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers in Arlington memorize. The ninety-nine words of the crees captures the meaning of their duty.
IV: John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy had passed away on November 22, 1963. He was the 35th president, was born May 29, 1917. John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and they decided to bury him at the Arlington National Cemetery, because he would be with other presidents that died. The quote “Change is the law of life.And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” The External Flame is place at a president’s burial site, it’ll never go out. It represents the memory or that person and will go on forever.
V: Other Famous

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