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Advantages Of EOPS

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“According to a recent National Student Clearinghouse report, only 40 percent of college students finish their degree from start to finish while another 30 percent drop out” (College Recruiter 1). Most students are somewhat aware that their college offers career assistance, but don’t know how it can greatly enhance their education. There are so many unheard of programs and resources available at Cypress College that very few students take advantage of. For students that want to succeed and take their education to the next level, EOPS is a must. EOPS offers specialized counseling, priority registration, financial support, and much more.
After learning about all the programs and resources from the tour, EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs & …show more content…
Many students qualify for this free service but don’t take advantage of it. Instead of going to each individual resource on campus, EOPS has everything a student needs to succeed in college. The EOPS staff becomes like a family to most students so they feel welcomed whenever they want no matter what kind of problem they are facing. For example, if someone is having problems outside of school because they broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend, EOPS has counseling and advisement to help. Almost all students, no matter how intelligent they are, need some sort of help throughout their college career. If you fall behind in a class, or don’t quite understand a concept in your class, EOPS is the place to go. The EOPS staff will kindly welcome qualified students who need help in any class and provide enhanced tutoring for that student. If for some reason a student has …show more content…
The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program is only available for students in EOPS and are single parents receiving public assistance. CARE is combined with three agencies that hope to, “break the welfare-dependency cycle by completing college-level educational training to become more employable and economically self-sufficient” (Cypress College 1). The students that qualify for CARE receive extra counseling if needed, childcare grans, free gas cards, meal coupons, etc. This is recommended that all single parents with children under 14 year’s old signs up for EOPS, which will then qualify you for the CARE program. The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWorks) program is developed to give cash aid and services to eligible needy families. People who qualify for CARE may also be eligible for CalWORKS. For families that have little or no cash and needs housing, food, utilities, clothing, or medical care, it is highly recommended that they apply for EOPS. This aid is usually short term but families that qualify may apply for ongoing assistance. This works for students that need just a little help and for students that need a lot of help. Signing up for CalWORKS is usually a very long process involving a lot of people and a lot of work, but through EOPS, the staff will guide you with everything needed to receive the help

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