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Organized Crime Research Paper

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Incidents of Organized Crime


Domestic and international crimes have great impacts politically, socially, and economically. Various criminals who organize crimes have different reasons behind. For the Black Liberation Army, they are after social justice and equality due to the rampant police brutality directed to the Blacks. To the Russian Mafias, there is a need to generate money and make more profit through the illegal activities they undertake even if it means that they have to rob, kill, and destroy the lives of people. Although these criminals have different reasons in committing crimes, they after their own welfare and self-interest, even if it means that they achieving their goals require force, threat, intimidation, and even …show more content…
As a matter of fact, this crisis has received a lot of profound scrutiny by various scholars. One of the groups which inflicted violence in the country is the Black Liberation Army (BLA). This group is regarded by Curtis J. Austin as a mysterious organization because of its violent trajectory (as cited in Rosenau, 2013, p.177). Quite significantly, this group is regarded to be very notorious because of the violence it used to achieve its specific goals: the killing of a state trooper in New Jersey circa 1973; the escape of BLA leader Joane Chesimard from the prison cell in 1979; the robbery in New York of a Brinks armored truck which led to the death of two police officers and a guard; and twenty other recorded fatalities in the United States (Rosenau, 2013, p.177). Rosenau (2013, p.181) claimed that the BLA's attacks were considered as a realization with how police brutality to the Black communities. The more that Blacks were murdered, the more that these armed goons resist against what they considered as a racist government. Although it has been largely ignored, Blacks are deprived of social justice and equality because of their race (Faraj, 2007, …show more content…
However, they have different reasons why they carry out such inhumane acts. The Black Liberation Army (BLA) is more focused on abolishing classes. Members of this group believed that Blacks are entitled to social justice and equality, just like the Whites. Thus, it is important that the government is able to redress their grievances because it is through recognizing their need that the violence inflicted by the BLA is alleviated, if not totally abolished. On the other hand, the Russian Mafia is more focused on operating illegal activities just to gain more profit. As a matter of fact, the mafias are very wise because they have taken advantage of globalization to advance their evil cause. Regardless of the reasons behind, these two groups have a common denominator in committing crimes: they are after their own interest and

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