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San Jose City College Case Study

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Essay #1
The San Jose City College has many services and degree programs that encourage success and excellence for its students and the surrounding community. The San Jose City College ensures students success since it’s an affordable school, which make easier for both adults and young adults to go back to school to get the higher education, the degree and programs offer at San Jose City College could guide to find the path of the right career for students, and students with kids and have full-time job can also take advantage of the flexible class schedules to attend and get the education that they need.
First of all, the San Jose City College is an affordable school for all students. Moreover, Students could get federal assistance, scholarships, and grants which covered to pay for all their school expenses. Besides, it has different variety of classes in all different career fields. Student could get the associate degree from San Jose City College with their desired major within 2 years with the financial grants from government. The school offer more university transferable courses than any other community schools around the bay area. Students can take classes in San Jose City College and transfer to 4 year university instead of taking …show more content…
There are students who are undecided about their major and unable to make the career decision. In that case, the guidance class encourage students to find out what they are really skilled and what personality they have to get match with the right career for each and individual student. In detail, students will learn themselves by taking personality or career assessment tests. Moreover, the career counselors give them an advice in their career choices and help them realized which job makes them happy when it comes to choose their life time

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