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Planning for Family-Friendly Communities Briefing Paper

April 2010

Child care and community development by Kristen Anderson & Ellen Dektar, Local Investment in Child Care (LINCC) The American Planning Association (APA) has long recognized in its Policy Guide on the Provision of Child Care (1997) that child care is a critical component of livable communities for many families in urban, suburban and rural areas, and that local planning policies can play an important role in ensuring adequate child care. Whether by necessity or choice, the majority of parents work and many depend upon formal, organized out‐of‐home care. Since there is no federal or state universal child care system or guidelines for child care planning, most communities have supply gaps that are especially pronounced for infant/toddler age groups and lower income families. Preschool‐age programs (mostly part‐day) are proliferating nationally due to public awareness of the value of early learning. State spending on preschool increased from $2.4 billion to $4.2 billion nationwide between 2005 and 2007 (Wat, 2007). Similarly, federal and state spending on child care subsidies has more than tripled in the last decade, but most communities still face problems with inadequate supply of quality, affordable child care (Warner 2007). The majority of child care and part‐day preschool centers are run by private or nonprofit entities (rather than school districts or cities) and supported largely by parent fees and the use of low‐cost space in churches or schools. The extent and diversity of local early care and education is usually determined by the availability and/or assertiveness of child care operators and intermediary agencies as well as parents’ workforce participation rates and ability to pay fees. Planners can influence child care programs by creating policies, identifying local resources and working with developers and community partners. For example, long‐range comprehensive plans, zoning codes and permitting practices can facilitate or inhibit the development of child care centers and homes. This paper details how a robust local system of child care and early education programs has social, economic, and environmental benefits for the child, family and community. It provides useful examples of policies, strategies and on‐the‐ground child care projects for planners seeking to enhance child care services to build family friendly communities. Five key points are covered: 1. Accessible, affordable and quality child care benefits parents and children. 2. Child care contributes to the local economy by supporting parents and local employers. 3. The location and availability of child care can affect other community development goals and activities including smart growth initiatives. 4. Addressing community child care needs in long‐range planning documents and project reviews results in more family‐friendly neighborhoods. 5. City partnerships can help overcome the financing challenges of improving local child care systems.

This research was made possible with funding from the Cornell University Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project, which is supported by the WK Kellogg Foundation and the Peppercorn Foundation. Professor Mildred Warner directs the project. Additional issue briefs and case studies can be found at: 1

Child care is often the missing link in community planning and economic development.

Key Point #1: Accessible, affordable and quality child care benefits parents and children. Accessible, quality child care supports the ability of parents to participate in the workforce, be economically self‐sufficient and balance their work and family needs. In 2007, 71 percent of mothers with children under age 18, and 55 percent of mothers with children under a year old, were employed (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2008). In 2005, 89 percent of children under five and 63 percent of school‐age children with employed mothers regularly attended some sort of child care arrangement (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008). However, high‐quality, affordable, and reliable child care is hard to find. In 2003, the market prices of full‐ time, mediocre‐quality child care exceeded the costs of public college tuition in 49 states (Schulman, 2003). Studies indicate that American families spend up to one‐ quarter of their income on child care (Kimmel, 2006; OECD, 2005). Furthermore, a growing proportion of American employees work nonstandard shifts (e.g. nights, weekends) during which regulated child care is nearly nonexistent (Henly & Lambert, 2005; Presser, 1988). These financial and logistical constraints often turn parents to low‐cost, flexible, informal care arrangements with relatives, friends or neighbors (Meyers & Jordan, 2006). Estimates are that close to half of children are cared for in informal arrangements (Sonenstein et al, 2002). Planners need to consider how policies can support both family, friend and neighbor care as well as regulated center and family child care homes. Equally important as the benefits of child care to parents is the crucial value to children. Quality early care and education programs support a child’s optimal development 2

and readiness for success in school. Longitudinal research (e.g. Chicago Child‐Parent Centers, High/Scope Perry Preschool and Abecedarian Projects) shows that children who attend high‐quality preschool programs are less likely to be placed in special education; less likely to be held back a grade; and more likely to graduate from high school and attend college. They also perform better on standardized tests in reading and math (Wat, 2007). The Perry Preschool Study followed participants in a high‐quality program for more than 40 years and found that, as adults, they were less likely to be arrested, more likely to own a home, and more likely to be employed (Schweinhart et al, 2005). While these studies targeted “at‐risk” children from low‐income families, other research shows positive effects for all children. Program quality, however, is an important factor. The challenge for planners is to promote quality while supporting a diversity of child care options in the market place. Planners can help strengthen the child care sector with their planning, zoning and finance tools as detailed below. Key Point #2: Child care contributes to the local economy by supporting parents and local employers. Significant savings to society and the national economy, in both the short and long term are realized by investments in early childhood education. Economists have found that high‐quality early childhood education offers one of the highest long‐term returns of any public investment – more than $7 for every dollar spent. At the macroeconomic level, researchers have correlated quality child care programs with greater gross domestic product, jobs and human capital creation (Wat, 2007). Many economic developers recognize the importance of child care to local economic development. A 2006 survey of economic developers and chamber of commerce leaders in New York State found that: • 83% agree that childcare should be a part of economic development policy. • • • 82% recognize that a lack of affordable, quality, convenient child care reduces worker productivity. 67% feel that businesses’ ability to attract and retain workers is hurt by lack of quality child care. 58% acknowledge an inadequate supply of quality childcare in their community (Warner, 2007).

Similar results were found with economic developers in a Wisconsin study. However a national survey of planners found that only 20 percent recognized that their community lacked an adequate supply of affordable child care. A shocking 43 percent did not know about child care supply problems (Israel and Warner 2008). Why are economic developers better informed? Since 1997 more than 70 states and cities have conducted economic impact studies of child care to calculate the size of the industry at the state and county level and its multiplier effect in the local economy. (A database of these studies is available on Cornell University’s Linking Economic Development and Child Care project website.) These studies find that child care is a significant small business sector. For example, in Kansas the child care sector employed more than 14,000 workers and indirectly supported working families who make almost $2 billion a year. (Mid‐America Regional Council, 2003). Warner’s (2009) economic analyses found that, “On average, for each new dollar spent in the child care sector, the broader statewide economic impact is two dollars. For each new job created in the child care sector, the broader statewide impact is 1 ½ jobs.” Child care was included in the 2009 Stimulus Bill passed by Congress because of its high stimulus effect and because child care businesses are particularly susceptible to the recession due to low margins and high turnover. Planners need to give special attention to strengthening the child care sector as a critical social infrastructure for economic development. Local employers can be important partners in this effort. Some public and private employers sponsor on‐ or near‐site child care centers realizing substantial benefits in reduced turnover, absenteeism, training and recruitment costs, project delays and employee inefficiencies. Employers may sponsor child care solely for their employees or as part of a consortium, or pay to reserve child care slots in an existing program. An interesting example comes from post‐Hurricane Katrina Mississippi where child care facilities were destroyed, leaving refinery workers unable to return to work. Chevron Corporation worked with local organizations to get child care facilities back online, recognizing that it was a critical support infrastructure for the local economy (Warner et al, 2007). Many jurisdictions have leveraged the economic benefits of child care through public financing. Economic development tools, such as redevelopment (tax 3

increment) funds and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), have been used to revitalize neighborhoods and encourage new child care businesses, which create jobs and revenue. • San Jose, California made $1.5 million of redevelopment funds available to child care developers through an RFP process. The City of South San Francisco built a 100‐child center in an office park to help retain and grow its significant biotech industry. The redevelopment agency used $2.7 million of bond funds to construct the 8,500 square foot facility and then leased it to a nonprofit operator. Other public and private funds were leveraged to support start‐up. State Enterprise Zone tax credits are used for child care in several New York municipalities. Federal CDBG funds commonly subsidize child care operations or facility construction/renovation for low‐income populations (Anderson, 2006). Starting new child care businesses is an eligible economic development activity. San Jose and San Mateo County in California, among others, fund family child care home business development projects that provide training, technical assistance and start‐up resources . Other cities support consortia of family child care providers to help them access economies of scale in purchasing and management. The non‐ profit Acre Family Child Care Network in Lowell, Massachusetts oversees 39 homes that serve an average of 234 children daily (Stoney 2004).

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South San Francisco built a child care center in an office park to support the growth of its biotechnology industry.

Other economic development strategies used to strengthen the child care sector include business management training and collective purchasing arrangements for providers, and community outreach regarding tax credits and subsidies for families (Warner et al, 2004).

Key Point #3: The location and availability of child care can affect other community development goals and activities including smart growth initiatives. Increasingly popular smart growth and sustainable community planning focuses on coordinating housing, jobs and services near each other with goals of increasing housing and transportation choices, denser development, and walkable neighborhoods. Theoretically these initiatives support the daily needs of families. However, child care is overlooked in most new and existing residential, commercial and mixed‐use developments and community smart growth strategies. Accessing child care convenient to home, work, or school is a challenge for many parents, particularly those who depend on public transit or rely on subsidized child care. When it is not conveniently located, parents must increase their miles driven and time spent in vehicles, contribute to traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions, and spend less time physically active or participating in the community and with family. The National Household Travel Survey found that, nationwide, young children average 65 minutes a day in cars. Livable communities for young families must include housing choices that are family‐sized and affordable

to a range of incomes and also integrate child care. Many such projects have been built across the nation. Facilities in denser areas may require features such as rooftop playgrounds. Child care centers can be located in or near transit, housing and workplaces in urban, suburban and rural areas to facilitate transit ridership and support mixed‐ use development (LINCC 2005, 2008a). A California study determined that parents will ride transit— even by choice — to and from child care when the facility is conveniently located. Ridership rates are highest in urban areas with robust public transit and for low‐income populations (LINCC 2008b). Some cities link affordable housing programs with child care to increase the supply of family child care in housing development. This is important as the majority of infant care is provided in family child care homes and many apartment owners prohibit child care businesses. Examples of urban, suburban and rural communities addressing child care needs include: • San Diego ’s City Heights neighborhood, one of its redeveloped urban villages, has several family‐ friendly components within walkable distance of housing including a Head Start center, schools, parks, a health clinic, library, police substation and community college campus. Rural Watsonville, California offers high‐density housing over child care, adjacent to the downtown bus station (LINCC 2008a). This enables parents to drop children and take the bus instead of driving to child care then work. Downtown employees can bus in, drop their kids and walk to work. A Washington State child care center, which was developed near affordable housing and a bus station, made the home‐to‐work trip more convenient for parents of young children.

In San Jose, California, the community co‐located child care and affordable housing near a light rail station.

While there are demonstrated strategies to include child care in new development, many master planned communities have not adequately anticipated the needs of children. For instance, the master plan for San Francisco’s Mission Bay neighborhood proposed 6,000 housing units and seven million square feet of office, R&D, and retail space. Three child care centers were recommended as well as land use entitlements to allow family child care “by right” within residential zones. Although most condos and apartments have been built in the past six years, child care and family amenity planning has fallen short. A news article quoted one resident as saying, “You are trying to build a transit‐ 4

only neighborhood and you have parents driving to other neighborhoods for day care, schools, and playgrounds and then coming back to Mission Bay.” One child care center has a waiting list of 3,000 (Dinneen 2009).

elements. Many call for integration of child care needs assessments for proposed developments. Cities can also offer density bonuses, parking reductions or other ‘trade‐ offs’ to incentivize the inclusion of child care in developments when those facilities require a below‐market lease rate. Such incentives may be implemented through zoning codes or negotiated as part of a development agreement. Planners in all states can tap into child care experts who track demographics such as workforce participation rates and child care supply and demand at Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (R&Rs). R&Rs can be resources to assess the local child care market and serve as potential partners in developing policies to support child care development. When child care is intentionally planned in new development or redevelopment, neighbors’ “not‐in‐my‐ backyard” (NIMBY) opposition, a frequent obstacle to proposed child care projects, may be minimized. Potential homebuyers who are aware of a child care center’s location (existing or future) in a development can make their purchase decision accordingly. The following examples illustrate some of the ways local jurisdictions are integrating child care into community development. General/comprehensive plans • Delano, a city in rapidly developing rural Kern County, California adopted a General Plan policy that requires a child care needs assessment for new projects. Vermont state law includes child care as one of 13 specific goals for municipal and regional planning. White Plains, New York changed zoning in 2008 to allow child care in office zones; subsequently a 114‐ child facility opened in an office park. San Diego, California allows child care centers by right in all non‐residential zones Step‐by‐step child care permitting guides have been developed in various cities (See San Mateo, California’s at Riverside County, California has expedited Fast‐track permitting for child care centers.

Key Point #4: Addressing community child care needs in long‐range planning documents and project reviews results in more family‐friendly neighborhoods. Communities engage in long‐range planning to ensure the appropriate location of uses needed by residents, workers and visitors. Family‐friendly communities plan for those facilities and services families need to thrive and stay in the community, including housing and transportation, schools, parks, and child care (Israel and Warner 2008). Failure to consider child care results in supply gaps, increased development costs, poorer linkages to families housing and transportation, and neighborhood resistance when projects are proposed in built‐out areas. Land use planning tools increasingly address child care and systematize its inclusion in community development (Anderson 2006; Warner 2007). Many jurisdictions include child care policies and programs in long‐range comprehensive/ general plans to reduce barriers to the permitting of child care in numerous zoning districts, simplifying processes and minimizing fees. These actions enable the child care market to more effectively respond to demand. The general plans in dozens of California cities incorporate child care in land use, transportation, economic development, public facilities, social services or other 5

Zoning •

Planning Practices •

Developer Agreements and Fees • Livermore, California instituted a developer fee to fund community facilities including child care, senior and disabled facilities. Over a dozen California cities and counties have instituted such developer fees or inclusionary ordinances. Developer agreements have been negotiated by cities to include child care facility construction, in lieu fees or tuition subsidies.

Cities providing land and/or financing for affordable housing projects can issue developer RFPs that request a child care component. The Rich Sorro Commons affordable housing development in San Francisco includes both a small center and a residential unit set aside for family child care.

Key Point #5: City partnerships can help overcome the financing challenges of improving local child care systems. Because of the inelasticity of child care fees and parents’ inability to pay higher fees beyond a certain point, the majority of child care providers cannot generate revenue sufficient to pay for capital costs. Joint development is one way of overcoming financing Type to enter text challenges. Cities and their partners (e.g. school districts, transit agencies, and housing developers) have brokered creative public and private support for child care projects. Each stakeholder benefits from having child care available and convenient for different populations (e.g. transit riders, affordable housing residents, students, employees). Each brings unique contributions to the table. A child care center/learning lab to be built at Santa Monica College in California is a good example. The 12,500 square‐foot early childhood education center with a 7,500 square‐foot outdoor play area will be designed and built at the Civic Center with $7 million from a bond measure approved by voters in 2004. The city is contributing revenue from a child care impact fee on development. The 125‐child center will serve employees nearby at city hall, RAND corporation, county courthouse, and residents of a 330‐unit housing project. It will also serve as a learning laboratory for the college’s early childhood education students. Other examples include: • Child care on school sites can reduce neighborhood traffic problems and support educators’ goals. To support student achievement or utilize available space, school districts often accommodate before and after school care for elementary age and preschool programs on school campuses.

To meet local employee and school district child care needs while supporting transit ridership and walkable communities, the Shady Grove, Maryland Metro station has a 106‐capacity child care center which received state Smart Growth and federal Livable Communities transportation funds. It was a public‐ private partnership involving 11 funders and the school district. Businesses contributed $438,000, the County $288,000, and the Transit Authority provided a 30‐year minimal cost lease. Planners play an essential role in building their communities’ child care and early education systems. They can be confident of many interested partners in this important work. The challenge is to begin to build the connections.

All photos and graphics by Kristen Anderson. Editing and layout by George Homsy.


Toolkit Building and Design • • Building Child Care Project ‐ Facility design, development and financing; estimating market demand; and architects/ contractors who specialize in child care facilities. Low Income Investment Fund ‐ Child care facility planning checklist; child care center conditional use permits; sample child care site plans; California county child care development intermediaries. National Child Care Resource and Referral Network ‐ Local child care design experts and operators; local data and market assessment to help identify local market demand. National Child Care Information and Technical Assistance Center ‐ State by state child licensing regulations. Local Investment in Child Care Project (LINCC). ‐ Toolkit for developers and local governments, child care and transit research, list of To‐Dos with child care. www.lincc‐ Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) ‐‐NEW/CHILDCARE/ChildCareOverview.htm National Child Care Information and Technical Assistance Center ‐ includes contacts for all states’ child care licensing and Resource & Referral agencies. Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) ‐ Enterprise Foundation ‐ Cornell Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project ‐ Conducting impact studies, link to economic development policy and the role of planners in family‐friendly communities.

Identifying Market Demand, Experts and Operators •

Child Care Licensing •

Child Care and Development •

Facilities Assessments, Planning Document • •

Child Care Facilities Development Guides and Resources • • •

Linking Child Care and Economic Development

References American Planning Association. 1997 Policy Guide on the Provision of Child Care. adopted/childcare.htm Anderson, Kristen. 2006. Planning for Child Care in California. Point Arena, CA: Solano Press Books Bureau of Transportation Statistics (2010). Dinneen, JK. “An Empty Pipeline Delays New Home Development,” The San Francisco Business Times, October 30, 2009. Henly, J. R., & Lambert, S. (2005). Nonstandard work and the child care needs of low‐income parents. In S. M. Bianchi, L. M. Casper, K. E. Christensen, & R. B. King (Eds.), Workforce/Workplace mismatch? Work, family, health, & well‐being. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Israel, Evelyn and Mildred Warner 2008. “Planning for Family Friendly Communities,” PAS Memo, American Planning Association, Chicago, IL. November 2008. Kimmel, J. (2006). Child care, female employment and economic growth. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society, 37, 71‐85. special_journal_issues/jcds 7

Local Investment in Child Care (LINCC). 2005 Linking Development and Child Care: A Toolkit for Developers and Local Governments. Oakland, CA. http://www.lincc‐ Local Investment in Child Care (LINCC). 2008a Building Child Care into New Developments: A Guide for Creating Child Care Facilities in Transit‐Oriented Developments. Oakland, CA. http://www.lincc‐ Local Investment in Child Care (LINCC). 2008b Child Care and Transit: Making the Link in California. Oakland, CA. Meyers, M. K., & Jordan, L. (2006). Choice and accommodation in parental child care decisions. Community Development: The Journal of the Community Development Society, 37, 53‐70. Mid‐America Regional Council. 2003. “Investing in the Child Care Industry, an Economic Strategy for Kansas,” Mid‐ America Regional Council, Kansas City, MO. OECD (Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development). (2005, March). Babies and bosses: Balancing work and family life. (Policy Brief). Paris: Author. Presser, H. B. (1988). Shift work and child care among dual‐earner American parents. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 50, 133‐148. Schulman, K. (2003). Key facts: Essential information about child care, early education and school‐age care. Washington, DC: Children's Defense Fund. Schweinhart, L. et al. (2005). Lifetime Effects: The High/Scope Perry Preschool Study Through Age 40. Ypsilanti, MI: High/ Scope Educational Research Foundation Sonenstein, F. L., Gates, G. J., Schmidt, S., & Bolshun, N. (2002). Primary child care arrangements of employed parents: Findings from the 1999 National Survey of America's Families (Occasional Paper No. 59). Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. Stoney, Louise 2004. Collective Management of Early Childhood Programs: Approaches that Aim to Maximize Efficiency, Help Improve Quality and Stabilize the Industry. Ithaca, NY and Raleigh, NC: Cornell Univ. and the National Smart Start Technical Assistance Center. U.S. Census Bureau, J. O. (2008, February). Who’s minding the kids? Child care arrangements: Winter 2005. Washington, DC: Author.‐2005.html U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2008, May). Employment characteristics of families summary. Retrieved July 22, 2008 from Warner, M.E. 2009. Recession, Stimulus and the Child Care Sector: Understanding Economic Dynamics, Calculating Impact. Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 2009 http:// Warner, Mildred E., 2007. Child Care and Economic Development: Markets, Households and Public Policy, International Journal of Economic Development, 9(3):111‐121. special_journal_issues/ijed/warner.pdf Warner, M.E., Kristen Anderson and George Haddow, 2007. "Putting Child Care in the Picture: Why this service is a critical part of community infrastructure," Planning, (June 2007): 16‐19. documents/publications/132.pdf Warner, M., Adriance, S., Barai, N., Hallas, J., Markeson, B., Morrissey, T., & Soref, W. 2004. Economic Development Strategies to Promote Quality Child Care. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning. Wat, Albert. “Dollars and Sense: A Review of Economic Analyses of Pre‐K.” Pre‐K Now Research Series, Washington, D.C., May 2007. Wolch, Jennifer, John P. Wilson, and Jed Fehrenbach. 2002. “Parks and Park Funding in Los Angeles: An Equity Mapping Analysis.” Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Sustainable Cities Program, GIS Research Laboratory. http:// 8

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...Ben Sexton Cheongmi Shim Interpersonal Communication October 19, 2011 Good and Bad I. Introduction If I had to choose two people who I communicate with the most and know me the best, it is a simple decision. My mother, Karen Sexton, and one of my best friends Cody Woods are two people who I communicate an extreme amount with and are able to really know the strengths and weaknesses of myself. Communication is something that we all take part in every day whether its through voice, facial expressions, hand gestures or symbols, and even pure silence. The level of communication we are at is different from person to person. The purpose of this paper is to find out our level of what we succeed at and what we could use some work on. II. Summary of Interaction The interviewees I have chosen are my mother Karen Sexton and a close friend of mine Cody Woods. My mother I have known for twenty-two years and has been the closest person in my family to me. Cody is a friend I met at college and have known for three years now. Both are extremely close with me and are important to my everyday life so they are obviously two people who I communicate with a lot. The meeting with my mother took place over the phone with her because she is back at home. It was during the evening this past weekend around 9 pm on Sunday. The interview was very laid back and easily initiated. The interview with Cody was completed at my house in the living room and was also a very laid back situation...

Words: 1320 - Pages: 6

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Role Play

...As he felt the thunk of the blade of his weapon hit the Earth, he sighed. 'Well, guess my clone wasn't enough...Oh well, time for some real fun, oh and let's not forget my snake..' he said as he performed a few handsigns, signaling the snakes mind to know to move from the gecko, as it slithered away, dirt from above the earth crumpled down onto him and into his hair. 'Oh bother,' he said in a Poo bear style,' looks like that fat gecko landed. And I hope he knows he's not the only one with tricks up his sleeve..' he said as he thrusted his arm upward, his hand pushing through the earth. Knowing that it would be hardly visible, he clawed the earth apart, digging himself out. He was wearing the same attire as the clone from before, except it was smeared with grime from underground, and his katana had been upgraded several times from the clones. As his head was able to reach through the earth, he clawed harder and eventually was able to dig himself out. He stood tall, looking at the three Jato's being confused. He chukcled. 'I told you I had many tricks, Jatomaru.' he said as he took a quick glance at the katana his clone had used. He took off his shinobi-like glove with a metallic plate on it, as he bit his thumb with his right fang, smearing a japanese symbol onto the blade. 'Rest, worhty clone, for you did well.' he said, seeming like he actually cared for the clone, which he...

Words: 1643 - Pages: 7

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Accounting, Finance

...Hi Joan, Thank you for emailing me about your situation. I have some suggestions maybe can help you. One suggestion I think you could talk to Thomas directly. Thomas might not know that the water and soda is only for clients. And may be he not realized how his actions affect you and his position at the company. If you talk to Thomas directly, it won’t affect his position. And after Thomas understands your situation, he maybe not does that again. You just give him a personal warning to avoid other employees to know his actions. On the other hand, you could go directly to Human Resources with this information. After you talking with Human Resources, they could deal with this situation based on the company’s rules. So it will be out of your hands and you won’t have to worry about it. It could be dealt with on a company wide level. Maybe people other than Tomas are doing this. Also it could avoid you have conflict and confrontation with Thomas. In the end, I think you should speak to Thomas directly. First I think you should speak to Thomas directly as a personal suggestion. It cannot effect on the relationship between you and Thomas. Second, if the Human Resources find what Thomas does. It is embarrassed for Thomas when Human Resources talk to him directly. The last reason I think it will leave a bad impression of Thomas in the other employees’ mind. So I think it is has the advantage on both of you and...

Words: 260 - Pages: 2

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Introduce of a Product

...Good morning to Dr.Syed and my friends. Before I continue my presentation today, I would like to ask all of you to put up your hand and feel your face. What do you feel?? Soft, oily or rough?? Which one is it??? No mender is soft, oily or rough, I would like to ask all of you that do you use any product to make your skin fairer and better?? Slide 1 From this slide, I am sure that you all will want this kind of skin. So what if you are one of the less fortunate people and have this kind of skin, what you should do in order to have a better skin?? What is the solution to it?? Slide 2 The solution is the product that I am going to introduce to you all today. The product is Aquafirm Weekly Active Foam Mask. This mask had been introducing to the world on 22 June 2011 and arrives at Malaysia on the month of July. So why do I introduce this mask to all of you??? Slide 3 Aquafirm Weekly Active Foam Mask is a self-foaming mask helps reset depleted moisture levels while activating skin-firming collagen production with 3 special ingredients that is Marine Microspheres, Sea Nutrient Barrier and Brown Sea Kelp. Okay, why do I specialist this 3 ingredients?? The first one Marine Microspheres is to plump the skin that is in other words it swell with water to fill wrinkles and provide long-term hydration within epidermal layers. Second, Sea Nutrient Barrier is a fusion of algae and oat extract for a micro-lifting effect on the surfaces cells of the face. Third is the Brown Sea Kelp which...

Words: 765 - Pages: 4

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Writing an Explanatory Paper

...the person who donated the time. It is what makes a community because it assembles people to work on a goal. Whether it is a fundraiser for the research to remedy a disease that affects the whole world, or to avail a local family who has fallen in a time of calamity, volunteers make it transpire. Community life is amended by availing others and lending an availing hand to get a job done more efficaciously. More people working equals less work for each person and less time for the project. When I was a young boy and it was brought to my attention how others did not have anything or anyone. It was Christmas time and my family packed up 30 lunches, scarfs, T-shirts, blankets and we drove down to Washington DC. I was told to pick out people who I thought needed to eat and looked cold. I remember thinking everyone had a home, family and food for themselves. It never occurred to me that people lived on the street with no food, shelter or support. That day we handed our food and clothing to people who truly had nothing. As a direct result of giving and wanting to help at that moment, I was inspired to lend a helping hand and contribute to my own community. We donated our time and gave hope to someone who required it. A volunteer conjointly benefits themselves because they get to optically discern how their contribution has made a difference. This experience contributes to personal development especially in areas such as self-fulfillment and self-esteem which often flourish in the...

Words: 390 - Pages: 2

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...FUNDAMENTALS OF ACCOUNTING Professor Steve Markoff PREPARATION ASSIGNMENT FOR CLASS #1 A) Read the Course Syllabus carefully. We will be reviewing the MOST IMPORTANT PARTS of this in class. Come prepared to ask anything that I might not cover. B) Come to class Monday prepared to discuss the following. As always, the best way to demonstrate preparation for class is by handing in the assigned work. (Hint: I would like you to hand in written answers to these). They should be done on word-processing – hand written work will NOT be accepted. 1. You just got done spending 3 ½ months of your life taking a course called “Fundamentals of Financial Accounting”. In your own words, what was the course all about? What was the purpose? What’s financial accounting? 2. What (are/is) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)? Why are they needed? 3. Are ethics important in financial accounting? Yes or no and WHY. Give a SPECIFIC EXAMPLE of how this area is important to YOU as a member of society? 4. What’s managerial accounting? 5. Do you think that something similar to GAAP is needed for Managerial Accounting? Why or why not? 6. What’s inventory? How was that accounted for in Financial Accounting? WHY was that the correct treatment? For a merchandiser, what types of things were included in inventory? 7. What are sales? What are revenues? Are they different? If so, how? 8. What is meant by cost of goods sold? 9. NOW ASSUME we were a...

Words: 392 - Pages: 2

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Tropical Rainforest

...Mid Term Assignment A) Plan an activity based lesson using any one of the four skills (Reading/ Listening/Writing or Speaking). Kindly note that you have to select any one subject ( for your lesson plan) from the list given below: 1. EVS 2. Math 3. Science 4. Language 5. Art and craft Your lesson can incorporate PPT, music, rhymes, story etc and the lesson should cater to the young learners’ class. * Mention age. * The time frame for the lesson needs to be within 35-40 minutes. * Use variation of activities appropriate for the selected age group * The lesson flow needs to have clear-cut steps * Please end with a recapitulation activity in the form of a worksheet/song/game. You may attach the worksheet/ or the material used with your answer sheet/ answer. Lesson Plan for young learners: (Pre – Primary) Name of the Teacher : VIJAYA LAKSHMI BHUPATHIRAJU | Date: 06-04-2014 | Age Group : 3 to 4 years | Number of Students : 20 | Name of the Activity : * To improve Listening Skills. * Total Physical Response; children to do actions, following the teacher’s example to begin with.GAME: * Roll the cubeSONGS: * Warm up song (“Genki Disco Warm up song”) * Head, shoulder, knees and toes * One little finger, one little finger. Tap, tap, tap. | Material(s) used: * Parts of Body flashcards * Old carton * Match-up the body parts worksheet * | How is it going to benefit the child: * The child can be able to...

Words: 1779 - Pages: 8

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...novel approach for grasping that only uses local 3-D information acquired from sensors. Given data of the environment from 3-D sensors, our algorithm generates arm/hand configurations that may potentially achieve a good grasp, then computes features of these candidates to select the best candidate and execute its grasp. These features capture desirable properties of potential grasps based on sensor data, which our learning algorithm then uses to predict how likely the grasp will be successful. This algorithm was tested on STAIR in real-world grasping of single objects and of objects in cluttered environments. Significant improvements in both cases were found. Introduction As the field of artificial intelligence becomes increasingly advanced and integrated, it is time to revisit the half-century old “AIDream,” where intelligent robotic agents were envisioned to interact with the general human population. To this end, the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Robot (STAIR) project aims to introduce robots into home and office environments, where they will facilitate and cooperate with people directly. In order for robots to have any non-trivial use in such environments, they must have the ability to manipulate objects, which is provided through robotic arms. An arm usually has a manipulator “hand”...

Words: 3674 - Pages: 15