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Infant Formula Controversy

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1. Drawing on the notions of moral, amoral, and immoral management introduced in Chapter 7, categorize your impressions of:
Nestlé, in the infant formula controversy After reading the text, I feel Nestle executives acted amorally in this controversy. Reasons being, when the company made the decision to market infant formula in Third World Countries, the organization did not take into consideration any harmful and long-term effects on the mothers and babies of impoverished nations where inhabitants are exposed to impure water, and face difficulty understanding the marketing concepts. I feel Nestle acted amorally because they actually meant well in their intention to provide formula for infants of needy, but selfish in the sense that impact …show more content…
328). Global codes/standards were developed by many international organizations individual corporate codes,with hopes that other companies will implement. Secondly, ethical elements of global corporate activity should be considered into the formulation of top-level strategy and its implementation along with corporate social policy integrated into strategic management (Carroll, 2012, p. 329). Furthermore, companies must be particular in their selection of its contractors and the countries where their goods are produced. This is to make certain that the products that are being produces are done so in a manner in accordance with the values and reputation of the organization (Carroll, 2012, p. 331). Lastly, there are audits and impact statements which make an effort to assess moral justifications for corporate actions and the subsequent results of those actions. Accountants have an ethical responsibility to promote an ethics based culture that prohibits unethical activities such as bribery. Steps to prevent corruption include high-level commitment by top management; upper level manement and leaders must exhibit an ethical attitude and approach and lead by example, creating appropriate orgaorganizational culture. Secondly, statements of policies and operating procedures by an organization. There is also the training and discussing of guidelines and techniques, and lastly, employee hotlines and help lines that any members of the organization can use, and investigative follow-up, reporting, and disclosure so global businesses can be managed effectively (Carroll, 2012, p. 333,

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