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Aboriginal People Research Paper

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Aboriginal People and Its History

Significant historical events :

Australia was first invaded by European in 1788. At that time, the population of Aboriginal people is 750,000. After the arrival of Europeans, the country was once called Terra nullius' which means ' No one's Land.' Aboriginal people's life focuses a lot on kinship with natural environment. They have great talents in maximizing the use of natural resources by growing their own food and vegetables to make a living. Because the natural resources are abundant at that time, people have more leisure time and they develop richness and complexity in their culture and languages.

There are some key historical events for Aboriginal people:

In 1967, The Commonwealth Government allowed …show more content…
In 2005, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission was abolished.
Contemporary impacts of historical issues:

Impact of colonisation:

Dispossession of the land:
After the arrival of Europeans and their settlement, Aboriginal people's life was totally changed and affected. Europeans brought in the deceases and claimed Aboriginal people's land as ' No one's Land' which caused Aboriginal people's dispossession of the land. The colonial government started selling and leasing land to white settlers. This results in the decrease of Aboriginal people's population. Some aboriginal people were killed in the violent conflicts with the settlers because they want to claim their right to settle on the land.


When British settlers came into Australia, they brought into diseases unintentionally such as chickenpox, smallpox, typhoid, measles and influenza. However, the Aboriginal people had no immunity to these diseases and experienced the decrease in their birth rates.

Violent conflict:

There are three confrontations in Australian history:
- The 1834 Battle of Pinjarra in Western

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