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Cultural Competence Model Analysis

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This model requires nurses to perceive themselves in the process of enhancing culturally competent and not as assuming that they are being culturally competent, and it involves the integration of cultural desire, cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, and cultural encounters (see Figure 1). The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services (Campinha-Bacote, 1998a) is a model that views cultural competence as the ongoing process in which the healthcare provider continuously attempts to achieve the capacity to productively work within the cultural context of the client (individual, family, community). This model requires health care providers to see themselves as growing culturally competent rather than already being culturally competent. This process involves the integration of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, …show more content…
The first component is ‘cultural knowledge’. Such knowledge begins with cultural awareness of individual’s culture and includes an understanding of culture and cultural differences using diagrammatical or structure, advancement towards more circuitous understanding of the sourc¬es, Manifestations and outcomes of a specific culture.

The second component is ‘affect’ and includes attitudes toward other cultures and the motivation to learn about and engage with them. In this component openness and empathy are of particular importance. The third component is ‘skills’ which encompass the ability to regulate one’s own reactions in a cross-cultural setting, interpersonal skills, and the flexibility to assume the perspective of someone from a different culture.
Source: From Abbe and Halpin model 20009

Source: Purnell, L. D. (2012). Transcultural health care: A culturally competent approach. FA

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