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Christian Worldview Essay

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A worldview according to Nash (1992) is “a conceptual scheme by which we consciously or unconsciously place or fit everything we believe and by which we interpret and judge reality” (p.16).He added that a Christian worldview is “theistic in the sense that it believes in the existence of one supremely powerful and personal God”. The leader with a Christian worldview makes decisions (including selecting followers) based on guidelines provided by God in the Bible. Banks and Ledbetter (2004) underlined they approach the leadership process from the place of servitude and display qualities like humility, servitude, honesty, love, empathy, and shepherd-like behavior. Such leaders do not consider followers from the worldly point of view. They see them with God’s eyes and treat them according to that conviction. …show more content…
These attributes inspire followers to put others and the organization first as well. They encourage them to prioritize serving others and the meeting of their needs. The implications of this in team building include having one another’s interest, trust, acting in honor, great relationships, group support, and having honest interaction and communication. Glaze (2014) emphasized great teams have people that know their role and appreciate others as well. They have a positive, caring, and cohesive culture. Additionally they use their talents to serve others and adapt their skills to fit the gaps that the organization has.
Pearcey(2004) noted that having a Christian worldview is about following biblical principles in the personal and practical spheres of life. Apostle Paul, citing the example of Christ wrote that people should function in humility and not only seek their own interest. In fact, they should consider others better (Philippians 2:3-4). Christian leaders lead with the agenda to Glorify God and not

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