...Biblical Worldview Liberty University Introduction In all of Christianity, there are few figures that are respected as much as Paul the Apostle. While Christ built his Church with Peter at its foundation, it was Paul that held the responsibility of spreading the Gospel of Christ to the world. The biggest target of his message was to Rome, the center of power and civilization in the West. His letter to the Romans manages to cover hard subjects that are often controversial. Through love and encouragement, Paul uses Romans 1-8 to instruct both Jews and Gentiles in Rome on the central aspects of the biblical worldview. The Natural World The natural world is a subject that has rocked the boat of Christian theology for centuries. Everything from strict creationism to biblical evolution has called into question the validity of the Church’s accepted beliefs on the natural world and how it was formed. Paul speaks plainly in Roman 1:18-10 (New International Version), explaining that God made himself obvious to humans through the creation of the world. To Paul, all of Creation stands out as a constant testimony to the power and existence of God. He goes on to point out that right and wrong is not something that is always learned. “They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them” (Romans 2:15). Through these words, Paul makes it...
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...The book of Romans, written by Paul, shows us a lot about Christian life. Paul’s letters are the Biblical instructions on the reacting to each other and other religious issues. The focus all throughout the book of Romans is, “the righteousness of God”. Throughout The book of Romans, we are shown the fundamentals to a biblical worldview, in respects, to our identity as people, relationships, the natural world and culture. It also goes further into detail about vindication, condemnation, sanctification, and justification. The Natural World Paul gives us evidence of God in the world around us in scripture. The book of Romans explains the creation of the world and God’s invisible attributes, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."(Romans 1:20). Paul writes that there is no excuse for an ignoring God because of his power that has been revealed through the creations that surround us on a daily bases. This means that God speaks through all his creations and does not need to make it known that he is there. It is plainly indicated that God has made himself known by displaying his attributes and character throughout his creation. Human Identity Paul explains that we have been created in The Lords image to glorify him and have a responsibility to care for his creations. In Romans 3:10-11 Paul talks about the sinful nature...
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...Biblical Worldview: According to Paul Justin Wilson BIBL 110-D21 November 12, 2015 Having a worldview contributes to each person’s evaluation of origins, which in return will impact each individuals life choices. Holmes defines a worldview that “is not disengaged theology; rather it represents the beliefs and values and purposes that guide our work, play, family, and society.” While many worldviews seek answers to life’s fundamental questions, Christians stand on the foundation of a biblical worldview. A biblical worldview is an overall concept of the world and humankind’s part in it, grounded on God’s authority, which He reveals to each person through the Bible. Specifically, Paul addresses the issue of the Christian worldview in his letter to a church in Rome. Paul clearly sets forth the foundations of the Christian belief. Through the truths Paul cites, he builds a solid basis for a biblical worldview: all people are sinful; Christ died to forgive sin; humankind is made right with God through faith; this begins a new life with a relationship with God. The Christian life is not abstract theology unconnected with life, but it has practical implications that will affect how choices are made in a person’s life each day. Having a biblical worldview sets the foundation of transformation by God’s word in every aspect of life. Paul addresses the issue of creation in Romans 1, “For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly...
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...Biblical Worldviews Helen M. Pombert Liberty University Defining Secular and Biblical Worldviews I. Defining a Secular Worldview The term worldview was formulated between 1855 and 1860, with many scholars believing that it arrived approximately 1858. The term is derived from the German word “Welt-anschauung”. According to Ergun Caner, this is a union of two German words: (1) welt, the word for world; and (2) anschauung, the word for perception. Several online dictionaries have various definitions for worldview. The Free Dictionary by Farley defines worldview as (1) The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world; (2) A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group. The website www.asa3.org/ASA/education/views/index.html defines worldview as a theory of the world, used for living in the world. It also calls it a mental model of reality – a framework of ideas and attitudes about the world, ourselves, and life, a comprehensive system of beliefs – with answers for a wide range of questions. Other sources have called worldview a perspective, collection of beliefs, a theory about life, an interpretation of life, presuppositions or assumptions about life. There are as many definitions as there are people. Thus, worldview can be described as belief, perception, idea, model, attitude, answers to questions, etc. Freethesaurus.net also uses some of the following synonyms to describe worldview: body of...
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...INTRODUCTION What is a worldview? A worldview is how a person see's the world around them and forms the basis on which making decisions and judgments. This picture defines the world around how the romans have four questions: the question of the natural world, the question of human identity, the question of human relationships, and the question of roman culture. THE NATURAL WORLD The New Testament symbolizes God's plan for the natural world is in the Romans 8:19-23. It depicts the apocalyptic symbolizes the end of history God will stop and renew the damage not only to humanity, but even to nature itself. For the average person, the word “apocalypse” means the end of the world. Apocalypses view the present as corrupted by sin and in contrast which is going to happen in a perfect world or age of glory and righteousness.1 Nevertheless, Gnostic writings biblical apocalypses Daniel, Isaiah 24-27,65-66, and Revelation and not all Jewish apocalypses view present material world damaged by sin, but not inherently evil. Besides, they look to not the eventual demise of the material world, but to its end and liberation from damage cause by sin. The early Jewish leaders used apocalypses to their struggle with the problems of evil and that God would make things right before the end of history. They expressed concern for nature by stressing that the natural world was created by God and is under God’s hands. Human sins and fallen angels have violated the earth and caused some aspects...
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...Biblical Worldview Essay Rosheda Dillon Liberty University Introduction The book of Romans was written by the apostle Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ. In Romans Paul wrote to Christians about how they should be living their lives. He writes about the power of God and how he will leads us to salvations. He is trying to teach us about condemnation, justification, and sanctification. He talks about those who reject God, reject his knowledge, because they think that they are better. We “are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ” (Romans 3:24). Through faith in Jesus Christ it will lead you to salvation. Paul describes how our worldview should be on the natural world, human identity, relationships, and culture. Natural World In Romans 1:20, Paul writes that the world was created by God. We all know that He created the earth and everything in it. There is no excuse to sin since we know that He created all things. God has made it very clear how a person is to act within this world. As stated in Romans 1:20, “for since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”. Those who have acted wicked and has shown ungodliness will see the wrath of God. We were all born with sin because of the sins of Adam and Eve. Christians should not be ashamed to practice their faith in God, because in faith it will...
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...A worldview according to Nash (1992) is “a conceptual scheme by which we consciously or unconsciously place or fit everything we believe and by which we interpret and judge reality” (p.16).He added that a Christian worldview is “theistic in the sense that it believes in the existence of one supremely powerful and personal God”. The leader with a Christian worldview makes decisions (including selecting followers) based on guidelines provided by God in the Bible. Banks and Ledbetter (2004) underlined they approach the leadership process from the place of servitude and display qualities like humility, servitude, honesty, love, empathy, and shepherd-like behavior. Such leaders do not consider followers from the worldly point of view. They see them with God’s eyes and treat them according to that conviction....
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...Romans Worldview in My Eyes Crystal L. Davis Liberty University Abstract Understanding my worldview in current times as it relates to Romans 1 – 8. To be saved by God’s grace and live accordingly to the teachings in Bible based on what Paul wrote in Romans. How God has suffered for us and gave us a blueprint of what he expect from us as his children. Romans Worldview in My Eyes Worldviews vary depending on who you are talking to. People of different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicity view the world based on they were raised and the lifestyles they live. Romans 1-8 gives detailed views of how God expects you to live your life while on earth. So having a Theistic worldview I will use the teachings of Romans 1 – 8 to explain my current worldview. Will my current worldview be changed based on my Romans teaching? Natural World In our natural world we as people of this world aren’t faithful to God has he has been to us. Romans 5 reiterate how God died for the ungodly. God’s love for us is and has been greater for us then us as Christians and other non-followers of God show him on a daily base. Paul writes that just as we are slaves of wickedness we can become slaves of righteousness. Why live life with the result of death when we can live life with the result of eternal life. I believe if more people understood that truly the Holy Spirit could set you free from sin and death then more would turn their lives over to Christ. More so if they could gain faith in God actually...
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...ROMANS AND THE CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW Presented to Prof John Markley Liberty University for BIBL 425 - Romans by Shawn A. Wenzel San Diego, CA August 2011 The book of Romans, although not written for the purpose of teaching systematic theology, is one of the most foundational books in the New Testament concerning Theology. Paul wrote this letter to the Roman Christians who were made up of both Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians. The occasion for writing had to do with reconciling some cultural and historical differences between these two groups. Of course, the explanation Paul offers fits perfectly into a Worldview treatise because he is sharing a Gospel view of history and tying it to the Gospel view of the present and future. To begin with, Romans chapters one and two show the complete depravity of man. Any Biblical worldview must be predicated properly on the basic truth that man is not God and cannot operate in any successful fashion apart from God. Paul points out the pending judgment of God for both Gentiles (Romans 1:18-32) and Jews (Romans 2:1-3:8). Much of Romans deals with the creation itself. Adam is shown to be the father of human nature, and therefore, sin. We are all born sinners (Rom. 5:12) because we have inherited it. So, just as sin entered all mankind through one man, Godʼs free gift of salvation is also available for all (rom 5:12-14). It is pointed out that the result of sin is that it brings death, and without a blood sacrifice there is no...
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...I. What is a Worldview? Merriam-Webster defines “worldview” as “the way someone thinks about the world.” A person’s worldview is their outlook, their opinion, their philosophy of the world, the environment, and the people who inhabit it. That worldview is their perspective on life and what they believe to be the truth, which in turn greatly influences their actions, reactions, emotions, reasoning and decision-making on a daily basis. II. The Biblical/Christian Worldview 1. The Question of Origin: In Genesis 1:1-27, God created the heavens and the earth, He created light, He created the sky and the land, He created the oceans and the mountains, He created the plants and the animals, and He created man in His likeness to inhabit the earth, to rule over the animals and take care of His Creation. In Genesis 2:7 and in Matthew 19:4, both passages clearly state that God created man from nothing, and that He created both man and woman. 2. The Question of Identity: Genesis 1:27-28 states that God created man in His likeness and in His image, both man and woman. God created mankind to be rulers over the works of His hands, to have dominion over all the earth, the land, the seas, the plants, and the animals. (Psalm 8:3-9) 3. The Question of Meaning/Purpose: Mankind was created by God and in order have a relationship with God, to give Him love, praise and glory. (Isaiah 43:7) Man was created by God according to His desire and purpose. In turn, man...
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...Thesis An analysis of the books or Romans chapters 1-8, I will cover these areas of interest; the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture. (1) Paul wrote the book of Romans because of a fault line, a crack in the Roman culture and society that Paul would use to frame the book of Romans. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung states in the video, “Romans: the letter that changed the world” that, Paul saw this fault line in the society of Rome and uses this as the base for his writing the book of Romans. My world view is that, the sins committed by the Romans back in Paul’s day are still being committed today (Ecclesiastes 1:9) in today’s society. I think we can take a major lesson from Paul in that, Rome was a completely debased and that today, we live in a society of complete moral decay and decadence not unlike Rome. I believe that society as a whole WILL NOT change for the better and that each individual needs divine revelation and intervention and salvation to escape such a world. This is my world view. Faith in Christ is the only way to escape. The Natural World My view of the natural world is of constant sin, sexual depravity, murder and more are being committed even to this day as they were back in (Genesis 6:5). (Romans chapter 1:18-32) Rome back in Paul’s day, was full of every sin imaginable. We see Homosexuality, worship of the creation rather than the creator GOD. (3) There were Pagans, Moralists believed that they could achieve a salvation and redemption in their...
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...Biblical Worldview: Romans 1-8 Survey of the New Testament (Bib 110) Romans 1-8 is a masterpiece of biblical truth that helped correct the worldview of believers in Rome, as well as provide a relevant lens for the readers to shape their own perceptions in today’s world. In this letter Paul, writing to the believers in Rome, vividly and tactfully paints a picture of the Roman society in order to contrast it with a godly alternative of abundant life in Christ. He understood that believers living in Rome were subject to a progressively worldly perception of spirituality and sensuality, much like the world we encounter each day. The book of Romans lays a firm foundation for the children of God, teaching us about the natural world, human relationships, culture, and human identity. Very early on in his letter, Paul deliberately reminds the people that God is the creator of all things. The people of the earth, since the time of Adam, had seen his glory time and time again and had chosen to reject him. The Romans were not an exception to this unfortunate truth. “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”(Romans 1:20 NIV) Paul clearly conveys here that we have always had the evidence all around us of the creator God, and warns that there is no excuse to turn our praise and worship anywhere else. The scripture says that “They...
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...Study Guide: Lesson 3 The Importance of Philosophy for Christians Lesson Overview In our last lesson for this module/week, we examined why developing the philosophical mindset is important for people in general. In this lesson, we want to ask that question specifically for Christians. What value does philosophy have for Christians? We will begin by examining the biblical basis for developing a philosophical mindset. We will discuss the biblical mandate for philosophy and three elements in fulfilling that mandate. We will then survey a number of roles that philosophy functions for Christians. Finally, we will examine the role that the Bible plays in doing philosophy. Tasks Read and take notes from chapter 3 of Philosophy: Critically Thinking about Foundational Beliefs, “What Athens has to do with Jerusalem: The Importance of Philosophy for Christians.” As you read, make sure you understand the following points and questions: • Know the historical and literary background to Col 2:8. Paul starts this passage off with a Greek term “blepete” meaning “beware” or “be on your guard.” Then follows this with a strange phrase that literally means “to be carried off as booty” but here is probably meant more like “kidnap” The literal wording here is actually “philosophy and vain deceit” knowing the historical and literary context of this passage one can see that Paul is not condemning philosophy in general. He is contrasting two kinds of philosophy: one that is based...
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...Justin Kroeger Biblical Worldview Essay BIBL 104 Summer 2014 THESUS In order to live a Christian life, we need a biblical worldview. Our philosophical outlook on life’s inescapable questions can be shaped and formed by the Holy Scriptures found inside the Bible. Paul sets forth the foundations of the Christian faith in the book of Romans, and we will greatly enhance our faith by keeping close to these foundations. Apart from faith, we have no hope in life. If we study Romans carefully, we will never be at a loss to know what we believe as Christians in today’s society. It is not enough to know the gospel; we must also let Gods inspired word transform, shape, mold, form and impact every aspect of our attitudes and the choices we make in our daily lives. THE NATURAL WORLD The book of Romans gives us a good description of the natural world and its fallen state. When Adam sinned, mankind was separated from God. This caused the natural world to spiritually die. In the beginning God created the earth for man to enjoy in abundance, and to have a perfect, direct and intimate relationship with him. Thank God In Romans 1:18 Paul says that “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness”. The teaching in Paul’s letter to the Romans helps me understand the current state of this natural world we live in, we may not be living in a perfect world anymore but we were originally created in God’s...
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...issue in America and the world today. According to the 2010 United States Census, there are 131,729 married same-sex couples in America alone. Undoubtedly, the 2015 statics show a dramatic increase in the number of married gay couples living in the present-day U.S., considering the fact that 37 states have legalized gay marriage as of 2015. There are two competing worldviews regarding this prevalent topic: those that support homosexuality and those who do not. People that support homosexuality are generally in favor of gay rights and marriage equality. The value judgment of those that are pro-homosexuality is that homosexuality is right. They do not feel that homosexuality causes any harm. Their moral stance, which causes them to make this judgment, is that gay relationships and marriage can be beneficial and nothing should stand in the way of the happiness, relationship, or marriage between two people who love one another, regardless of sex. People that are against homosexuality are generally against gay rights and marriage equality. The value judgment of anti-homosexuals is that homosexuality is wrong. They feel that homosexuality is harmful in some aspect. Their moral stance is that marriage and relationships are supposed to be/designed to be strictly between a man and a woman. Those with a biblical worldview have an anti-homosexual viewpoint, which means that we should be against marriage equality and homosexual relationships. Christians base their viewpoint regarding this...
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