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Christianity In The Middle East

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Christians expanding into the Middle East
The word Christian has different meanings in different countries. I believe Christian can be defined as a person own beliefs and values within their culture, which they apply to their daily lives. However, being a Christian we tend to believe our own values and beliefs over other people beliefs and values. Let’s discuss about Christianity in the Middle East, which lets us understand their culture views of Christianity.
Christianity came from the Middle East and the religion they believed in was Jesus. Christianity was spreading into Jerusalem. Christians in the Middle East had struggle with the divinity of Christ, because they didn’t know if “he was human or God”, which lead Christians to be separated. …show more content…
The cross is a three level bar. The cross gave them salvation and reminded them that Christ died for us, when they see Jesus is crucified on a Cross. The description of the sun above his hands nailed on the cross meant the sun hid its own light and the moon had turn into blood. The inscription: "Son of God" put on both sides of the Christ's head, and below the arms it says, "We bow down before Thy Cross, O Master, and we worship Thy holy Resurrection”. The Greek letters 'w ov' meant 'The Being' or 'He Who is', to remind them that Christ is the same God and identified Himself with those words to Moses in the Old …show more content…
The Coptic’s believe Christ is one person from two natures and chalecedonians say Christ is one person in two natures. They built their churches in the shape of ship, which comes from Noahs Arc. The majority of Coptic’s had belong to the Coptic orthodox church of Alexandria and about 800,000 are divided between the Coptic catholic and various Coptic protestant churches. The Coptic’s were persecuted by the Byzantine Empire before the Islamic invasion of Egypt brought on persecution by Muslims. The Coptic’s wanted to push for religious freedom and rights. Coptic’s are different by denomination and follow a different religious calendar and generally share beliefs and rituals similar to those of the Greek orthodox churches. For example, we celebrate Christmas on December the 25 and Coptic’s celebrate Christmas on January the 7th on their calendar and their Easter even falls usually in late April or early May. They celebrate their new years of the beginning of spring which is called Nuruz meaning a new day of a new life. The Coptic’s are known for their unique wall paintings, textiles, illuminated manuscripts and metal

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