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Middle East Religion Research Paper

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“Peace is not absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means” (Ronald Regan). The Middle East is full of mixed cultures and many religions, but unlike the United States the Middle East’s melting pot never made it to the stove. As a result the Middle East is full of strife. Christianity flourished peacefully in the Middle East until the Muslim conquest, which brought persecution. Now in the Middle East many Christians don’t have the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, nor the pursuit of happiness.
Christians in the Middle East do not have the freedom of religion. “Six Coptic Christians and a security official have been killed in a drive-by shooting outside a church in southern Egypt” (BBC). These people …show more content…
Christmas is a time when your family gathers to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The people that died were mothers, fathers, brothers, or sisters. They were suddenly taken away from their families. Those families now have to go through pain in a time of happiness. Now every Christmas they will remember the tragic massacre that took away their loved ones, a time of happiness suddenly turned into a lasting painful memory that will be them forever. People in the Middle East cannot change religions peacefully. “According to the poll, in many countries huge percentages of Muslims favor the death penalty for people who leave the Muslim religion” (Volokh). Most Middle Eastern countries follow sharia law, a set of laws that adheres the Quran. Sharia law bans Muslims from converting to any other religion, but it allows anyone to convert to Islam. “Conversion by Muslims to other faiths is forbidden under most interpretations of sharia and converts are considered apostates” (Beehner). How bad could Islam be that the government has to force everyone in it and threaten …show more content…
“In apparent payback for the support given by the Egyptian Coptic leader for the ousting of Islamist president Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's Christians are facing an upsurge in violent attacks from extremists” (Fowler). Christians are made scapegoats for everything that doesn’t go in favor of the Muslim majority in Egypt. Christians only make about 10% of the population in Egypt. They are the minority in Egypt, so they cannot single handedly bring down a President. Bringing down a president requires the majority of a country, which would require contribution by the rest of the people, which are Muslim and make up 90% of Egypt’s population. So it’s absurd that Christians are being blamed for Morsi’s overthrow. It is ludicrous how every problem that arises in Egypt is blamed somehow on the Christian minority. Instead of dealing with the country’s problems they are blamed on the Christians, which leads to killing and burning. In the end nothing is resolved, people are dead, and the country remains in chaos. It is hard for a country to advance and move up in the world if its citizens are limited to their speech. If no one can speak freely then there will not be any new perspectives, people will just be fixated on old ideas in a new world. By limiting the people’s speech, the country’s problems just keep growing because people cannot criticize the government to allow for reforms to improve the lives of its citizens..

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