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Islamic Subculture Paper

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The religious subculture I chose to do this paper on is Islam. Islam is one of the largest religions in the world. It is a monotheistic faith based on revelations received by the prophet Muhammad in the 7th-century Saudi Arabia ( Their beliefs about God, the universe, and humanity is the main concern to Muslims. There are over 1 billion Islam followers and they’re known as Muslims. I chose to research about the religion Islam because I am very interested in learning way more about their history. Also I think some of the things they bring to the world are great. I also chose this topic because I know at the end of my research I will learn something different and that will help with my understanding of the religion. This religious subculture came to be a part of American society between 1878 and 1924 when Muslim immigrants from the Middle East arrived in large numbers, settling, in Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and even the Dakotas. They were seeking greater economic opportunity and worked as manual laborers. They are also part of American society because they strive to become more active in American political process and to educate their neighbors about their religion and history. …show more content…
Islam is a powerful force in the world today. The Islamic community is made up of leading industrialized societies as well as nations emerging from colonialism. The teachings of Muhammad have made a big impact on the group’s experience. The story being Muhammad teachings was to always worship God alone, uphold our prayers, to give charity and too fast for the month of Ramadan. That is very important for someone who follows Islam because that’s their connection to God. Fasting, which is known as Ramadan is important in Muslims lives. Over the years many people developed the technique to fast and that is something that has shaped their experience in the United

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