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White Teeth Summary

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It all starts with two men lost in WWI, having no real role in it, and discover it has ended without their knowledge. The books talks about how they capture a war architect after the war and invent stories in some attempt to claim true manhood, There is so much story in between. One being that the two twin brothers, one who is sent back to the Middle East in hopes of retaining the Muslim ways. The other fully engaged in all things secular. Smith does a lot of meandering, but in the end, what do a fundamentalist Muslim, a Jehovah's Witness, and ardent animal rights activists have in common. Everything comes somewhat together in the end.
White Teeth is as much about changes as for the free will. Samad and Archie, brought together by their bad …show more content…
She builds each character from the ground up and knows when to move from one to the next but, I think that there was a lot going on in the white teeth some times. I'm also not sure if I understood every metaphorical nuance; I'm not Bengali, Muslim, or a Jehovah's Witness, all elements intrinsic to the storyline, so I feel that I likely missed symbolic elements about this. While I don't want to minimize the immigrant experience I believe, the feeling some of the same vertigo as the characters when navigating a landscape with different cultural touchstones, e.g. signs in Polish and Korean up and down Chicago's Milwaukee Avenue. Zadie Smith doesn't praise or criticize these landscapes. She focuses on the fear and hope inherent in characters' reaction. The players can't control the landscape as much as accept and respond to it. When your culture is very different from the new country like Samad and Alsana’s Islamic life you dread your children acclimatizing to their new surroundings. The religion that you cherish has potential to be lost or changed until its unrecognizable on trast that with ever so because of your surrounding and life has changed because you have a new part added. Ire will always be considered foreign, even though she has just as many English ancestors as many Caucasian English, and she really feels her foreign-ness despite being born in North

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