...legally bonded with the one they love. While the counterpart, mostly religious aspects, is that it is not morally right for two members of the same sex to be together. Whether or not gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to wed is only part of the problem. The other issue at hand is whether the law should be decided by a peoples vote, or by a proposition to legislature by the Governor. Most states rest this choice with the people, deciding the content of their states constitution themselves. But the Governor also has the power to decide if their state is mature enough to be passed, though it would still not be a for sure thing. In the midst of this budget crisis in Washington State, there is also talk of legalizing same sex marriage. Christine Gregoire, the Governor of Washington State, “vowed to get a marriage bill passed in the upcoming legislation session (which was Monday)” (Garber). For the span of seven years which Gregoire has been in office, this is the first time she has been straight forward with her opinion. As stated in the article, Gregoire had said, “to me, the state’s...
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...Meghan Tedder 4/01/2012 College Writing II Literary Analysis [Broken] Dreams The album Rumours by Fleetwood Mac is considered to be one of the best albums of all time by critics (Rumours). This album was the peak of the band’s success but also represented the end of several relationships within the group. During the time the album was made, drummer Mick Fleetwood was going through a divorce, band members John and Christine McVie were separated, and Stevie Nick’s eight year relationship with Lindsey Buckingham had ended. Through the tension, the band was able to produce a mix of emotionally charged songs. Within the album, “Dreams” received the best feedback. The song talks about how a guy that wants his freedom by being single, but also the inevitability of loneliness he will feel once he realizes what he’s lost. When analyzing the lyrics the complexity of emotions is apparent and familiar to many audiences. The first verse, “Now here you go again. You say you want your freedom. Well who am I to keep you down?” sets the stage for the breakup (Fleetwood Mac). The use of the word again shows the frustration Stevie felt when Buckingham was not trying to meet her needs and instead wanted the freedom to do things for himself. The wording, “keep you down” applies to the idea that Stevie felt she did not have the right to control his independence. With a more accepting tone Stevie sings, “It’s only right that you should play the way you feel it” but continues...
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...Kevin Hudson 3-29-2011 Prof. Kuennen Review of Bail Bond System To begin the process of bail, first there must be a suspect, an arrest, a police report filled out, and charges filed against the suspect. From here, there are five possible release options: own recognizance, property bond, cash bond, surety bond, and citation release. In the following paragraphs, I will present each of these topics and show how they are typically used. The most commonly used form of release from jail, until the court date, is own recognizance (O.R.) This program is used through the county or the specific law enforcement managed pre-trial program. In order to determine whether a suspect can be released by the own recognizance, a staff member of the program will ensure an interview takes place with the individual while in jail. If the staff member deems the suspect capable of being released on their own, they will make a recommendation to the court for the release of the suspect. Own recognizance is a base of trust on the suspect, as it holds no financial security to insure that the suspect returns under his/her own power. When using a property bond to post bail with somebody, the courts must place and record a lien on a property with a high enough value to cover the cost of the bond. It is very similar to using their property as collateral using the terms in the paperwork they must submit prior to the release of the suspect. If the suspect were to skip court/fail to appear at their previously...
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...The concert I chose to watch on the internet was Fleetwood Mac. This concert was the Mirage Tour. This concert took place on October 21 and 22 in 1982. Fleetwood Mac consists of Stevie Nicks, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Lindsey Buckingham, and Christie McVie. Stevie Nicks was one of the main vocalists as well as Christie McVie. John McVie, Christie’s wife, used the bass guitar along with Mick Fleetwood who would use the drums and percussion. Lindsey Buckingham also sang, played the guitar, and played the keyboards. They performed collectively as a group. I chose this group because I have always liked their music or even just Stevie Nick’s music. I grew up listening to their music from my mom and aunt always playing it. I just love Stevie Nick’s voice she has as amazing voice. The music that was performed at this concert was Pop with a combination of rock and contemporary. While listening to this concert it, in my opinion, had a blues kind of vibe as well. Their music has never been considered to be blues, but it just had a feel like blues does. It defiantly had some strong rock tunes throughout the concert. They even used their instruments as another instrument, which I thought was kind of amazing. They would beat on their guitars and even use their feet. The concert was more about the musical instruments and how they were played more than there was singing. Fleetwood Mac is a British American group that has formed and evolved thru many years. They started in the 1960’s specifically...
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...cases where the justice system has failed to put the correct person in jail. Wrongful convictions occur when an innocent person is arrested and charged with a criminal act. “Two thirds of all wrongful convictions are related either to rape or assault” (Ramsey, 2007). The case of Guy Paul Morin is an ideal example of wrongful convictions. This paper will first address the case of Guy Paul Morin, showing where the justice system went wrong. Later, lead on to the ways this problem can be solved and remedies that should be available to people who have become a victim of wrongful convictions. The case of Guy Paul Morin occurred between the 1980’s and the 1990’s. “Morin was accused with the rape and murder of his eight year old neighbour, Christine Jessop, and was convicted in 1992 in Ontario ” (Kaufman, 2001). “He was charged due to the evidence of hair and fibre found on the body of the victim” (Denov & Campbell, 2005). This indicated that there was direct contact between the victim, Jessop, and Morin. This is where the whole situation takes a turn. The forensic scientists that were put to investigate made some mistakes that had a huge impact on the case. “They failed to report that the fibre and hair found on Jessop was contaminated” (Macfarlane, 2006). This now creates the possibility that there was no physical contact between Jessop and Morin. In 1995, he was acquitted of the murder in 1995. This was due to technological advancement that was not available at the time of...
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...Luis Zapata Civilization of the Middle Ages 125000104 12/3/13 Christine de Pisan “Primary Source Essay” Whether born to a Father working in French nobility, or just being the average woman in society during the late 1300's, the support for education of women was unyielding. However, this firm belief men claimed was challenged by Christine de Pisan. Christine's recognition of “being the first European woman to earn her living as a writer” and being regarded as “one of the first Western feminists” were not her only feats. Christine disputed the humanists division of opinion for education of women, challenged that a limited form of education was not sufficient enough, and claimed that, “not all men (and especially the wisest) share the opinion that it is bad for women to be educated” (p. 212). To begin with, Christine states, “I am amazed by the opinion of some men who claim that they do not want their daughters, wives, or kinswomen to be educated because their mores would be ruined as a result” (p. 212). However, how can “mores” of men be ruined during this time of humanism in European society, that focused on the center of human value, capacities, and worth. Christine is trying to claim that the “humanists division” for education of women contradicts the idea of humanism itself and should be applicable to both men and women. Furthermore, Christine states, “How could anyone think or believe that whoever follows good teaching or doctrine is worse for it?” (p. 212). Exemplifying...
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...Online Dr. Andrew Vassar Christine de Pisan: Building the City of Ladies Christine de Pisan was a pioneer in feminist literature. As the first feminist writer, she used her courtly influence to create a platform against female oppression. To comprehend the motivation behind Christine‘s provocative allegory “Le livre de la cite des dames” (The Book of the City of Ladies) one must consider the context of Christine‘s environment. My goal is to develop a concise representation of the factors that lead to Christine’s literary success. By examining her familial and courtly relationships as well as the influences of other literary forces, I will correlate the events of Christine’s life with the atmosphere that inspired her to pursue writing. Christine de Pisan was born Italian; however at the age of five, her family relocated to France. Christine's father, Thomas de Pisan, was appointed astrologer and secretary to King Charles V (Delamarre 1908). As a result, her youth was spent in the French court where she placed her civil loyalties with France. Growing up in the French courts, Christine was educated in the classics. In her mid-teens she married French Nobleman Etienne du Castel. They had three children together and her husband died after they had been married for ten years. At the time of her husband's death, Christine was only twenty-five. During this time period social class and gender dictated much of everyday life. While Christine is known for her contributions...
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...Christine de Pizan (1364 – c. 1430) was an Italian French late medieval author. Writing both poetry, biographies, and books containing practical advice for women of that era. Her writing stemmed from her need to earn a living for herself and her three children. Fortunately, by the year 1405, Christine had completed her most famous literary works, The Book of the City of Ladies and The Treasure of the City of Ladies. The first book stressed the importance of women’s past contributions to society, while the second strives to teach women of all classes how to develop useful qualities. The Treasure of the City of Ladies offers glimpses into the life of women in the 1400s. In the novel, De Pizan offers advice to the wives of kings, the wives of servants and even...
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...Christine Lagarde Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde is a French lawyer and Union for a Popular Movement politician who has been the Managing Director (MD) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 5 July 2011. A national of France, she was previously French Finance Minister from June 2007, and had also served as France’s Minister for Foreign Trade for two years. Christine Lagarde has been nominated unchallenged for a second term as chief of the International Monetary Fund. International Monetary Fund serves as economic advisor and backstop for 188 countries. As a member of the G-20, Christine Lagarde was involved in the Group's management of the financial crisis, helping to foster international policies related to financial supervision and regulation and to strengthen global economic governance. As Chairman of the G-20 when France took over its presidency for the year 2011, she launched a wide-ranging work agenda on the reform of the international monetary system. In 2014, Lagarde was ranked the 5th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes magazine. Lagarde has been involved in a couple of controversies through her career as a politician and as the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. Christine Lagarde faced controversy after French judges said she appeared to be "personally" involved in a decision to approve a pay out to a friend of Nicolas Sarkozy when she was the finance minister. The head of the International Monetary...
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...Société Générale (A): The Rogue Trader Jérôme Kerviel and his lawyer, Elisabeth Meyer Photo © Agence France-Presse 01/2011-5613 This case was written by Mark Hunter, Adjunct Professor, and N. Craig Smith, INSEAD Chair in Ethics and Social Responsibility. It is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Copyright © 2011 INSEAD TO ORDER COPIES OF INSEAD CASES, SEE DETAILS ON THE BACK COVER. COPIES MAY NOT BE MADE WITHOUT PERMISSION. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION SY MAY BE COPIED, STORED, TRANSMITTED, REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED IN ANY FORM OR MEDIUM WHATSOEVER WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER. ST O O LS D EM O capital-to-assets fell too low. Often the problem was a difference in values between the time a trade was made and the time it was finalised. ACFI would identify and correct the discrepancy to reflect the final value. A controller identified in reports only as “Agent 6”, working in the Accounting and Regulatory Reporting sub-division of ACFI, noticed a problem with the Cooke ratio for eight trades that originated from a trading desk called Delta One early in January 2008. The desk’s main product was “turbo warrants”, which are a form of “barrier” options. Such options become active or inactive when a price barrier is breached. The barrier can be above or below the spot price of the option. The effect is to provide the...
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...devastating war and enhance economic cooperation that would avoid a repetition of the vicious circle of competitive devaluations that had contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Currently with 188 members it gathers funds through a quota system which stood up to USD1.0 trillion from which countries with payment imbalances can borrow funds temporarily. The IMF’s Executive Board which comprises of 24 members control the fund and considers options to enhance multilateral, financial, and bilateral surveillance and efficient allocation of monetary resources across member countries. The Managing Director is the head of the IMF staff and Chairman of the Executive Board, and is assisted by four Deputy Managing Directors. Currently Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde heads the IMF as managing director. To maintain stability and prevent crises in the international monetary system, the IMF reviews country policies, as well as national, regional, and global economic and financial developments through a formal system known as surveillance. Under the surveillance framework, the IMF provides advice to its 188 member countries, encouraging policies that foster economic stability, reduce vulnerability to economic and financial crises, and raise living standards. It provides regular assessment of global prospects in its World Economic Outlook, financial markets in its Global Financial Stability Report, and public finance developments in its Fiscal Monitor, and...
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...Introduction The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is mainly known as the global association that provides financing to member countries which are either developing countries that are in extreme poverty or countries that are faced with severe economic crisis who are no longer able to seek financing from other sources. Along with these loans, training and technical assistance on bettering economic management is offered. The IMF also provides policy advice to governments and central banks based on analysis of economic trends and cross-country experiences as well as research, statistics, forecasts, and analysis based on tracking of global, regional, and individual economies and markets. (About the IMF, n.d.) Currently there are 188 member countries of the IMF which makes the organization extremely important to virtually the whole world. Upon its creation at the Bretton Woods Conference there were 29 member countries who signed the Articles of Agreement in 1945. Between its creation and present day the IMF has helped countries deal with economic crises, and funded growth for many poverty stricken countries. As the IMF has grown into a major global economic body the role of the IMF has shifted from its first purpose of ensuring currency exchange rate stabilization and overseeing of the international monetary system to a major global lending organization and global economic stabilization force. (About IMF, n.d.) “Two years ago the world’s main international economic institution...
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...in the twenty first century, 2012, Taylor Swift releases a new album that makes her the first women in the history of music to have two opening weeks with over one million sales. Among these milestones there were many women who have continued to help with upholding these achievements and also continue to influence women's rights to this day. The women rights movement is an ongoing cause and is currently influenced by women such as Sheryl Sandberg, an influential figure in the technological world especially at well known companies, Facebook and Google. Hilary Clinton has been a leader in politics since she was First Lady in 1993. Another female leader in politics whom was also ranked as the fifth most powerful woman is the world is Christine Lagarde, Director of the International Monetary Fund. J.K. Rowling is a prominent figure throughout the world and was recently nominated for the 2007 Person of The Year, through Time Magazine. Women’s Rights has been the fight for equality between men and women for not just the past three centuries but for all of history. Women’s rights is influenced by many milestones and led by many incredible women who still carry influence into today’s world. ...
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...Sign In ✉ Mail ⚙ Help . . .. . . . . . . .. . . Mon, Feb 9, 2015, 11:18AM EST - US Markets close in 4 hrs and 42 mins . . . . Recent. . . Quotes you view appear here for quick access. .. . . ... Finance Home My Portfolio My Quotes News Market Data Yahoo Originals Business & Finance Personal Finance CNBC Contributors . . . .. Recommended Games More games » . . Compare Brokers .. . Leaked List Shows HSBC's Swiss Arm Helped Putin Allies, Drug Lords and Fugitives Hide . Bloomberg By David Kocieniewski 1 hour ago . ˠ ➕ ✕ . . .... . .. .. (Bloomberg) -- The private-banking unit of HSBC Holdings Plc made significant profits for years handling secret accounts whose holders included drug cartels, arms dealers, tax evaders and fugitive diamond merchants, according to a report released Sunday by an international news organization. HSBC is among a handful of banks to face criminal prosecution in recent years for its role in a Swiss banking system that allowed depositors to conceal their identities, and in many cases dodge taxes or launder ill-gotten cash. The report, prepared by the Washington-based International Consortium...
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...NEWSLETTER 12 Pages Join us on Facebook… … a weekly news bulletin www.xedintellect.com 20th Sep 2012 – 26th Sep 2012 IN BRIEF COVER STORY REFORMS AT LAST !!! ECONOMIC INDICATORS Brent Crude $110/barrel BSE 18,694.41 points (as on Tuesday, September 25) PERSONALITIES OF THE WEEK Christine Lagarde Sachin Bansal CORPORATE INTELLIGENCE BIG THREE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES NEWS DIGEST… BUSINESS NEWS GLOBAL NEWS MISCELLANEOUS NEWS Wal-Mart plans to open its first outlet in India within 12-18 months More than two-thirds in USA live pay check to pay check Foxconn unit in China closes after workers clash ECONOMIC INDICATORS 2 COVER STORY 3 PERSONALITIES OF THE WEEK 4 CORPORATE INTELLIGENCE 5 NEWS ANALYSIS 6 JOB PROFILE 11 PART TWO KNOW YOUR BASICS: DATA ANALYTICS KNOW YOUR BASICS: DATA ANALYTICS D ata analytics (DA) refers to examination of raw data for drawing meaningful conclusions usually with the help of the latest IT tools. DA is categorised into exploratory data analysis (EDA) and confirmatory data analysis (CDA). EDA refers to finding new features in the data (similar to data mining) while CDA is used to examine the validity of existing hypotheses. There‟s another category known as Qualitative data analysis (QDA) which is generally used in the social sciences to draw conclusions from non-numerical data like words, photographs or video. The term "analytics" has been used by many business intelligence (BI) software firms...
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