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Christmas Concert Research Paper

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The Christmas concert I went to was amazing. My parents went with me and we sat on the track going around the gym so that we could get a good view of everything. The concert started out with the choir singing Veni, Veni, Emmanuel. Darrell explained that it was actually a chant. It was interesting to hear and I loved that the soloists were able to be heard even with everyone else singing. It seemed to add more depth to the music. There were more songs that they played, some in different languages. One was in Latin and I thought that it was something that was a once in a lifetime opportunity to listen to because I had never been to a concert that anyone sang anything in Latin. It was amazing. Later on there were two soloists that came out and sang two songs together. I thought that they were very brave and they sang very well. The band played next. They were spectacular. They played with such passion. The moment I heard them play Sleigh Ride, I thought about all the times that I rode a sled down my hil at mu home when I was little. There was one point where the little girls sitting in front of us got up and started dancing. They were Darrell's daughters. One of them started twirling and laughing, then grabbed her sisters hand and pulled her off to the side to dance with her. My parents started to chuckle …show more content…
It was absolutely magnificent. The way that they intertwinded the music and the instruments seamlessly. I could hear many people start to humm along to the music that they knew. To be truthful, there were many of us humming to Baby, It's Cold Outside. A Festival of Carols was amazing. It was beautifully sang. The choir seemed to blend all of the carols together seamlessly. After A Festival of Carols and the Hallelujah Chorus, there was a sing-a-long portion. It was a great way to end the concert. Almost everyone stood up to sing with the choir and the band. Those that did not stand up were still singing

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