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Christmas Dinner Research Paper

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What are your favorite Christmas dinner recipes to make for your family and friends? Do you have any? After many years of cooking Christmas dinner for my family and friends I have several old favorites and every year I try to add at least one new recipe. One of the ways I've made Christmas dinner preparation and choice of main and side dishes very easy on myself is by the use of notes. Once our family and friends have said their good-byes and the dishes are done I sit down and review the day. What dish went over well? What dish didn't get eaten? That's how I decide what I'm going to cook for next year.

We're very traditional when it comes to Christmas dinner. We like a turkey and a ham. Just like our Thanksgiving dinner I roast a 15 lb. turkey with a sage stuffing inside. I always feel more confident that roasting a turkey stuffed will help to keep it juicy and flavorful. I don't add any meat or fruit to this stuffing, it gets a whole lot of flavor from the bird. …show more content…
Some years I've made brussels sprouts au gratin, some years I've made pearl onions au gratin. I'm a fan of at least one rich creamy dish for a traditional Christmas dinner. I also like to have at least two vegetables, sometimes three. I also like to offer a very fresh plain vegetable, usually fresh green beans that are just blanched. My family also likes baby carrots. Some years I make a ginger butter for the carrots, other years I've just served them steamed. Creamed corn is another family

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