The Power of Photosynthesis In this article, they performed experiments on watermellons by storing them in storages to see how light, both dark and light , affect the chloroplast ultrastructure. Also they were trying to to see if the storage increases or decreases photosynthesis proformance, after the seed has been planted. The results in this experiment was storing them in the light compared to dark is 100% better overall. The chloroplasts grana were very distored and the chroloplast also had wierd boundries between the thylakyoids. In conclusion of this experiment, they were able to indicate that the seedlings that were placed in the light had a higher photosynthic performance, and with a normal ultrastructre and organized grana. The article that i've chosen relates to Chapter 7: Photosynthesis. The structure and fuction of the chroloplast is very important to the growth of a plant. The grana that were observed in the experiment look very wierd and distorted compared to the ones in the powerpoint handout. The grana in a well developed chloroplast are very well structred. This helps the light reactions and calvin cycle, abling it to produce ATP efficiently. I choose this article because I thought it was intresting to find that even the way food seedlings are stored, can have an overall affect on the growth and development, weather its a negative or postive effect. Some new information that I have learned from this article was that high photosynthetic ability during storage helps the growth of the seedlings after storage. Meaning the photosynthesis performance overall of the watermellon seedling has a great amount to do with the storage process. I also learned the purpose of seedling storage. It is to help stop or slow the growth of a seedling, while perserving the quality for future growth. Some questions that raised from reading this article were: Does the