...One of the most well-known names in history, Galileo Galilei was a pioneer in astronomy, mathematics and physics. Alive during an age of new ideas, Galileo was an undisputed leader of the scientific revolution. Pioneering in the fields of celestial observation, heliocentrism, and kinematics, amongst a plethora of others, he made a lasting impression on the world. This impression was not always in his favor, though, leaving him the victim of a Catholic Church reeling from the Protestant Reformation, who sentenced him to house arrest for his work. Galileo’s life and scientific work was shaped by the times that he lived in, first by inspiring and aiding his discoveries, and then by hindering his further exploration. Born in the northern Italian...
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...LITTLE ROCK CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE: PROPOSAL FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING __________________ A Paper Presented to Dr. Daniel Moosbrugger Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary __________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for CLED 620 __________________ by Melvin A. Moore 25 May 2011 Preface To the readers of this paper, you will notice that the name of [sic] G-d is not spelled out as it is done with reverence to the name and sovereignty therein. Furthermore, with consideration that this paper might be defaced or destroyed at a later time and this should not come of the name as identified in Deuteronomy 12:3-4. However, this shall not apply when relating scripture as to be obedient to the instruction of Deuteronomy 4:2. Introduction Little Rock Church of Deliverance (the Rock) is a settled church located in the Seventh Ward, South East sector of Washington, the District of Columbia. The church leadership comprises of a pastor, assistant pastor, youth pastor, evangelists, elders, deacons, trustees, and auxiliary leaders; furthermore, its roster is accounted as 250 members with a steadfast increase of new members entering the fold monthly. Serving as the headquarters of the Church of Deliverance Conference (C.O.D.), the leadership gives oversight to several other churches as the pastor is the Chief Apostle, Bishop of Administration, Minister of Music, President of the Women’s Department, and several other departments and ministries. It...
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...Anthropology 202 Fall 2015 Instructor: Ian Kalman Written Assignment: Ethnographic Observation This assignment is an exercise in ethnographic observation. Students are asked to choose a location in the Montreal area for a field site. There, they will spend at least an hour, taking (hand-written) notes on what they observe. Successful sites are those in which, to some extent, what is considered ‘normal’ differs from the observer’s own sense of normal. In other words, students are asked to go to a place where taken-for-granted knowledge differs from their own and report on their experiences and insights. In doing so, you make something that was previously strange slightly more familiar, and write about it. Students are then asked to write their papers in two parts, including both a description and analysis of their experience (total 1800 words maximum). Analyses should be no more than 400 words. Papers will be assigned a grade based on the success with which they, (1) demonstrate they have chosen a site appropriate for anthropological observation, (2) richly describe what they observed, and (3) draw out and support interesting interpretations rooted in their experience. Assignments count for 30% of the student’s final grade. Unexcused late submissions will be penalized five points per day of lateness. Papers must be submitted in word format electronically before 2:30PM on Tuesday, October 20th. Please note that as this is an electronic submission, you will be...
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...Community Observation Paper Mike Richardson Liberty University Summer 2014 SOCI 200-D01 LUO Professor Cole Community Observation Paper My Community Observation Paper dealt with observing the homeless issue in my community and the local Mission that is the main source of support for individuals without a home. This experience is something that I’ve witnessed from my job for the past several years, but this prospective was different because of the many different types of people I witnessed struggling with this issue. WHAT WAS OBSERVED: I observed many different individuals struggling with a variety of problems either in the form of alcoholism, drug addiction, but the main issue that seems to be the problem is mental illness. Poverty is just a symptom that results from not being able to function in society. Yes, there were families; however, this seemed to be the minority. It’s very concerning to see the children that reside in the mission and makes you wonder how do you have any advantage moving forward in life if this is your foundation. The shelter or Mission is a large facility that houses several hundred each night including women and children. There are strict rules in place to provide some sense of normality to the individuals who stay there nightly, plus to provide a degree of safety. Some who cause issues are temporary suspended from residing in the shelter and some are permanently banned due to not following the rules that are in place. HOW DID THE EXPERIENCE...
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...many years the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer have touched many lives in the Christian community. The impact he has had and continues to have in today’s society is incredible and the reason for this paper is to examine the merits of his work and to look at his life and his particular place in Christian history by closely examining his background and historical setting, and some of his more significant works. This paper will look into Bonhoeffer’s Cost of Discipleship, and Ethics, and his Prison Correspondence. These works are important in understanding the man and as a theologian and they give an accurate picture of what it was like to live back in those times as a Christian. Despite the numerous accounts of WWII that are out there are very few that give us an account from the perspective of a Christian and the hope that all Christians can share even in the darkest of times. But before we get into his works let us take a look at some of his background. Who was Dietrich Bonhoeffer? With every great hero there must be a great villain, and in the case of Bonhoeffer there was no greater villain than the Nazi party or specifically Adolf Hitler himself. Not many people realize this but when Nazism first started it was considered a Christian movement coming from the Lutheran Church. The Nazi party tended to get much of their beliefs from the sayings of Martin Luther in his later life. Because in Luther’s later life he did come to write many anti-semantic statements that the Nazi...
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...Seeking Preventative Screening Services Introduction Ethnographic field work is an excellent strategy in understanding and describing a cultural group. Field work is also an asset in performing a needs assessment in the planning phase of developing health promotion interventions. As described by Bailey (2002), “ethnographic techniques are integral tools for galvanizing and mobilizing communities for social action relative to generating a promotion and disease prevention agenda.” (Bailey, 2002) This paper serves as a proposal to conduct a medical anthropology field work project to assess reinforcing and enabling factors that promote the use of early detection and preventative breast cancer screening services among African American women. The study design consists of a qualitative ethnographic approach utilizing observation and focus group methodology. This project consists of conducting a focus group with a group of African American women age 40-65 years of age at a Nash County church, who regularly receive early detection and preventative breast cancer screenings. Qualitative data collected will be analyzed utilizing qualitative research coding and content analysis to identify common themes. Data will allow us to identify factors that...
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...staggers the necessary distance in the freezing cold to attend an all-white people church. What captured my interest about this short story is the religious symbolism. Per R. Wayne Clugston “a symbol is an object, person, or action that conveys two meaning: its own literal meaning and something it stands for as well” (Clugston, 2010, p.480). It is filled with symbolism of life and death; good and evil; love and hatred; and peace and anger. Throughout this paper, Alice will demonstrate the significance of how the application of point of view, setting, and symbolism plays a role contributing the theme of a story. In the story, a black woman enters a “white” church. She is a woman of faith; “there was a dazed and sleepy look in her aged blue–brown eyes” (Clugston, 2010) blue symbolizes a peacefulness that this woman has because of her faith. She is not a welcomed visitor to this congregation, though. The parishioners feel “a fear of the black and the old” (Clugston, 2010), the use of the word black is not just to tell us the color of her skin, but to symbolize evil. This is further supported in the words, “many of them saw jungle orgies in an evil place” (Clugston, 2010). The interesting thing about evil here is that it is not suggesting that the woman is evil. Rather, it is a symbol of what is in the hearts of the congregation. They are racists. They are unwilling to welcome her into their church. It is ironic, because they know this woman. The pastor may have called her “Auntie”...
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...started in the 16th century after the Renaissance era. The Renaissance means “rebirth” and during this time in the 14th and 16th century, a lot of people made observations and questioned their beliefs, and it opened up a window to mathematics, science, and the natural world. This took place in Europe mainly northern Italy which influenced the Scientific Revolution. Scientist developed new technology and theories, based on observation, and the natural world. Although scientists faced hardship in terms of government opposition, religious disagreement, and gender stereotype, Scientist created great advances in the 16th and 17th centuries. The government opposition, mainly monarchies in...
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...Professor Henke My Experience at Catholic Mass The purpose of this paper is to describe the sights, sounds, and observations of the author on a recent field trip to Christ the King Roman Catholic Church. The author will also point out both the similarities and the differences between the house of worship that he attends and the church he visited. Upon pulling into the church’s parking lot, he noticed how well the parking was laid out, and how clear and concise the signage was; this was quite similar to his own house of worship. Being a bit of an architectural buff, he noticed that the church was large and French gothic in its design. Even though it had the appearance of old world craftsmanship, strangely it fit in very nicely in the upscale neighborhood it is located in. Looking at this magnificently designed cathedral leaves one with an indelible impression that you are indeed treading upon sacred ground; the high arch enclosed stained windows and the soaring towers tipped with crucifixes add to the grandeur of it all. Once inside, a visual treat for the eyes awaits all who walk through the enormous wooden doors that allow you entrance into the main sanctuary. It is impossible to ignore the absolutely stunning arched high ceilings, along with the gorgeous hand hewn wooden pews, beautifully handcrafted stained glass windows which upon closer inspection depict many of the patron saints of the Catholic Church. Breathtaking marble and granite floors are everywhere, and the hand...
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...The Middle Ages was a time when the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope were the primary rulers in Europe. Almost everything that existed focused on Jesus Christ and sins. The time period after was called the Renaissance which created a big change in European history. The Renaissance was a time of exciting changes and advances in art, literature, and science. The purpose of this paper is to explain how the Renaissance changed the views of the world. Illiteracy was common in the Middle Ages due to not having a lot of schools for education. Since people did not have a well education, they did not understand why or how things happened in life. In the Background Essay it quotes, “Both serfs and their masters looked to the Catholic Church and the Bible to explain the world.” In the 1300’s, education began to spread due to the need of people to efficiently carry on their work. Education made people to start to...
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...Activity Paper Columbia College: Life Span Psychology February 21, 2016 Activity Paper On January 30, 2016 we celebrated my Pastors’ 5th Anniversary/Birthday at a local park. While I help set-up things, this young man caught my attention. As I sat there observing the young adolescent male, I decided that he would use be the person I use to complete my observation on. This male is of African American decent and is approximately 15-16 years old. This young man caught my attention because he was so polite and helpful in assisting a few of our elderly members from their cars and/or church van. I watched him interact and played basketball with an older male that he resembled a great deal, so I am assuming that the older male is his father. The young man started to socialize with and eventually joined the youth from my church as they played a few games. This young man had obviously started puberty, the physical transition to adulthood. He had a shadow of facial hair, his voice was deep and his shoulders were wide and muscular. But his feet and arms still appeared slightly out of proportion which made me think he had not reached his expected adult height. This observation is what led to my guess in his age to be approximately 15-16 years old. I made an educated guess on the fact that his facial hair and wide shoulders indicate that he is in later stages of puberty but his out of proportion feet and arms led me to think he was younger than 17-18 which is the normal age...
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...Charles Darwin: Darwinian Evolution 7/24/11 Professor A. Wagners SCIE 200 Assignment 4-1 Position Paper 4 Can a person believe in both, Darwinism and religion, at the same time? “We can do so only if we do not confuse evolutionary biology with a natural science and atheistic materialism,” (Junghyung, 2011). Darwin’s Theory of Evolution has been a widespread topic of disagreement for many decades. When his theory was first introduced in the mid 1800s there was controversy between religion and science. At the time Darwin’s theory was mainstreamed most Europeans were still firm in their belief of religion and that the earth was created in seven days by a divine being as described in the bible. “Darwin worked on his theory for 20 years. After learning that another naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace, had developed similar ideas, the two made a joint announcement of their discovery in 1858. In 1859 Darwin published 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection',” (bbc.co.uk). “The book was extremely controversial, because the logical extension of Darwin's theory was that homo sapiens was simply another form of animal. It made it seem possible that even people might just have evolved - quite possibly from apes - and destroyed the prevailing orthodoxy on how the world was created. Darwin was vehemently attacked, particularly by the Church. However, his ideas soon gained currency and have become the new orthodoxy,” (bbc.co.uk). Darwin’s theory that everything indeed evolved...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Theology of the Emerging Church: Unorthodox Theology of the Revisionists Stream of the Emerging Church Developed from Culture Submitted to Dr. Richard Elligson, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course THEO 510 D13 Survey of Theology by Ray Ruppert May 7, 2014 Table of Contents Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1 Definition of Emerging.................................................................................................................... 2 Emerging from Modernism.................................................................................................... 2 Emerging from Culture.......................................................................................................... 3 Emerging Theology................................................................................................................ 4 Comparing Revisionists Theology with Orthodox Theology....................................................... 5 Identify with the Life of Jesus.............................................................................................. 6 Transform the Secular Realm................................................................................................. 8 Conclusion.............................................................
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...culture some of which are similar. A society can be seen as a group of people who interact with each other and also share common interest. According to Haralambos and Holborn (2008), in order to understand the social context of human behavior one has to understand the culture of the society to which they belong. Linton (1945) defines culture as ‘the way of life of its members; the collection of ideas and habits which they learn, share and transmit from generation to generation” (Mustapha, 2007).The process in which we acquire such knowledge is called socialization. The way in which we socialize influences the culture of the society. In Each society there are also different methods of socialization and types of socialization. Throughout this paper I will show how these methods and types of socialization help to contribute to the culture of society. Our culture is a huge part of our everyday life. There are different ways in which socialization impacts or influence our culture. With the use of socialization individuals become aware of what and or who they are. Persons have a better understanding of why specific things are done and the true meaning behind it. Take for instance, in Jamaica when baking a potato pudding; it is traditional that it is baked on a coal stove rather than in the oven also the process of having the fire at...
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...I be In-between? This assignment has actually been very tough on me. When I was a child we never attended church. I did go to a Christian Church with friends of my Fathers’. While I was there they had started discussing baptizing me. I did not let them of course and my parents were not there to give permission. When I got home that evening I told my Father what had happened. He got very angry. He never told me why and we never talked about it. I did come to find out as I got older that my Dad was raised and baptized Catholic. My mother and I also never discussed nor attended church. My parents did not discuss things with us as “normal” parents should. I think we were just supposed to figure it out by ourselves. I live with a man. Who, I have watched to see what his faith is. On a normal basis he does not talk about God or anything related. When his world seems to fall apart or something very tiny happens he then has something to say. Apparently God is against him, or he can not ever get a break. It becomes God’s fault and everyone around him. He has no faith in anything. He is like a kernel of popcorn waiting to burst at any moment. How can you show someone there is something you can believe in when they are so selfish? I am not saying that he has to summit himself to a religion but he needs to believe in something just so that he has something positive. My paper comes with no proof or theories but debatable topics and questions that should be acceptable to any person regarding...
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