...Leadership and Management In this paper, we are going to talk about Winston Churchill. Way of how he was a leader and in what ways was he a manager. What different leadership roles and functions does Churchill fulfill? Also how these roles are similar and different. What obstacles has Churchill encountered as a leader? Is Churchill an effective leader based on common measures for success? Before we can answer these questions, in what ways is this person a leader? One must understand what a leader stands for. Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Also, we must look at in what ways is this person a manager? Manager is An individual who is in charge of a certain group of tasks, or a certain subset of a company. A manager often has a staff of people who report to him or her. Winston Churchill was both a leader and a manager during World War II. Churchill was a leader whose inspirational speeches motivated Britain when they thought all was lost. He made many mistakes and was not a perfect leader. But, his oratory inspired the British people throughout the war years. His speeches rallied the people, "throwing down the gauntlet" to Hitler, almost saying do your worst, and we will never surrender like the rest of Europe. So from that aspect he was a good leader throughout Britain's darkest hours from 1940 to 1945. Hitler’s armies had...
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...will compare and contrast leadership characteristics between Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill. An examination of their goals and leadership characteristics will show that these individuals had quite very different objectives.; hHowever, the leadership processes they used were frequently similar. Adolf Hitler and Winton Churchill were among the greatest leaders in world history and certainly during the years of World War II. History perceives Churchill as a positive character and Hitler as an example of an unscrupulous leader who brought death and destruction. Churchill led Great Britain as a prime minister during World War II, while Hitler was a leader of Germany. Churchill and Hitler were very different individuals. In many ways their leadership styles and approach seemed similar, however, their backgrounds were quite different. Churchill came from a wealthy and famous family while Hitler, in contrast, was born into a family of commoners. Both of them lost their fathers during their youth; Hitler was 14, Churchill was 20. Churchill was a patriot and a prominent speaker who gave many speeches defending freedom and showing nationalistic pride. According to Rossi (2004) Churchill “loved the British people but hated no other nation. Hitler, in contrast, was consumed by hatred-of the Jews, Slavs, and gypsies among others. Hatred was the driving force of his life” (pp. 106-107). Churchill despised totalitarianism and was a mortal enemy of fascism, while Hitler supported...
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...Political Carrer Winston Churchill | | | 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 The Life and Career of Sir Winston Churchill Churchill was involved in every important event of England’s from the Boer War to World War II. He served six British monarchs, from Queen Victoria to Elizabeth II. Through his life he was a statesman, soldier, author, journalist and twice prime minister, Churchill’s career has no parallel in modern history. The Early Years Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England, on November 30, 1874. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a brilliant politician, even though he was one of the most hated. His mother was the American Jennie Jerome. One of his ancestors was John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, a great military hero. Winston Churchill himself showed no early signs of greatness. He was in fact a stubborn, unruly, manipulative, and often difficult red-haired boy and a poor student. He was also given to unpredictable behavior. Before he was even seven years old, it was already clear that he was headstrong, highly opinionated, and virtually impossible to control. He spent four years at Harrow School at the very bottom of his class. However during this time he showed that he had a remarkable memory similar to his father's. He particularly enjoyed English. From early childhood soldiers and warfare fascinated Churchill and he often played with a large collection of lead soldiers in his nursery. His later years at...
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...Throughout both Churchill's military and political career, Churchill remained resilient throughout some of his most turbulent times and major setbacks. From the failed Gallapoli campaign in the First World War, from every election defeat he suffered until becoming Prime Minister in 1940 after the resignation of Neville Chamberlain. He was decisive, and stood by his decisions, sometimes against overwhelming opposition. Where some give in and appease, Churchill stood strong making him an exceptional leader. "Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm". Another quality of Churchill was that he was a great Orator. He was able to give speeches with passion and purpose. Churchill's purpose was clearly demonstrated in...
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...Distinguished and Noted World Leader Born on November 30th, 1874 in Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill grew up to be very educated man. He was the eldest son of Lord Randolph Churchill, and he grew up in Dublin, Ireland, where he was raised by his grandmother while his father worked as a politician. His father was employed to his Winston Churchill grandfather, John Spencer-Churchill and his mother, Jennie Jerome, was the American heiress. Churchill was known as a rebellious student and school as a child and performed horribly in his first two schools. He was then sent to Harrow School near London where he enrolled into the Harrow Rifle Corps to develop his soon to be military skills. After trying three times to pass his...
Words: 1907 - Pages: 8
...Winston Churchill Winston churchhill was born on November 30, 1874, in Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, England, an died in Hyde Park Gate, London, England, on Janaury 24,1964. Also, he came from a wealth family, and started serving in the british military at a young age. He was a many things a journalist, Prime minister, and Serve in the british military. He was known mostly as a prime minister. As prime minister, Winston Churchill rallied the British people during WWII, and led his country from the getting defeat to victory. In these paragraph I will be talk about who he led this country from getting defeated in WWII. Before every thing with Hitler in WWII happened,Churchill was a leading advocate for British rearmament. By September 3, 1939, the day that Britain declared war on Germany, Churchill was appointed first lord of the Admiralty and a member of the war cabinet, and little later, became chairman of the Military Coordinating Committee. On May 10, King George VI appointed Churchill as prime minister and minister of defense. Quickly, Churchill...
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...Winston Churchill Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was one of the greatest prime ministers in all of history. By playing a role in defeating the Nazis and becoming prime minister two times in his life, he was one of the best to do it. His life before the war and becoming prime minister mostly involved the government and politics. His time as prime minister and defeating the Nazis was in his youthful ages, and life after WWII wasn’t the greatest. Winston Churchill built Great Britain to the greatest it could be. Winston Churchill’s life before he became prime minister and dealt with WWII had to do a lot with the government, politics, and WWI. Before Winston Churchill’s epic role in WWII and history he was a British writer, military leader,...
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...Leadership Styles Identify five leaders from the lists given in Appendix A. • Select one leader’s name from List 7. I selected Emperor Hirohito of Japan. Provide the reason for selecting this leader. Emperor Hirohito was a great leader who adjusted well to change while he was in power. • Select one leader’s name from List 4. I selected Jimmy Carter • Provide the reason for selecting this leader. Jimmy Carter may not have been the best leader when it came to his presidency, but he was a great leader when it involved his humanitarian work. • Select the remaining three leaders from Lists 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6. Ensure you select only one name from a list. Ross Perot, Winston Churchill, Hillary Clinton • Provide the reason for selecting...
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...the term LEADERSHIP. One is “A relationship through which one person influences the behavior or actions of other people” (Mullins, L.J. 2002, Management and Organizational Behavior, 6th Edition, FT Publishing, p904). Another popular definition would be, “the process of influencing an organization or groups within an organization in its efforts towards achieving a goal” (Johnson, Scholes & Whittington, 2005, Exploring Corporate Strategy, 7th Edition, FT Prentice Hall, p.519) Leadership Theories on Behavior To me, leaders are constantly surrounding us. People constantly need to be led and they seek out individuals around them who have personalities that stand out – the basic qualities of leadership, the Great Man Theory. This could be in terms of their appearance, knowledge, charisma, behavior or style. For example, popular actors/actresses might not be great leaders but they influence the thoughts of people through advertisements through their appearance and charisma. Leadership is also a process where trust of people needs to be gained and established before followers are doing things willingly and without having to use pressure. Managers are different in this aspect, as they are given authority/power and trust factor might not be required to actively participate in management, subordinates might not be performing their tasks willingly. The above idea is adopted from the most recent leadership definition by Manfred Kets de Vries...
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...Two Leaders: One Goal Juan Camilo Perez University of Phoenix University Academic Writing ENG/220 Pamela Pruett March 08, 2015 Two Leaders: One Goal World War II is considered, by many, the most significant event of the 20th century. It was a turning point in history; one that united the world, saved democracy and changed international affairs. The defeat of Hitler and his allies would not have been possible without the leadership and collaboration of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Sir Winston Churchill. Both of them, viewed by their constituents as their only hope, came into power at a time of crisis. America was going through the Great Depression, and Britain was in Hitler's line of sight for invasion. These very different characters came together at the height of Hitler's plan to destroy all democracies. Roosevelt's calculative personality, Churchill’s strategic impulsiveness and their clear focus on the mission, slowly but surely led the allies to victory and the ultimate elimination of Hitler and his army. America’s leader during World War II was a result driven individual, capable of making difficult decisions and taking necessary measures to protect his country even if meant losing the support of his constituents. Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) was elected as a 32nd President of the United States in 1932.("FDR Biography," n.d.) He came into office in the aftermath of World War I and the middle of the Great Depression. Using his experience as New York State Senator, Assistant...
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...hero, Winston Churchill is no longer the country’s leader, in spite of his great effort and success overseas during the war. The right-wing Conservative leader thought to remain prime mister, expecting public gratitude. However, the English vote for parties, not people. There was a demographic impact within Britain that led to the swing of leadership from a more capitalist based party to a more socialist based party. The people of Britain were haunted by the 1930s, a world in which “seldom the all-importance of food is recognized. You see statues everywhere to politicians, poets, bishops, but none to cooks or bacon-curers or market gardeners”, as described by Orwell. A time in which the poor were overlooked and undermined, a land in which the people “bred in the slums can imagine nothing but the slums.” Why was Churchill, being the national hero that he was, rejected by the Britons? Was it the failure of the Conservatives, which gave rise to Labour; or was it the rise of Labour which led to the failure of the Conservatives? These are some key aspects that this essay will attempt to consider. This paper will focus on how the rise of Labour, through their efforts locally, won over the population in order achieve a significant victory. Conducive to that change in leadership was the lack of Tory focus on social-policy and attention towards the working-class, which emanated from the lack of party politicking on the part of Churchill himself. Churchill was the leader of the Conservative...
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...Britain’s wartime leader Winston Churchill. Churchill’s campaign was based around his wartime leadership, and the fact that he lead the country to victory. Instead of their conservative wartime leader, the british public voted for labour and its leader, Clement Attlee. Whilst both Churchill and Attlee were household names in the UK, Attlee was relatively unknown outside of the country, which is why the result of the election came as such a shock to many people around the world, who expected the british public to unanimously side with the man that had lead them to victory in the wartime period. The 1945 election was held on the July 5th with the election campaigns beginning in ernest a month prior. However due to many british servicemen stationed around the world still involved in the war against japan which would not be brought to a close until August 9th. This meant that the results of the election were not known until July 26th, when it was announced that labour had secured 47% of the votes, and 61% of the seats in the house of commons. Towards the end of the war in Europe, the Labour party withdrew from the wartime government in peroration for the forthcoming election to take place in July. Prior to the election, King George VI dissolved the parliament that had stood for 10 years without an election, to make way for the forthcoming july election, that would provide the country with a dedicated postwar government lead by a peacetime leader. Winston Churchill was said to be...
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...Date: Sir Winston Churchill Introduction Being a high profile personality is at times beneficial to an individual not only during the person’s lifetime but also after his death. It is always good to realize that anything that an individual does always affect people around either positively or negatively and having a positive impact is always the best thing and does last for ages even after death. In stands that in the society there are people of higher ranks than others either in politics, workplace, business and many others. Often when these people quite a career that was known of them or even die they will leave a legacy behind for either the right or bad things they did while on serving in their area of influence. Doing good things to others while holding such positions is something that everyone longs for but that has never been the case for many. The many politicians and other professions in various high posts in the society have had always had their reputations to build; however, not everyone will always have the heart to help others in the society, not even those people he leads. Some will be selfish and will only be interested in being financially stable from illegal sources such as soliciting taxpayer’s money(if he is a politician) while some will be bad enough to take even away people’s lives for selfish gains. All these are traits that describe those people around us especially the high profile personalities. But there lived this man, Winston Churchill, who is not only...
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...Winston Churchill was one of the best known political leaders during the 20th century. He was born into privilege life, and devoted himself into population. He has a complicated endowment being that he was a soldier, idealist, orator, and pragmatist. People in Great Britain thought that Winston was a superhero. Winston Churchill was a defender of democracy, and a advocate of progressive. Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim Palace on Novmber30, 1874. Queen Anne gave this home to Churchill’s ancestors. Winston served twice as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He is best known as the leader that led his country to defeat the Nazis during world war 11. He is also known as Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. Churchill became the...
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...Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and C.S. Lewis were [1] Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were great leaders for the Allies during World War II. They led their countries during very difficult, very tying, very dangerous times. Franklin Roosevelt was President of the United States, and Winston Churchill was Britain’s prime minister. [4] Preparing for a life in politics, Franklin Roosevelt attended Harvard University. He eventually ran for president and was elected. [2] In 1921, when he came down with polio, he was paralyzed from his waist down. [5] Since Europe was rapidly falling to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, the United States joined the war. [3] Reluctantly, Roosevelt, who brought the United States into the war was on the side of the Allies. Franklin Roosevelt had promised during his reelection that the United States would remain neutral in the war. [1] Winston Churchill was born and grew up in Oxford shire. When...
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