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Cis247 Week 4 Lab


Submitted By monjiques
Words 335
Pages 2
class Employee { //Data members protected string firstName; protected string lastName; protected char gender; protected int dependents; protected double annualSalary; protected Benefits benefit; protected string employeeType;

protected static int numEmployees = 0;

//Constants public const string DEFAULT_Name = "not given"; public const int MIN_DEPENDENTS = 0; public const int MAX_DEPENDENTS = 10; public const double MIN_SALARY = 20000; public const double MAX_SALARY = 100000; public const char DEFAULT_Gender = 'U'; public const int DEFAULT_Dependents = 0; public const string DEFAULT_EmployeeType = "not given";

#region Constructors

// Default Constructor public Employee () { firstName = DEFAULT_Name; lastName = DEFAULT_Name; gender = DEFAULT_Gender; dependents = DEFAULT_Dependents; annualSalary = MIN_SALARY; employeeType = DEFAULT_EmployeeType;

benefit = new Benefits();

numEmployees++; }

//Overloaded Constructors public Employee(string firstName, string lastName, char gender, int dependents, double annualSalary, Benefits benefit, string employeeType) { //Restricitons applied to data members through using the properties instead of the data members this.FirstName = firstName; this.LastName = lastName; this.Gender = gender; this.Dependents = dependents; this.AnnualSalary = annualSalary;

Benefit = benefit;

numEmployees++; }

public Employee(string employeeType) :this() { }


#region Properties

public String EmployeeType { get { return employeeType; } }

public Benefits Benefit { get { return benefit; } set { if (value == null) benefit = new Benefits(); else benefit = value; } }

public string FirstName { get {return firstName;}

set { //Validating Input: IF null or empty, value assigned to default. //ELSE input is set to the value if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) firstName = DEFAULT_Name; else firstName = value; } }

public string LastName { get { return lastName;}

set { //Validating Input: IF null or empty, value assigned to default //ELSE input is set to the value if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) lastName = DEFAULT_Name; else lastName = value; } } public char Gender { get { return gender; } set {//If the gender value is 'F', 'f', 'M', or 'm' set the value; othe ||rwise set the value to DEFAULT_GENDER.

if (value == 'f' || value == 'F' || value == 'M' || value == 'm') gender = value; else gender = DEFAULT_Gender; } }

public int Dependents { get { return dependents; }

set { /*If dependent value is between the MIN_DEPENDENTS and MAX_DEPENDENTS (inclusive) then the dependent to the value; *If the value is less than MIN_DEPENDENTS then the dependents set to MIN_DEPENDENTS; *Else if value is greater than MAX_DEPENDENTS then the dependents set to MAX_DEPENDENTS.*/ if (value >= MIN_DEPENDENTS && value = MIN_SALARY && value

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