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Civil War Black Codes Essay

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Some legislatures merely revised larger sections of the slaves’ codes by substituting the word freedman for salve. Under these Black Codes former slaves who were supposed to be free were compelled to carry passed, observe curfew, live in housing provided by landowner and give up hope of entering many desirable occupations. The laws were passed by the southern States and were intend to the effect of restricting African American’s freedom, and compelling them to work in a labor economy based on low wages or debts.
During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln passed the Homestead Act that consisted on granting a totaling 160 acres of unappropriated federal land within the boundaries of the public states. This policy wanted individual farmers …show more content…
By December 1863 Lincoln proposed a plan that according to it a state government could be establish as soon as 10 percent of those who had voted in 1860 took an oath of future loyalty. The plan prohibited high-ranking Confederate officials would be denied a chance to take the oath and also proposed rules that would keep the wealthy planters class out of power.
Nothing gave more hope during the war that the Gettysburg Address which Lincoln gave During the Civil War, he reiterated the principle of human equality espoused by the Civil War as a struggle for the preservation of the Union sundered by the secession crisis, with “a new birth of freedom” that would give equality to all of its citizens.
Over all the political parties that predominate over this time, the one that was most closely related to the one lived in the twenty-one century were the Radical Republicans who had a clearly defined goal, they believed in the essentially to democratize the South, establish public education and ensure rights of freedmen, favoring the black

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