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Civil War Dbq

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As president Abraham Lincoln once said that “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Reflecting on his 1860 presidential election win, Lincoln once made the distinction between the fundamental wrongdoing of violating the Constitution in the name of justice and violating those who sought to manipulate it. By illustrating the need for discerning whether Constitutional powers are being abused or not, Lincoln underscored one of the many reasons for needing a system of checks and balances that is also enforced by the people, both in his time, and ours today. From the top of the political hierarchy to the bottom, all officials …show more content…
Keeping up with the immense fear, panic, and suspicion of a certain group, the government fed into this idea with a drastic change to settle the public’s nerves: Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, which made the detainment and internment of Japanese Americans legal. In order to “overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution” with this unjust act, various everyday-Americans-turned-activists took the fight to the Judicial Branch to stop their ethnic group from being discriminated against, persecuted, and detained. Notable figures included Gordon Hirabayashi, Fred Korematsu, and Mitsuye Endo who each did their part to combat their President’s unconstitutional order. According to, a judicial archive of the Supreme Court, during Hirabayashi’s case, “The Court ducked the thorny relocation issue and focused solely on the curfew, which the Court viewed as a necessary ‘protective measure.’ Stone argued that racial discrimination was justified since ‘in time of war residents having ethnic affiliations with an invading enemy may be a greater source of danger than those of a different ancestry’”. While Hirabayashi lost the case against Roosevelt’s violation of the Constitution that relocated and detained an ethnic group

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