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Vibration Therapy Research Paper

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Vibration Technology
New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation treat patients with neuromuscular and skeletal disorders with a combination of techniques that includes; physical medicine, pain management, osteopathy and chiropractic. These techniques include a unique approach to the patient's care. We teach patients how to manage their own pain in order to become physician-free. One of the techniques we use on our patients is called, vibration therapy.

What is Vibration Therapy?

The body is stimulated by sending vibrations along the vertical axis using a wave pro plate. The physician will have the patient stand on a tilting plate, where they will feel a wave of vibration omitting from it into their bodies. The vibration stimulates the tendons, bones and muscles inside the body. …show more content…
This technique is often used to strengthen bone mass and muscles. NASA uses vibrating for its astronauts. It can be done sitting, standing or squatting on a machine that has a vibrating platform. The best technique is to sit in a squatted position with knees bent at an 100 degree angle for one minute. This will trick the body into thinking it is about to fall, cause the muscles to involuntarily contract. This technique can also be used on separate parts of the body such as the hand, calf or thigh. The designs of this technology varies because there are no FDA standards to regulate the manufacture of it. There are some low intensity platforms that are currently on the market for those who want to try this technique in the comfort of their own homes. The technology will often calculate the patient's body mass index and weight before stimulating the muscles. These platforms usually do not weight much and can be transported easily from one location to another. It can be used in a seated or standing position. Vibrational currents are used in clinical and rehabilitation

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