...appened in between 1800-1850 in England? 1800: Jan First soup kitchens to relieve hungry poor in London Autumn Robert owen begins philanthropic reform for workers employed in his mills at New Lanark Maria Edgeworth publishes Castle Rackrent, one of the earliest historical novels 1801 Steam carriae of Richard Trevithick carries road passengers at Camborne, Cornwall 1802 June 22 Health and Morals of Apprentices Act, first protective factory legislation, no children under 9 in mills,maximum 12-hour day for children Madame Tussaud mounts the first waxwork exhibition in Lyceum Hall, London Chalotte Dundas, a wooden ship with a single paddle-wheel, covers 20 miles of the Forth and clyde Canal, the world's first steam vessel. 1805 October 21 Battle of Trafalgar, Nelso defeats Franco-Spanish fleet, but is mortally wounded. 1807 Mar 25 Slave Trade abolished in all British possessions June 4 Federick Winsor illuminates part of pall Mall with gas lighting. 1811 Regency Act in favour of Prince of Wales because of George III's insanity. Mar organised machine-breaking (Luddism) in Nottingham Jane Austen publishes Sense and Sensibility Fashionable women reject tight corsets and petticoats 1812 Mar Publication of first 2 cantos of Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage causes sensation: "I woke one morning and found myself famous" autumn Countess Lieven, wife of russian ambasador, introduces waltz to London 1813 Jane Austen publishes Pride and Prejudice Smooth-wheeled...
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...The English that was brought to America in seventeenth century was, of course, the language--or versions of the language--of Early Modern England. The year of the Captain John Smith's founding of Jamestown (1607) coincides roughly with Shakespeare's writing of Timon of Athens and Pericles, and the King James Bible (the "Authorized Version") was published only four years later, in 1611. It was not long before writers on both sides of the Atlantic began to acknowledge the language's divergence. As early as the mid-seventeenth century, Samuel Johnson, in a review of Lewis Evans's "Geographical, Historical, Political, Philosophical, and Mechanical Essays," pays the [American] writer's language a backhanded compliment: This treatise is written with such elegance as the subject admits, tho' not without some mixture of the American dialect, a tract ["trace"] of corruption to which every language widely diffused must always be exposed. (In the World, No. 102, Dec. 12, 1754; quoted by Mencken 4) Johnson's assessment was mild compared to that of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who asserted in 1822 that "the Americans presented the extraordinary anomaly of a people without a language. That they had mistaken the English language for baggage (which is called plunder in America), and had stolen it" (quoted in Mencken 28). Noah Webster attributed some of the marked features of New England speech to a conservatism engendered by the relative isolation, vis à vis the rest of the world, of the colonists...
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...OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE • Palaeolithic nomads from mainland Europe; • New inhabitants came from western and possibly north-western Europe (New Stone Age); • in the 2nd millennium BC new inhabitants came from the Low Countries and the middle Rhine (Stonehenge); • Between 800 and 200 BC Celtic peoples moved into Britain from mainland Europe (Iron Age) • first experience of a literate civilisation in 55 B.C. • remoter areas in Scotland retained independence • Ireland, never conquered by Rome, Celtic tradition • The language of the pre-Roman settlers - British (Welsh, Breton); Cornish; Irish and Scottish Gaelic (Celtic dialect) • The Romans up to the fifth century • Britain - a province of the Roman Empire 400 years • the first half of the 5th century the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes (N Germany, Jutland) • The initial wave of migration - 449 A. D. • the Venerable Bede (c. 673-735) • the Britain of his time comprised four nations English, British (Welsh), Picts, and Scots. • invaders resembling those of the Germans as described by Tacitus in his Germania. • a warrior race • the chieftain, the companions or comitatus. • the Celtic languages were supplanted (e.g. ass, bannock, crag). * Christianity spread from two different directions: * In the 5th century St Patrick converted Ireland, in the 7th century the north of England was converted by Irish monks; * in the south at the end of the 6th century Aethelberht of Kent allowed the monk Augustine...
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...New York City The first native New Yorkers were the Lenape, an Algonquin people who hunted, fished and farmed in the area between the Delaware and Hudson rivers. Europeans began to explore the region at the beginning of the 16th century--among the first was Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian who sailed up and down the Atlantic coast in search of a route to Asia--but none settled there until 1624. That year, the Dutch West India Company sent some 30 families to live and work in a tiny settlement on “Nutten Island” (today’s Governors Island) that they called New Amsterdam. In 1626, the settlement’s governor general, Peter Minuit, purchased the much larger Manhattan Island from the natives for 60 guilders in trade goods such as tools, farming equipment, cloth and wampum (shell beads). Fewer than 300 people lived in New Amsterdam when the settlement moved to Manhattan. But it grew quickly, and in 1760 the city (now called New York City; population 18,000) surpassed Boston to become the second-largest city in the American colonies. Fifty years later, with a population 202,589, it became the largest city in the Western hemisphere. Today, more than 8 million people live in the city’s five boroughs. New York City in the 18th Century In 1664, the British seized New Amsterdam from the Dutch and gave it a new name: New York City. For the next century, the population of New York City grew larger and more diverse: It included immigrants from the Netherlands, England, France and Germany;...
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...Education of Individuals with Disability Name: Institution: Education of Individuals with Disability History of Special Education In the early 18th century, people with disability were often ignored, obscured, or put to death. First efforts to provide education for disabled students were focused on students with sensory problems such as the deaf and blind. During the 19 and early 20th century, schools that were specialized in providing education to students with disability emerged in United States and Europe. The extremely published story of Helen Keller influenced the introduction of education for disabled people in America. In 1887, Anne Sullivan who was Helen’s teacher said that he will not give up in offering education to the deaf and the blind, and she succeeded in teaching a five year old Helen how to communicate (Ashbaker, 2011, p. 25). Prior to 1965, there were no free education services provided to students with serious disabilities. These students were barred from attending school. Most of the students with severe disabilities used to put up in institutions. Many students who had mild disabilities and were not in a position to complete high school without any help did not have any other alternative other than dropping out of school. To appreciate developments that have placed disabled students in normal learning classroom, it is important to understand the legislative history that led to this move. Back in 1954, there was a civil rights case that involving...
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...Mississippi ratifies 13th amendment abolishing slavery ... 147 years late Academics prompt ratification after noticing that 1995 move to accept amendment detailed in Lincoln had not been completed * Share77 * * * 1 * inShare0 * ------------------------------------------------- Email Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln. Photograph: David James/AP Mississippi has officially ratified the 13th amendment to the US constitution, which abolishes slavery and which was officially noted in the constitution on 6 December 1865. All 50 states have now ratified the amendment. 1. ------------------------------------------------- Lincoln 2. Production year: 2012 3. Countries: India, Rest of the world, USA 4. Cert (UK): 12A 5. Runtime: 150 mins 6. Directors: Steven Spielberg 7. Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, David Strathairn, Hal Holbrook, James Spader, John Hawkes, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lee Pace, Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones 8. More on this film Mississippi's tardiness has been put down to an oversight that was only corrected after two academics embarked on research prompted by watching Lincoln, Steven Spielberg's Oscar-nominated film about president Abraham Lincoln's efforts to secure the amendment. Dr Ranjan Batra, a professor in the department of neurobiology and anatomical sciences at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, saw Spielberg's film and wondered about the implementation of the 13th amendment after the Civil War. He discussed...
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...The (un)Official United States History Cram Packet This is not intended as a substitute for regular study ……. But it is a powerful tool for review. 1494: Treaty of Tordesillas – divides world between Portugal and Spain 1497: John Cabot lands in North America. 1513: Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain. 1524: Verrazano explores North American Coast. 1539-1542: Hernando de Soto explores the Mississippi River Valley. 1540-1542: Coronado explores what will be the Southwestern United States. 1565: Spanish found the city of St. Augustine in Florida. 1579: Sir Francis Drake explores the coast of California. 1584 – 1587: Roanoke – the lost colony 1607: British establish Jamestown Colony – bad land, malaria, rich men, no gold - Headright System – land for population – people spread out 1608: French establish colony at Quebec. 1609: United Provinces establish claims in North America. 1614: Tobacco cultivation introduced in Virginia. – by Rolfe 1619: First African slaves brought to British America. 15. Virginia begins representative assembly – House of Burgesses 1620: Plymouth Colony is founded. - Mayflower Compact signed – agreed rule by majority • 1624 – New York founded by Dutch 1629: Mass. Bay founded – “City Upon a Hill” - Gov. Winthrop - Bi-cameral legislature, schools 1630: The Puritan Migration 1632: Maryland – for profit – proprietorship 1634 – Roger Williams banished from Mass. Bay Colony 1635:...
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... 5. Examples include Tupí people of Brazil 1. Fully sedentary 1. Permanent settlements 2. Often on high plateaus, rather than forests or grasslands 3. Stability allowed for complex societies 4. Employed irrigation to sustain agricultural base 5. Sometimes developed into city-states or empires 6. Highly stratified societies 7. Examples 1. Aztec empire 2. Maya empire 3. Inca empire 1. Empires of the Americas 1. Aztec empire 1. Aztec refers to the empire, not the people 2. In modern-day Mexico 3. Ruled by the Mexica people 4. Nahuatl-speaking 5. Capital at Tenochtitlan more populous than Spanish or Portuguese capitals 1. Inca empire 1. Located in the Andes of South America 2. Inca refers to the emperor and the empire, rather than the people 3. Capital at Cuzco – “the navel of the universe” 4. Quechua speakers 1. Maya empire...
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...Russell Ellis Simerly III AP European History Chapter 17—The Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth Century Thought Chapter Overview: The Enlightenment is a movement of people and ideas that fostered the expansion of literate sectors of European society and that economic improvement and political reform were both possible and desirable. Contemporary western political and economic thought is a product of Enlightenment thinking; therefore, some historians believe the process of Enlightenment continues today. Inspired by the scientific revolution and prepared to challenge traditional intellectual and theological authority, Enlightenment writers believed that human beings can comprehend the operation of physical nature and mold it to achieve material and moral improvement, economic growth, and administrative reform. Enlightenment intellectuals advocated agricultural improvement, commercial society, expanding consumption, and the application of innovative rational methods to traditional social and economic practices. The spirit of innovation and improvement came to characterize modern Europe and Western society. Politically, the Enlightenment had a direct impact on some rulers--in eastern and central Europe—whose policies came to be known as enlightened absolutism. Section One: Formative Influences of the Enlightenment Section Overview Chief factors that fostered the ideas of the Enlightenment The Newtonian worldview the political stability and...
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...Social History, 30:3, 281-295, DOI: 10.1080/03071020500185406 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03071020500185406 Published online: 05 Aug 2006. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 574 View related articles Citing articles: 4 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rshi20 Download by: [York University Libraries] Date: 17 February 2016, At: 09:19 Social History Vol. 30 No. 3 August 2005 Katrina Navickas Downloaded by [York University Libraries] at 09:19 17 February 2016 The search for ‘General Ludd’: the mythology of Luddism1 In attempting to make sense of the working-class disturbances of the period 1811–13, both contemporaries and historians have searched for ‘General Ludd’ and his followers. The magistrates who sent out their spies to uncover the underground organization of the movement, the witnesses and prosecutors at the Assize trials giving their versions of events, the parliamentary Secret Committee set up to investigate the disturbances, and the historians who rely on evidence surviving from these sources have all attempted to understand Luddism’s scope and revolutionary potential. Yet Luddism can be analysed and understood in a different light. This article discusses aspects of its mythology and shared identity: that is, how Luddism was seen and transmitted in a more abstract form than physical...
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...NATIONAL AND STRATEGIC STUDIES MODULE 1 ZIMBABWEAN HISTORY, NATIONAL INTERESTS, AND HERITAGE, Contents: TOPIC ……….. ……. PAGE 1. Introduction……………………………………………………..01 2. History of Zimbabwe……………………………………………02 2.1. The Great Zimbabwe State…………………………………03 2. The Mutapa State…………………………………………..04 2.3. The Rozvi State…………………………………………….07 2.4. The Ndebele State…………………………………………..07 2.5. White Settler Occupation of Zimbabwe……………………10 2.6. Crimes Against Humanity; -- Colonization and Slavery …..15 7. Consolidation of Settler-Colonialism in Zimbabwe ………21 8. African Nationalism And Organized Resistance To colonialism ……….. .. 30 4. Cultural heritage……………………………………………. 5. Political Heritage 6. Economic heritage 7. Civic responsibilities 8. Acknowledgements 1: INTRODUCTION NASS- The background There is no educational system that is silent on the values that are accepted and cherished by that society. Education is about values in other word behavior change in all the domains of education that is the psychomotor, the cognitive and the affective. A skilled artisan or accountant with no sense of his position in society at the family level or at work or society in general is a social misfit and a...
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...NORTH AMERICAN FICTION BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Before starting our study of American Fiction we must understand what American Literature is in itself and which pieces of writing we can include within this label. It is believed that when a piece is written in North America, more precisely in the USA, it would automatically be given this epithet. But it should be taken into account that this idea is quite broad and doesn’t reflect the real essence of the term. However, there is also another definition that gathers this essence: American Literature is the one that represents the Americanism, the singularity of the USA philosophy and culture. This way, instead of focusing on who the author is, it is focused on the content of the writing. In that which concerns Fiction, the following documents are the ones considered as narrative: Speeches Letters Short Stories Essays Political Documents Sermons Novels Diaries 1 FIRST LITERARY EXPRESSIONS The first documents in which the idea of Americanism is very present are the Sermons. They respond to the strict Protestantism settled in the New Continent after the arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers and Puritans in the Mayflower (1620) and the Arabella (1630). They established a theocratic community whose main and only point of reference was the Bible. That is why the idea of the ‘city upon a hill’ is still very present in American mentality. As we all know...
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...Course: European Political History Required Sources: A History of Modern Europe 1789-1981, 7th Edition, H.L. Peacock (available at GAU library) The Pneguin History of the World, 3rd Edition, by J.M. Roberts (available at GAU library) Recommended Sources: Donald Kagan et al: A Political History of Europe, since 1814 by Charles Seignobos, S. M. Macvane, The Western Heritage, Brief Edition, 2003 Websites: The course focuses on European history from the early 17th century to the end of the Second World War. The following aspects of political history of five selected countries - France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Spain- are covered : early kingdoms, unification, nationalism movements, political philosophies, conferences, alliance systems and conflicts which had an impact on Europe during the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries.Topics such as the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Concert of Europe, and the two world wars will also be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on the relationship between the rise of liberalism and nationalism, the industrial revolution, and the emergence of modern political systems in Europe. Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Political history of France : Chapter 2 Political history of Germany: Chapter 3 Political history of Great Britain: Chapter 4 Political history of Italy: Chapter 5 Political history of Spain: Introduction In studying political history of European states, we put a focus on the beginning of...
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...Susan Edson 1 THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Escrito por: Susan Edson Dirigido por: D. Juan Carlos Palmer Trabajo presentado para la obtención del Titulo Universitario Senior Universitat Jaume I Castellón, mayo 2005 2 Indice: I. General Concept………………………………..…… 4 1. First industrial revolution 2. Second industrial revolution 3. Modernization II. Europe……………………………………………….. 9 1. England 2. Scotland 3. Rest of Europe III. U.S.A………………………………………………... 17 1. The growth of U.S. industry. 2.Organization of industrial relations. 3.Agriculture. IV. Developments and innovations……………………… 24 1. Colonialism 2. Apprenticeship 3. Science and technology 4. Machine tools 5. Textiles 6. Steam engines 7. Locomotives and Steamboats 8. The Electric Telegraph 9. Architecture 10. Rubber 11. Lighting 12. Time V. Conclusions………………………………………... 42 VI. Bibliography………………………………………… 44 3 I. General Concept 1. The First Industrial Revolution Between 1760 and 1830 the Industrial Revolution was mainly confined to Britain. Being aware of its head start on other countries, Britain forbade the export of machinery, skilled workers and manufacturing techniques. This could not last, as many Britons saw profitable industrial opportunities abroad and continental European businessmen were keen to lure British know-how to their countries. Belgium became the first country in continental Europe to be transformed economically, having machine shops ...
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...- Contents 1. Over view of market ………………………………………. pg.03 Types of financial market ▪ Money market …………………………………… pg.04 ▪ Capital market …………………………………… pg.04 Market infra structure 2. Stock exchange………………………………………………... pg.05 ▪ Introduction…………………………………….. pg.06 ▪ History………………………………………….. pg.06 ▪ Securities……………………………………….. pg.07 ▪ Types of operation……………………………… pg.08 ▪ Trading process in S.E………………………….. pg.09 ▪ Role of S.E……………………………………… pg.10 ▪ Listing of securities in S.E……………………… pg.12 ▪ Ownership of S.E……………………………….. pg.14 ▪ Future of S.E……………………………………. pg.14 ▪ Other types of S.E………………………………. pg.15 3. Functions of stock exchange………………………………. pg.16 4. World major S.E…………………………………………….. pg.21 5. Stock exchange of Pakistan…………………………….. pg.23 ▪ Karachi stock exchange (K.S.E)………………. pg.24 ▪ Lahore stock exchange (L.S.E)………………… pg.30 ▪ Islamabad stock exchange (I.S.E)……………… pg.32 1. Over view of market Over view of market 1. Market:- ▪ A public place where buyers and sellers make transactions...
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