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Clinical Skills


Submitted By gvillesmiths
Words 262
Pages 2
Facilitating Focused Data-Gathering Learning Activities
In-class Exercise
Approximately 1 hour of a CS2 session will be allotted for this focused data-gathering exercise. These activities are designed to be student-directed, but faculty-facilitated.
One of the CS faculty coaches will role play the "patient," while the student small group collectively interviews "the patient" with history-taking questions.
Both CS faculty coaches can make teaching points throughout the exercise. Important teaching points to point out to students throughout these exercises include: * Remind students about essential data gathering and DPR communication techniques. * If it is not explicitly clear how a focused question relates to the differential diagnosis for the case, ask students to describe why they are asking that particular question. * If important questions relevant to the case have not been asked by the student group, point it out to them, so that students recognize these data are important to the case.
Throughout these exercises, CS faculty will need to announce "time-outs," interrupting the discussion in order to direct students to revisit and revise their differential diagnosis list. Suggested timing
5 minutes Initial differential diagnosis (prior to interview)
10 to 15 minutes HPI
5 minutes Time-out for revised differential diagnosis
10 minutes (total) PMH, FH, SH, ROS
5 minutes Time-out for revised differential diagnosis
15 minutes Hypothesis-driven physical exam (discussion)
5 minutes Time-out for revised differential diagnosis

Remind students about their post-class assignment (H&P write-up), which will be due to you within 48 hours of the end of today’s CS2 session.

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