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Clinton Defense Summary

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The title of the article I picked was "Comey's legal error undermines law enforcement with 'Clinton Defense'” by Ron Sievert on The Hill. The article discussed how James Comey recommended that Hillary Clinton should not be pursued for criminal charges and whether or not he was right or justified in his action. The author claims that if they allow Clinton to get away with any crimes she’s committed, it will pave way for other to evade the consequences of breaking the law. Sievert builds his claim by referencing and citing official statutes of the law. He states that “In doing so, [Comey] ignored one statute (18 USC 793 (f) related to gross negligence… apparently disregarded the knowing destruction of government documents, and then… he added the wrong mental state to the statute …show more content…
He provides this as a piece of evidence to place Comey in a bad light for disregarding official statutes of law. Also, Sievert supports his claim by discussing how irrational the reasoning is that allowed Clinton to get out of any consequences of her actions. He states that “As was the case with Hillary, because you cannot establish that I 'willfully' violated a known federal law, you cannot proceed." Proving this mental state would obviously be almost an impossible burden in many cases” (Sievert). Of course it is not possible to fully know one’s intent behind their actions, any sort of reasoning does not change the fact that the wrongful action or crime was committed in the first place. Lastly, Sievert supports his claim by stating that “Defense attorneys will now not just privately bemoan the fact that their client did not have Clinton privileges, but publicly argue that their client had never read and understood the statute under which they have been charged by the government” (Sievert). The actions of others can easily influence how one acts, and Clinton’s evasion of criminal charges is no exception to

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