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Clinton Lewinsky Scandal

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The Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, which was investigated by independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr, began in 1995, when America was surprised by a political sex scandal involving President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern in her early 20s (Schmidt, “Clinton Accused of Urging Aide to Lie). When news of his affair became public in 1998, Clinton denied the sexual relationship before later admitting to “inappropriate intimate physical contact” with Monica Lewinsky. This led to the House of Representatives impeaching the president for obstruction of justice and perjury, but was later acquitted by the Senate (Waxman, "Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky Scandal-Timeline of Key Moments”). The Monica Lewinsky scandal was the first massive …show more content…
By Starr’s orders, FBI agents soon after secretly wired Tripp, which recorded the conversation she had with Lewinsky about her affair at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Pentagon City, Va. Later that month on January 17, 1998, the Drudge Report, a conservative online news aggregator, accused the president of having a sexual relationship with a former White House intern. Later that day, Clinton denied the affair in a deposition in the Jones suit and the media began publishing a plethora of stories on the scandal (Waxman, "Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky Scandal-Timeline of Key Moments”). In July, Lewinsky’s lawyers announced she had been granted immunity in exchange for her testimony. She also gave Starr’s investigation team physical evidence of her blue dress with an incriminating stain containing the president’s DNA. On August 17, 1998, Clinton testified before a grand jury and admits to “inappropriate intimate physical contact” with Lewinsky. However, the president defended his actions with the fact that his relationship didn’t meet the definition of sexual relations used by Jones’ attorneys, which meant he hadn’t perjured himself (Waxman, "Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky Scandal-Timeline of Key Moments”). That night, he appeared on national TV and apologized for his behavior and stated he had not asked anyone involved to lie, hide, destroy evidence, or take any other unlawful action ("BILL CLINTON ‘This has Hurt Too Many Innocent People’ (Washington, 17 August 1998)"). Finally, on December 19, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Clinton on two of four articles of impeachment pertaining to the obstruction of justice and perjury. On February 12, 1999, following a Senate trial, Clinton was

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