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Cltr 2705 Business Plan

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Words 1127
Pages 5
Name: Trae Bennett
ID: 620064798
Course: CLTR 2705
Music Business Management
Due Date: November 5,2014
Assignment two
(Production Plan)

Music Industry Service
This proposed business plan is an entertainment service aimed at aiding and offering a selection service to various users, in particular young artist/entertainers. While this is a bid to exploit the entertainment industry, the core service being offered, although not exclusive to, is based on a website that features young artist. Other services ranging from; artist development, campaigning (social media, email-blast & face-face), public relations, will also be a feature of the company to be named “ Xposed”. Considering this is a new business offering a unique service, my research suggests that there is niche for this service based entity.
“Xposed” will be a home based company, since operations will be centered on the use of a computer, the internet and cell phone. For managing core business operations the general managing and directing of operations will be done by me. I will employ the services rendered by professionals in various fields, such as:
• website creators/graphic designers for the creation of the website and other graphic design needs.
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After assessing the expected cost for start up and running of the business for a projected 12 months. It is expected that there will be an influx of prospective clients who are interested in the services been offered. As a result there is an expected gross earing of approximately 30% off expenditure after a 6 month period with 17 clients. A monthly earning of twenty thousand dollars is expected with an expected increase after the first year of operations. In addition, there is an estimated 20% profit to be made off advertisement after the successful acquisition of a number of subscribers and viewers to the

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