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What Is Abortion Right

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Abortions in Teenagers: Is it Right? Abortion among teenagers is becoming a very controversial subject throughout the world. Unplanned pregnancies are more common now than they ever have been. An unplanned pregnancy is scary to even think about, but it actually happening could be life changing. However, if the pregnancy is planned an abortion could still be possible. Some people believe abortion is never right but in some cases others may think it is necessary. For the abortions that are performed, there not only is the emotional factor of ending a life but there are also serious symptoms that a person can have after an abortion. In addition to this, a controversial topic is whether or not an abortion is ending a life. To some, an abortion …show more content…
For the 209 people that voted, 178 ( 85%) agreed with me that abortion is morally wrong. However, 31(15%) people disagreed and said that abortion is ok on certain occasions. The percentages clearly show that the majority of the voters agree that abortion is wrong.
An abortion in simple terms is the decision of a female to terminate a child that she is carrying in her womb. Millions of women all over the world have an abortion because of several different reasons. One reason is become they simply just do not want to have a child, or another reason is because they do not want the child to have a bad home life. However, the main reasons for an abortion are unplanned pregnancies or rape. The woman of an unplanned pregnancy or rape is already going through a traumatic time so having a child would be even more traumatising. Although abortions happen every single day, an alternative to that would be adoption. The woman does have to go through the pain and trouble of having the child, but with adoption at least the child can grow up with a nice childhood and a family that can provide for the child. Furthermore, some women could never have an abortion due to their beliefs. There is controversy all over the world whether abortions are morally right or not. According to Daniel, Jones, and Cloud, there are more than one million abortions performed per year. The abortion …show more content…
It includes the IUD (intrauterine device), which is a contraceptive implant that is used to stop pregnancies. According to this graph, LARC and non-LARC treatments still have failure rates. In year one, the LARC failure rate was only .3%. It was likely that not many people knew about the LARC so the amount of failure was small because not many people had tried it yet. However in year two and three, the failure rate had jumped to .6% and .9%. This shows that more people were trying the LARC, but it also shows that the more than people try it, the more likely it is for it to be a failure. But in comparison, the non-LARC treatments, which are either a pill, patch, or ring, have a substantial percentage of failure. In year one alone, the failure rate was 4.8%, but in year two and three the failure rate was 7.8% and 9.4%. This shows that the LARC’s failure rates are extremely lower than non-LARC’s failure rates (Birgisson,

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