...May 2015 Abortion From a Different Perspective One of the most popular and controversial topics of today’s society is abortion. This topic brings up a lot of turmoil due to the ethical standpoint most people have on it. There are two distinct sides of this topic: pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life deems abortion unethical and a form of “violent penetration” (NRTL 2013). On the other side, pro-choice views abortion as a safe and ethical option for teens and young adults that conceive under certain circumstances. Being a male, abortion is a topic that does not affect me directly, but affects me indirectly. Looking at this subject in the perspective of woman can be difficult at times, yet, us men need to realize that one day we could possibly have a wife and a daughter. Would we force our daughter to birth a child that she is not suitable for? Or to birth a child conceived by rape? These questions lead me to choose which side I stand on for this topic. I am pro-choice because it is a healthy alternative, a medically safe procedure and ultimately up to the woman who is carrying the child. Conceiving a child when a woman is not prepared can be a scary incident. Most young teens that become pregnant fear of telling their parent and resort to illegal abortions that have caused “medical problems as a result” (NAF 2015). Around the world, illegal abortion is the number one cause of maternal death. It is estimated that “68,000 women worldwide die each year from unsafe abortions” (NAF 2015)...
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...Abortion Abortion is an extremely hot topic among many Americans. Abortion is a surgical procedure that ends a pregnancy by removal of an embryo or fetus. There are several different views on abortion, but no matter how one looks at it there will always be disagreement among people on whether it should be legal or not. Some people view it as negative strictly based on their religious beliefs, while others view it as negative strictly on their morals beliefs that abortion kills an unborn human. Prochoice individuals believe that a woman has the right to decide what to do with her own body. Many of their arguments begin with the idea that if a woman is raped she has the right to abort the pregnancy because it could traumatize her even more. Some women use abortion as a form of birth control and feel that it is their right to do so. No matter how one looks at abortion, it will always be a topic of extreme disagreement among people. This topic is so serious that many politicians make it a big part of their campaign. Many people tend to vote on certain political candidates strictly based on their stance on the topic of abortion, which makes abortion a very important issue for Americans to consider in this day and age. There are positive and negative sides to the topic of abortion when looked at from all sides and ultimately all of these aspects must be weighed heavily when a woman is making the decision on whether to have an abortion. People who take a pro-life stance...
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...Why Teens Choose Abortion There are so many sources that could be used to gain knowledge about why teens choose to get abortions, but there are only several reliable sources about that topic. It is very important to rely on credible sources. The use of good sources can lead to information that is credible and accurate. If using non-reliable sources about finding information about a specific topic you could be getting all the information wrong because of the non-credible sources that are being used. Because I used reliable sources I was able to come up with the conclusion that the number one reason why teens choose to get abortion is because when they feel pressured they tend to find an escape to the problem, in this case, abortion. A source is more credible if written by someone with a degree or other credentials in the subject of interest. If no author or organization is named, the source will not be viewed as very credible. An example of a good source about the reasons why teens choose abortion is the article “Why Teens Choose Abortion” by Linda Lowent. This article proves to be a reliable source in so many ways. One way is by giving us a publication date. The publication date is not only important but the fact that is recent, April 15, 2011, makes it a more reliable source. Also, the website where this article was published at is known web page which makes it a credible article. The most important evidence that makes this article a credible one is the author. The name...
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...Seyamak Amouhashem 04/20/16 Research paper TRS-351 Abortion Abortion has been a huge topic in our society, whether it is pro-choice or pro-life, the topic of abortion will never be one sided. The abortion topic has valid points on each side and there doesn’t seem to be a correct answer to the ever so famous question, is abortion ethically correct? What is abortion you may ask, well as define by dictionary.com “Also called voluntary abortion, the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy”. Abortion is one of the most controversial topics since its creation. This was an issue before abortion was even a medical option. Due to such differences these two groups developed, pro-choice and pro-life. According to dictionary.com pro-choice means “supporting or advocating legalized abortion” and pro-life means “supporting or advocating legalized abortion”. Pro-life supporters believe it is the right for the woman to decide to keep the baby or to have it aborted. No matter what the circumstances, it’s the woman’s body and the decision is completely up to her. On the other hand, pro-life supporters believe an abortion is the same as murder and the law should be the same way. If a woman decide to have an abortion is should be considered as an attempt to murder. These anti-abortionist believe that an unborn baby or fetus has the same right as the mother and they have the right to live for themselves, not having someone else decide to take...
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...Abortion Pro Tyrone Bullocks BCOM/275 October 20, 2014 Robert Jenkins Abortion Pro Abortion is an extremely hot topic among many Americans. Abortion is a surgical procedure that ends a pregnancy by removal of an embryo or fetus. There are several different views on abortion, but no matter how one looks at it there will always be disagreement among people on whether it should be legal or not. Some people view it as negative strictly based on their religious beliefs, while others view it as negative strictly on their morals beliefs that abortion kills an unborn human. Prochoice individuals believe that a woman has the right to decide what to do with her own body. Many of their arguments begin with the idea that if a woman is raped she has the right to abort the pregnancy because it could traumatize her even more. Some women use abortion as a form of birth control and feel that it is their right to do so. No matter how one looks at abortion, it will always be a topic of extreme disagreement among people. This topic is so serious that many politicians make it a big part of their campaign. Many people tend to vote on certain political candidates strictly based on their stance on the topic of abortion, which makes abortion a very important issue for Americans to consider in this day and age. There are positive and negative sides to the topic of abortion when looked at from all sides and ultimately all of these aspects must be weighed heavily when a woman is making the decision...
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...for my portfolio is Abortion. I choose this topic because Abortion is really strong issue to me. I’m strongly against this issue. One reason this topic is interesting to me is that doctor have the ability to kill innocent babies. Another reason this issue interest me is that it gives women the right to abort within 24 weeks and sometimes even when the babies are fully grown and ready to be born. The last reason this topic is so interesting to me is that this is a ongoing rally, people fighting for pro- choice for its her body and people fighting for the poor baby, that doesn’t know anything thats going on with his or her body. I feel this issue is really big because it’s like war, mainly because people fight so much and then the problem is so strong other people cry with just fighting about abortion. This topic is a really horrible, and gruesome topic. It is also a really heartbreaking issue for some people. Some things I already know about this topic is there are three types of abortions fetal abortions, early term abortions, and late term abortions. Something else I know about this issue is that this is a procedure that doctors do for women when they don't want to be mothers, or made a mistake. So they get to erase their mistake by taking out the baby by killing it. Another thing I know about abortion is the way they kill the babies, they dismember the baby part by part to make it easier to pull the baby out. Also something else I know about abortion and how it affects people...
Words: 378 - Pages: 2
...Abortion Case Study (Part Two) Abortion legalization in our society is a social problem. This is classified as a social problem in our society because it affects individuals in our society negatively and is talked about often. There are two claims that I will talk about in this case study, the two are Pro-Life Action League and NARAL Pro-Choice America. Pro-Life Action League suggests that the legalization of abortion is not the right way to handle it and that abortions are considered murders. On the other hand, NARAL Pro-Choice suggests that abortion is a choice that all women should have for themselves. The first I will talk about is the Pro-Life Action League. The big message that they want to get across is that abortion should be considered...
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...opinions. The following are useful resources that are available on the Multimedia page of the University Library: * Issues & Controversies * Issues & Controversies in American History * Global Issues in Context What is the first topic that comes to mind when you think of world-wide controversial issues? For me, the biggest and most wide-spread issue is that of abortion. What is right and what is wrong? Are there exceptions to when abortion is okay? Do sexual offenses against a victim make abortion a “fair” decision? What about genetic testing that shows serious medical problems for a fetus? “Abortion is the most often topic written about in School. Abortion is the most often topic debated in School. Abortion is the final outcome of one out of every three pregnancies in the U.S. Abortion divides our country, our religions, our family, our society and our politics.” – This quote comes from the home page of abortioninfo.org and sums up most of the reason why I have chosen this topic to write about. This topic can keep a feminist talking and is the baseline for many political campaigns which are dependent on whether or not the elected official is pro-abortion or not. Feminism ties best into the subject of abortions because women have rights to their own bodies and the freedom to reproduce and keep the child or to abort the fetus.” Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women's rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office...
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...Sabrina VanDerwarker Elisabeth Rutledge English 1302_71 25 November 2014 Researched Argument Audience Analysis: Abortion 1. Who is your audience? What is the name of the person or group for whom you are writing this argument? Why have you chosen this person or group as your target audience? Why will your argument have exigence for your audience? My audience would be to pregnant women. I have chosen my audience to be pregnant women because women who get pregnant are often asked if they know all their options. 2. How open is your audience to your argument? Is it undecided or hostile? Keep in mind that the more hostile your audience is, the more time you will need to spend establishing common ground between you and your audience. My audience would have to be more towards hostile because abortion is a sensitive subject to some people. 3. How will you organize your argument to accommodate your audience’s level of openness to your position? Will your argument have a classical structure? Will it have a Rogerian structure? Will you be presenting your reasons and evidence before directly stating your thesis? Why, based on your knowledge of your audience, will your argument have the organization you will be using? I will give both of the sides of the argument and keep an open mind when presenting both sides. My argument will have a Rogerian structure and my thesis will come after all the evidence is presented. 4. What are your audience's priorities and goals? What...
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...Shusterman, abortion is one of the major topics. Many parents in dystopia unwind or abort their children for many different reasons. Some being bad behavior or even as a way to get closer to God, this can come off as a very controversial idea just like in society. In our world, the Pro Choice movement was a very big deal, especially in the 1900s. Abortions were technically illegal, but kept very quiet. Pro choice is very important and controversial as shown in history, present day, and in unwind. Abortion and the “Pro Choice Movement” has been going on ever since the 19th century.“It was the mid-19th century, long before abortion became the hot-button issue it is now.” The...
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...Problems Abortion In society we as people have standard behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable and that is called morals. Sometimes we like to believe what’s right is wrong and what’s wrong is right. The pre-conventional level of moral development reasoning is especially common in children, although adults can also exhibit this level of reasoning. Abortion is the most controversial topic of our generation. It is an on-going fight between pro-life and pro-choice. Many people believe that is wrong while others are the total opposite. A person must first be informed about the history of abortion, in order to understand and form an opinion. The different methods of abortion being performed today, and the potential side affects are equally debatable sides. I believe the government shouldn’t decide what a woman does with her own body. This is one of those topics that can go on for day’s maybe weeks and months without settling anything. Before making any decision is best to be informed about all these important issues, therefore, you’ll know where you stand. Abortion has been legal in the United States from the time the earliest settlers arrived. It has been performed for thousands of years where woman would help each other to abort. Britain first passed anti-abortion laws in 1803, throughout the century the law became stricter. Most abortions were illegal in the United States by 1880, except those who were necessary to save the life of the woman. Anti-abortion laws...
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...Jon Moon Eng 102 Prof Smith 26 January 2010 Abortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo, resulting in or caused by its death. Random complications in pregnancy can cause abortion to occur in humans, as well as other species. Sometimes spontaneous abortions can occur usually termed miscarriages (.nlm.nih.gov)(Wikipedia). . Abortions are very common in the United States. By the age of 45 years old, one1 out of three3 women will have an abortion. The 2 two methods to end pregnancy are the abortion pill and in-clinic abortions. Both are available at many health centers, and costs start around $350. The abortion pill can be used nine9 weeks after the last day of a woman’s period. Another name for the abortion pill is called mifepristone, which is not commonly used. The abortion pill is an almost perfect pill that works 97% of time. With the abortion pill, another pill called misoprostol that empties the uterus needs to be taken as well. There’s more than one kind of in-clinic procedures, but the most common is aspiration, which is a vacuum- like procedure. Aspirations usually are used up to 16 weeks after a woman’s last period. In-clinic procedures are known to work every time the procedure happens.. Abortion can be traced to ancient times and pregnancies were terminated through a variety of methods such as the use of herbs, use of sharpened instruments, the application of abdominal...
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...The medical ethics topic that I have researched is the issue of abortion. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. In the UK, every year around 200,000 women abort unwanted pregnancy. Abortion was legalised in the UK in 1967 through the Abortion Act which allows women to have a free abortion on the NHS if signed off by two doctors. It is a highly controversial issue due to many people showing that it is highly necessary but others say that it’s too easy to have. It was legalised to avoid issues such as back street abortions from occurring as many women were killed or severely injured by them. There are three main methods which are used to abort a foetus; an early medical abortion which can be used up to twelve weeks of pregnancy, vacuum aspiration which is used between seven and fifteen weeks of pregnancy and surgical dilation and evacuation which is used from fifteen weeks of pregnancy. Central to the theological debate are the different views as to when life begins, whether abortion is murder or should it just be seen as another form of birth control? Roman Catholics believe that life begins at the point of conception and preserving life is a ‘primary precept’ whereas the Islamic view is that life begins at 120 days of gestation. These different viewpoints show that abortion is even controversial within different religions. Another clear point of controversy withinthe topic is whether abortion is classified as murder. Albert Schweitzer developed the idea of...
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...but never has one been so celebrated and socially accepted before abortion. Abortion has been practiced for hundreds of years and medical technology has advanced accordingly; providing a safer and much more sanitary procedure for the women receiving the operation, but the result remains the same for the defenseless child. Abortion continues to be one of the most debated and country dividing topics this nation has seen. In the recent past, there has been steady movement towards the governmental restrictions of abortion. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 was one of the greatest victories in congress related to this topic. The ban restricts a certain form of abortion (partial-birth abortion) past 24 weeks from conception (United States Congress). Even though this is a positive step in the right and moral direction, the act needs to be revised. It needs to have the allotted time reduced from 24 weeks to 20 weeks based upon new medical research that fetuses can “feel pain” prior to 24 weeks. Abortion will never become completely illegal (that is just harsh reality), but the restrictions that govern abortions can be fine tuned to incorporate a smaller and more humane window for abortions. Abortion has been a topic of debate for the past two hundred years. During the years shortly after our country’s independence, abortion laws were little to none other than the common law adopted from England; which held abortion to be legally acceptable if occurring before quickening (the fetus’s...
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...Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continually argued over for the past few years and probably many years to come. The main controversy is should abortion be legalized? First before we get into the many sides of abortion we must first define abortion. Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mothers womb. This can be done by almost anyone from the mother herself to back alley abortions and even to abortions by clinics set up especially for this purpose. There are two sides to this abortion topic the PRO-LIFE which is those who are against abortion altogether and the PRO- CHOICE or those who believe it is the womans right to choose if she wants to have an abortion. These two groups offer different solutions to problem. The pro-life solution is to have the child and basically live with it. They believe abortion is not an answer. The pro-choice solution is abortion because of reasons they feel are appropriate. Although abortion is morally and ethically wrong should it be legal for victims of rape or incest who have no other alternative? There is no real answer to this controversy, there are two sides to it though which have been arguing for many years over the subject. The first is the pro-life group. This group does not believe in the abortion factor. To understand where the pro-life stands we must first understand its beliefs and reasons for its beliefs. Then we can discuss what their solution to the abortion...
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