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Dvorak Biography

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Dvorak was born in 1841 in Bohemia, Czech Republic. His family consisted of nine children, him being the eldest of his siblings. His family’s and ancestor’s business were based on innkeeping and butchering, and so naturally the family expected Dvorak to inherit his family’s business once he was old enough to handle the business. However, at an early age Dvorak showed a bright future in music by being exceptionally well on the violin. When his family realized that Dvorak showed a wonderful talent in music, they became giving him opportunities to perform in public, with his first performance in church in their village. During his early years of music, Dvorak began noticing trains, starting from 1851 when a steam train was spotted by Dvorak at …show more content…
This resulted in Dvorak composing numerous pieces with “ the anguish of his unrequited love ...expressed in Cypresses”. ( “Encyclopedia Britannica, Antonin Dvorak “). Dvorak later would revisit this composition and is said to have included features from this collection in his other compositions. However, Dvorak ended up marrying Josefina’s sister while Josefina married a Count. Although they were never together, Dvorak and Josefina maintained close relationships throughout the years. Anna was 13 years younger than Dvorak when they were married, however despite this age difference the couple shared their similar love in music and had a family of two daughters and one son. Dvorak’s daughters sadly passed away due to illness at a very young age, and his son developed smallpox and passed away at just 3 years old. Dvorak composed works through the pain of losing his three children that included “Stabat mater” one of his most famous …show more content…
His love for his hometown was reflected in his musical elements. “ Dvorak’s great admiration for ethnicities and folk melodies attained him the attention of originator of National Conservatory of Music in New York City” (“Antonin Dvorak Biography”). With these combinations in his works Dvorak was also most noted for his memorable melodies in his compositions. His works created a variety range of expressions and moods, ranging from happiness to sadness, to utter peace. Dvorak had a unique ability to show emotion through his various written notes, which can be seen in the majority of his compositions. Dvorak was known for his constant inspirations of his travelings and memories in his music, incorporating variations in sonata form. He was also inspired by Wagner, and many of his works followed Wagner’s footsteps. Some of his wide known compositions included the New World Symphony, the cello concerto in B minor, and American string quartet. Dvorak also visited America and was inspired by their culture so much that it led to a development of american music for the future because of the impact he made during his stay in

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