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Co Production


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European Management Journal (2008) 26, 289– 297

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Service co-production and value co-creation:
The case for a service-oriented architecture (SOA) q
Andrea Ordanini a,*, Paolo Pasini b a b

Bocconi University, Viale Filippetti, 9, 20122 – Milan, Italy
SDA Bocconi, School of Management, Via Bocconi, 8, 20136 – Milan, Italy

Available online

Service dominant logic;
Service management

Summary An emerging marketing management logic proposes a new perspective on service activities, which previously have been subject to a biased goods-dominant logic.
According to this new logic, customers always are co-producers of services and co-creators of value, not simple marketing targets, because they mobilize knowledge and other resources in the service process that affect the success of a value proposition. This article explores this key proposition, analyzing service co-production and value co-creation phenomena in the business-to-business segment and focusing on the case of service-oriented architecture (SOA) with an in-depth, qualitative analysis of two firms pioneering the implementation of SOA solutions.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Marketing literature and practice converge around the idea that, especially when it comes to services, customers play different foundational roles in value-creation mechanisms.
Marketing theory recently introduced the concept of the service dominant logic (SDL), according to which the customer is always a co-producer of value, not a target of that value, because he or she mobilizes knowledge and other req
Authors gratefully acknowledge IBM Italy for the financial support given through their ‘‘Service Science Award” programme.
Many thanks are also given to managers that provide time and valuable information during the interviews.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Ordanini), (P. Pasini).

sources, and this effort influences the success of a value proposition. According to this view, the customer becomes embedded in the service offering and ultimately is responsible for the value added to the process (Vargo and Lusch,
Service firms hope to exploit these concepts, particularly in business markets in which customers take active, tangible roles. Professional firms fully understand the value of serving a knowledgeable customer, and some recently have established formal initiatives to ‘educate’ customers (
et al., 2007). Technology service firms also have launched new generations of service offerings based on strong modularization that can be managed directly by customers (Miozzo and Grimshaw, 2005).
Although influenced by the same guiding principle, that of a desire to enhance the service exchange, theory and

0263-2373/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2008.04.005 290 practice still remain disconnected. This is due to the distance between the academic need to abstract an emergent theory and the practitioner’s desire to drive forward a new and potentially rewarding business model into the marketplace. This article aims to bridge the divide through an exploratory analysis that investigates how customers actively contribute to service production and value generation within service dominant relationships.
Specifically, this analysis focuses on the adoption of
IBM’s service-oriented architecture (SOA), an example of new generation technology service, as implemented by two medium-sized firms: one of which produces goods and the other services. Through an in-depth analysis of these two cases, we carve out some exemplary instances of the co-productive role played by service customers. These theoretical conceptualizations are then linked to the day-byday managerial challenges faced by service providers and users in the business-to-business (B-to-B) domain.

Theoretical background: service co-production and value co-creation in the SDL
Co-production represents a central construct in service literature (
Zeithaml et al., 2006), such that the customer always plays an active role in the service offering. This conceptualization derives from a specific characteristic of the service provision, namely, that the production phase cannot be disconnected from consumption activity (Lovelock and
Wirtz, 2004). Service activity innately transforms the features of a person or a good, which means it is not possible to deliver a service without the active participation of the customer. This phenomenon is revealed in practical examples such as: if a passenger misses a flight and the seat remains empty then no service has been provided, and instead, the airline suffers unexploited capacity; likewise a hotel or restaurant would be similarly impacted upon; conversely, when a consumer chooses not to purchase a cellular phone or car, the consumption phase cannot happen, though production activity has already occurred.
The quality of a service exchange clearly depend upon the customer, in the sense that the way they, especially in a
B-to-B context, participate in the process determines the final service delivery and thus the level of satisfaction (Ernst,
2002). As such a firm does not share its business problems, strengths, and weaknesses accurately, a consultant may be forced to provide sub-optimal service—not because of its own deficiencies but because of poor customer participation. Similarly, a key element that doctors use to make accurate diagnosis is the information patient provides about his or her symptoms to those doctors. If the patient provides incomplete or incorrect information, the quality of the health service provided can be severely affected.
The concept of service co-production recently has been reconsidered and enhanced. The emergent SDL (Vargo and
Lusch, 2004, 2006) provides a new perspective that is rapidly gaining an established position in marketing literature.
It proposes a novel framework in which services represent the forefront of economic exchange systems. Management theory and business practice have long centred on a goods-dominant logic, but that logic may no longer be consistent with the foundational role of services in a modern

A. Ordanini, P. Pasini economy. According to the goods-dominant logic, services represent residual activities and/or peculiar (somewhat inferior) types of product. Value results mainly through manufacturing and other activities realized by the firm, and the customer is exogenous and destroys value through consumption. Conversely, according to the SDL, a service offers an application of knowledge and competencies for the benefit of another entity, which makes it the basis of any economic or social exchange. Services and goods are mere appliances to perform a service and can be considered, respectively, the direct and the indirect ways to transfer knowledge and skills during the service process (Vargo and Lusch,
2004). Moreover, the SDL places the customer centre stage, such that the customer is always a co-producer, and the enterprise delivers not value, but value propositions. The first proposition means that customer relationships constitute a service system, not simply market-based relations
(Stevens and Dimitriadis, 2005), because the customer firm integrates its own set of resources and competencies into any service process (i.e. service co-production). The second proposition relates to the first, but specifies that the value of a service exchange emerges within the economic sphere of the, because ‘‘it is not the service itself that is produced but the pre-requisites for the service” (Edvardson and Olsson, 1996, p. 1476). Only when the customer integrates their own resources may the process be completed (i.e. value co-creation).
In Fig. 1, we depict the service co-production and value co-creation phenomena in a framework that adopts SDL. In the remainder of this article, we explore these issues of service co-production and value co-creation in the context of
B-to-B information technologies (IT) services. Specifically, we investigate how a new generation of IT, namely, service-oriented architecture (SOA), can enhance the processes of customer inclusion and participation in service provision. Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
The SOA refers to a new generation of IT systems that possess particular features in terms of power and flexibility.
SOA is based on a modular foundation, such that the elements within the IT system can be composed and decomposed according to the different needs of business users
(Cherbakov et al., 2005). For example, business customers can create different IT solutions as required by different situations or contexts. The customer must play a central role during the planning and implementation of SOA systems, which should be ‘‘tailored” to the present and future needs of that firm. In such a system, the key aspect is not which set of technologies gets implemented but rather the services they render to benefit the activities of the business users (Erl, 2005).
We can define SOA several ways, according to different point of views. From a business angle, it represents a set of services that improve the capability of the firm to conduct business with customers and suppliers. From a technology angle, it is a new project philosophy characterized by modularity, separation of concerns, service re-uses, and composition, as well as a new programming method based

Service co-production and value co-creation: The case for a service-oriented architecture (SOA)








Resources and competencies




Resources and competencies

Resources and competencies



Figure 1

Service co-production and value co-creation according to the SDL logic.

on standards and tools that largely involve Web services.
Finally, from an IT management point of view, SOA provides a new way to conceptualize and design IT application portfolios. Both SOA and similar service platforms give a new meaning to the IT outsourcing phenomenon. Traditionally, outsourcing IT meant completely externalizing the technology activities to a third party to save costs and leverage the competencies of suppliers (Gilley and Rasheed, 2000). This strategy has its downsides: users lose control of technology applications, and providers tend to focus on standardized, rigid, broad solutions. In contrast, in using SOA, customers rely only partially on the provider for the service delivery and maintain their own sense of (and learn from) business applications of technology. Moreover, SOA providers offer more flexibility, which business customers may exploit to respond to various business issues.
On the basis of these elements, it seems clear that SOA fits well with the idea of service co-production, especially because of the key role that the business customer plays in planning the system and using/assembling different modules over time. Furthermore, SOA provides an interesting case of value co-production, because the potential contribution of the service system relates to how the customer firm uses it and how well it enhances the set of resources and capabilities of that business user. The analysis of the two cases that follow will shed more light upon the phenomena associated with SOA application.

Given the exploratory nature of our approach, we employ a qualitative research design based on an in-depth analysis of relevant cases. Qualitative analyses primarily work well when the phenomenon under study is relatively new and/ or the purpose of the research is not to test hypotheses, but rather to increase knowledge of a phenomenon by generating new theoretical propositions (Eisenhardt, 1989). Our analysis roughly follows the procedure proposed by Eisenhardt for handling a qualitative analysis: define the content

of the analysis, select relevant cases, analyze the collected data, and discuss the implications.
With regard to content, we focus on understanding service co-production and value co-creation phenomena in the context of IT business services by observing how business firms implement SOA service systems. To select the cases, we consider that the set of investigated events should be relevant (i.e. significant for the topic under investigation) and follow a clear sampling logic. We choose IBM as a key service provider of SOA systems and select two early adopters that exhibit important features. First, one is a service firm (a bank), and the other is a manufacturing firm (a watch producer). This distinction enables us to determine whether service co-production and value co-creation differ according to the nature of the customer. Second, both cases represent firms with a dynamic growth path, which enables us to concentrate on a type of firms for which IT outsourcing traditionally has been problematic (Powell and Dent-Micallef, 1997).
Third, the two firms display different strategy configurations: one focuses on international expansion, whereas the other hopes to extend its product portfolio and distribution channels. Therefore, we can investigate service coproduction and value co-creation phenomena in different strategic contexts.
Methodologically, our analysis derives inspiration from the ideal of a continuous dialogue between academics and practitioners. Specifically, we use an iterative narration approach based on the constant interchange between grounded evidence and theoretical reasoning.
Primary information was collected during 10 semi-structured interviews with senior managers and project managers from Binda and Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (CRF) – the two companies that implemented SOA service systems
– and IBM Global Value, and IBM Information Systems – the two units that acted as service providers. Each interview lasted approximately one hour and was tape recorded. Secondary archival data was provided by the organisations and employed to both gain additional information and verify some of the self-reported data.

In terms of data analysis, we examine the focal cases according to the following steps:
– Determination of the business issues that led to the idea of employing SOA systems.
– Discussion of the SOA concept and structure in the firm. – Analysis of the implementation processes from an organizational point of view.
– Observation of co-production and co-creation phenomena. Case 1: Binda
The Binda group has been manufacturing and marketing watches since 1906, when it opened its first shop in a small town located in north-west Italy. Its strategy has always centred on the idea of creating a strong product brand portfolio. Since 1993, after the massive success of its Breil brand launch, the group has experienced continuous growth and shifted from a small craft firm to a multinational enterprise.
Today Binda owns several important brands and acts as a licensee for other key brands such as Wyler, D&G Time, and
The production of watches is almost entirely outsourced to Chinese manufacturers, though some (highest quality) products are manufactured in Switzerland. Sales turnover reached approximately 300 millions € in 2007. The ambitious strategic plan for the next five years raises internal and external organizational complexity to the highest level.
Three nodes are particularly challenging:
– Internationalization. At present, exports represent
29% of total turnover; the company’s goal is to increase this percentage to 50% in three years. Currently, Binda products appear in 40 countries, sold through local branches and a dense network of domestic retailers. The strategic plan aims to transform the organizational structure of the group by creating a holding that provides shared services related to institutional marketing, brands, and product development to all branches. Local branches have specific purchasing functions and financial units. Logistics and warehousing generally are outsourced to Italian and US partners. – Retail expansion. Binda distributes its products largely through specialized retailers, including 3000 points of sale in Italy, selected among the best jewelleries and watch shops, and 1500 points of sale abroad, spread across more than 40 different countries. The company hopes to boost its new direct retail channel, opening a set of directly owned shops and a network of points of sale managed through franchising contracts.
– Product diversification. The future strategy of Binda relies on the idea of extending its strongest brand
(i.e. Breil) to other products lines that may share the same ‘fashion’ meaning, such as sunglasses, perfumes, and leather goods. The production of these new products would be outsourced to both Italian and foreign partners.

A. Ordanini, P. Pasini
These complex strategic changes create a growing number of interactions that then become more complex with regard to managing information flows, both within the Binda organization and among partner firms in Binda’s network.
In the first case, greater flows are expected among branches and between each branch and the central corporation. In the second case, new flows may emerge when new distribution chains get integrated or new franchisees or manufacturing partners become involved.
Hence, Binda realized that such a change should induce another change specific to the IT service infrastructure.
For the information systems (IS) department, which consists of only nine people, this decision represents a further challenge. Previously, the company’s approach has been to decentralize all work required to meet the specificities of local markets (e.g. payment systems) and concentrate remaining efforts in the Italian headquarter (e.g. channel management, after sales service, quality management).
The system relies on different enterprise resource planning
(ERP) systems (procurement, sales, warehouse, and accounting), and three sales force automation systems (Milan for Europe, New York for the United States, Shanghai for
Asia). Local branches have no autonomous IS departments and fully outsource their IT. Such an approach is no longer sustainable in the presence of the radical changes expected in the strategy and structure of the group.
In response, Binda conceived of the ‘galaxy project’ that would implement a SOA platform on its business processes.
This project was articulated as follows:
1. Identify key business processes underlying the relational activities between headquarters and branches, between the group and the network of manufacturing partners, and between the group and the logistic network.
2. Decompose processes into key standard activities, on the basis of frequency, execution time, complexity, users’ roles, and so forth.
3. Implement IT architectures consistent with the map of processes/activities identified at the previous points, which allows Binda to govern the relatively complex information flows more flexibly and effectively.
4. Transform the current IT system, characterized by pointto-point connectivity, into a reliable new model, with a central enterprise service bus that governs the interactions among IT applications, the exchange of data in different formats, and the decision to ‘‘plug” or ‘‘unplug” different organizational units into the system.
For instance, Fig. 2 displays how a procurement process might be decomposed into single activities, which then may be recomposed according to the SOA logic. A series of basic requests, such as availability checks or warehouse management, may be shared by different organizational units, whether owned shops or franchising points of sale.
Related feedback about these requests—that is, information about goods availability or lists of shipped items—then gets shared and integrated into the IT platform. The platform acts as the enterprise service bus that works within SOA logic, because it can recompose and integrate single activities in a process according to the needs of the business.
When we apply the general framework of service co-production and value co-creation from Fig. 1 to the Binda

Service co-production and value co-creation: The case for a service-oriented architecture (SOA)



Owned shops


Purchase orders Availability

List of shipped items Enterprise

Check for availiabity

Warehouse mgmt
Incoming purchase orders List of shipped items

(Binda Retail )

Figure 2

Process decomposition in the SOA logic: managing retail purchases in Binda.

group, we note that the customer (i.e. Binda) provides its own resources in the service provision process, such as knowledge of business processes, market experience and knowledge, and so forth, as Fig. 3 reveals. These resources combine with the technical resources and competencies of
IBM, especially those related to SOA platforms. After the services have been co-created, Binda employs them as necessary and integrates them with another set of resources and competencies, such as the company’s brand, logistic partners, distribution channels, new products, and so on.
This final combination leads to value-creation. Thus, this case shows that Binda co-participates to the service production process by offering a set of resources; it is also co-

responsible for the value generated from the application of those services to its own economy.
A further element that characterizes the SOA co-production logic is that IBM (IT service provider) does not apply a traditional structured methodology to implement the solution; instead, IBM and Binda work together during all phases of the project, including establishing a joint steering committee, a mixed project management team, and a larger set of people and processes that belong to both the firm and the IT provider (see Fig. 4). This choice fosters a reciprocal learning loop, because IBM continuously refines its capability to project and implement the SOA solutions in different business contexts (i.e. fashion industry), and Binda


HW and SW
Project mgmt skills
Architectural competencies

Brand image
New products
Supplychain partners
Retail channels

Business processes knowledge
Market experience (fashion)
Knowledge of retail channel



Figure 3

Service co-production and value co-creation in the case of BINDA group.


A. Ordanini, P. Pasini

Figure 4

The joint IBM/BINDA team for projecting and implementing the SOA galaxy project.

improves the knowledge of its key processes and activities, as well as the map of relationships that exist among them.
This approach provides a concrete example of what it means when both providers and users bring resources and capabilities into a service process; the value-creation process is a co-generated process.

Case 2: Cassa di risparmio di firenze
With the case of Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (CRF), we consider a situation in which a service provider (bank) rather than a manufacturing producer applies the SOA solution. When CRF was created in 1998, its aim was to create a significant concentration or cluster of saving banks in the central area of the Italy. Since, then five local branches have been aggregated into the focal Firenze branch, each embedded in its own territory. Moreover, the group contains a set of autonomous organizational units focused on complementary services, such as leasing, factoring, insurance, and domestic loans, which enables CRF to offer its customers a wide range of services and solutions.
In addition, the CRF group has strategic partnerships with two leading players in the European financial market, BNP/
Paribas and Intesa/S.Paolo, and recently began an international expansion into Eastern Europe. Currently, CRF maintains more than 550 local branches (19 in Romania) and a portfolio of more than 1 million customers. The group activity falls along different distribution channels: private banking centres (22), business centres (35), and a network of more than 300 financial promoters and agents. The top management of the CRF group recently announced a growth plan for the next five years, with specific aims:
– Foster the continuous innovation of products and services. – Extend multi-channel strategies, especially by leveraging new technologies (Internet and digital TV).
– Simultaneously, improve flexibility and efficiency in customer relationships.
The plan clearly has several implications for CRF’s IS department and demands a radical change to sustain the more complex and articulated information flows among different units and organizations. For this reason, in mid-2007,
CRF conceived of its ‘territorial multi-channel platform’ project, based on the implementation of a SOA solution

for its business processes. This project required facility management services and management of new hardware; according to the interviewed managers, it was based on some basic principles:
– ‘‘Keep an eye on old habits”: Do not create new applications if you do not need new capabilities; identify redundancies. – ‘‘Restructure applications into services” to avoid duplications and give meaning to business processes.
– ‘‘Be patient” because building shared services requires time, analytical thinking, and mutual efforts.
To the CRF group, the SOA project should provide several advantages. First, the company hopes it will reduce total costs of ownership and the risk of technical obsolescence by eliminating peripheral servers and reusing software components. Second, it should increase speed and flexibility in the design and implementation of new activities and services across different delivery channels, because of the modularization potential. Third, it offers the possibility to upgrade or adjust the whole system in the presence of change, because of the SOA’s innovation potential. Fourth, for local branches, the project provides the opportunity to access a flexible, easy-to-use tool that enables them to manage customer relationships across 360°.
The SOA methodology implemented in this case covers both the modelling (strategy) and the architectural (implementation) phases (see Fig. 5). It may be articulated in three interconnected steps:
– Identification of services, components, and flows.
– Specification of services, components, and flows.
– Consolidation of realization decisions.
On the basis of this procedure, CRF and IBM (IT service partner) identified 250 basic services that mark an ‘average’ branch, and then more than 130 others developed within the alternative distribution channels. These services get decomposed into sets of basic components, which can be recombined according to business needs. Fig. 6 shows an example of how an apparently simple process—opening a bank account—can be decomposed in several basic activities.
After the business aspects have been componentized, they can be ‘covered’ by corresponding functional aspects, and the SOA solution acts to interconnect and aligns these

Service co-production and value co-creation: The case for a service-oriented architecture (SOA)

Figure 5


Projection of the SOA platform for CRF.

product catalogue Identify customer Collect customer document

Customer risk profile

Establish unique contact

Handle privacy procedure

Prepare contract Collect customer signature

Assign contractual conditions

Manage first deposit

Figure 6 Process decomposition in the SOA logic: opening a bank account with CRF.

two dimensions. According to several interviewees, ‘‘SOA allows for business and IT personnel to adopt a neutral language: interactions are facilitated not because one is forced to adopt the language or the codes of the other, but because both use a platform that translates and integrates two languages in one unifying frame”. Moreover, ‘‘it is not rare to see a marketing manager speaking about business functions and an IT specialist talking about system components while both are looking at the same issue”.
This case again provides an opportunity to apply the general framework of service co-production and value cocreation. Each party invests resources and competencies into the service process, and we can appreciate these interactions as assisting the process of service co-production or value co-creation. In this case, as Fig. 7 shows,
CRF provides not only its business experience but also IT resources and competencies that its IS department has accumulated. At the same time, IBM offers service provision not only in terms of its IT capabilities but also in the form of knowledge about banking operations that it had gathered from its previous consultancy activities. As in the case of Binda, CRF remains co-responsible for the value created from its use of the territorial multi-channel platform, because it relies on complementary business assets, such as new banking products and services, brands, distribution channels, and so forth.
Finally, as for Binda, we must consider the mutual effort made by IBM and CRF in the project phase. A consulting

committee composed of CRF top management, an IBM chief project, and the CRF executives responsible for key projects engaged in constant supervision of the territorial multichannel platform project (see Fig. 8). The committee takes responsibility for setting roles and tasks, planning and allocating resources, and control. Supervision of single sub-projects is delegated to an executive committee; each of these sub-project teams consists of a group of function analysts, a development team, a group expert in IT architecture, and a facility management team. Those employees responsible for specific banking products and services then connect to the related project teams.

Discussion and conclusions
Although based on exploratory research, our analysis conveys several interesting insights for both the further development of theoretical constructs and best practice in relation to the emergent service dominant logic field of study. First, these two cases provide concrete examples of some key SDL principles, which offer further evidence of the conceptualization of services as applications and exchanges of specialized knowledge between providers and users of a service. Our research thereby helps clarify the key constructs of service co-production and value-co-creation in the context of B-to-B services and offers new insights to this stream of literature (Ramirez, 1999; Vargo and
Lusch, 2004). Co-production means that the business customer must be open, in terms of releasing its existing knowledge base, with the service provider: the provider can only maximise the service exchange benefits with free and open access to the customers knowledge and expertise. Co-creation means that value, enhanced by the use of a business service, also depends on the resources and competencies that exist in the customer’s organization. The service provider contributes to the value proposition associated with the service (which has been co-created with the customer): exploitation of the potential only occurs when the value


A. Ordanini, P. Pasini


HW and SW
Project mgmt skills
Architectural competencies
Knowledge banking operations


Business processes knowledge
Market and customer experience
Information systems expertise

Orientation to innovation
Network of local branches
Inclination toward digital tech



Figure 7

Service co-production and value co-creation in the case of CRF group.



Functional analysts Development team

IT architecture experts Facility management team

Teams specialized on bank products and services

Figure 8

The joint IBM/CRF team for projecting and implementing the SOA territorial multi-channel project.

proposition is applied together with the resources and capabilities to the customer’s business processes.
Second, our analysis provides some insights into certain aspects of the IT literature, especially those streams that deal with architectures and service platforms. The cases show how SOA principles purposefully match the business process logic, creating a ‘‘neutral” language that helps align
IT and business domains. This neutral language also provides a means to interpret SOA as both a technology application and a business outlook. The cases of Binda and CRF offer several hints about a potentially fascinating perspective on new-generation services, such as SOA, as potential bridges over the logical distance between IT tools and business issues (Sabherwal and Chan, 2001). Properties such as modularization, re-use and flexibility move such services to the forefront of this challenging perspective. The cases also show that this bridge requires continuous, wide, and deep collaboration between the service provider and service user during all phases of the service process, from the earliest steps of projecting the architecture to the very end phases of specific implementation.
Third, the analysis provides some insights for practitioners. Our cases detail the implementation process of SOA solutions and how they might affect the current and pro-

spective management of business processes. To exploit the potential of these solutions fully, business managers should: (1) contribute actively to IT solution planning, not simply outsource key decisions; (2) reason ahead in terms of how solutions fit with or enhance the set of existing resources and capabilities; and (3) recognize that they are always responsible for much of the service outcome and the value created through its use.
As we have noted, this article summarizes exploratory research. We hope that the findings and recommendations might be reconsidered, extended, and challenged in further studies, with the aim of advancing knowledge in the service management field.

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Andrea Ordanini is Associate Professor in the Management Department at Bocconi
University, and Associate Director of the
Customer and Service Science Lab at the same University. He has been visiting professor at the University of California at
Irvine and at the London School of Economics. His research interests are focused on: service management, IT services, and firm’s competitive advantage.
Paolo Pasini is Adjunct Professor of Information Systems Management and Director of
Business Intelligence Observatory at SDA
Bocconi, School of Management. His main fields of research concern: IT innovation,
Business and Service IT-Based Innovation,
Business Intelligence and Decision Support
Systems, IT Strategy and Management.

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...eliminating his overtime hours The two most important problems would the politicking, because someone else may feel the same way and decide to leave the company too. Also, finding someone to replace him and do his unfinished work in such a short period of time. Solution: Search for a new employee ASAP. Item#3 Problems: * Workers threatening to walk out over a co-worker * 10 votes to dismiss Foreman Edward George The workers are the most important asset to the company, so their interest should be first. Second, you have to figure out what to do about the votes to dismiss Ed George. Solutions: Talk to Ed George about his problems with his co-workers. Hold a meeting and get even more workers involved in the voting process, the take another vote. Item#4 Problems: * Overloading which can result in interruption of electrical power. * Not being reachable for Southern Power Solution: Contact Southern Power ASAP. See if they could come out and help with the problem. Item#5 Problem: * Balancing your work and his until Wednesday * Upping production by mid December in the long run Upping production would be the most important problem, because it’s long term. Balancing your work load is just something you have to do until your boss gets back. Solution: Schedule your...

Words: 922 - Pages: 4

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Tiffany Case Study

...factors of the macro-environment that affect the attractiveness of the U.S. jewelry industry? Specifically, are general and industry economic conditions and socio-cultural factors favorable to Tiffany & Co.’s business situation? According to the PESTEL Analysis, the strategically relevant factors are: political factors, economic conditions, socio-cultural forces, technological factors, environmental force, and legal/regulatory factors. Economic conditions and socio-cultural factors have not been favorable to Tiffany & Co. Economic hardships and the recession have led to revenue declines between 2006 and 2010. Retail jewelers in the U.S. were affected by these poor economic conditions and stores dropped from 62,000 in 2007 to 56,000 in 2011. In 2006, the price of gold increased from $600 per ounce to $1,600 in 2011. This resulted in the industry average profit margin to decrease to 5.1 from 2006 – 2011. In term of socio-cultural factors, the aging population, and the reduced number of weddings has affected the industry average profit margin. Consequently, the number of weddings in the U.S. has dropped from 2.3 million per year to 2 million between 2001 and 2010 and dropped again in 2009 and 2010. 2. How strong are the competitive forces confronting Tiffany & Co. and other retail jewelers? Which once of the five competitive forces is the strongest? Do a five-forces analysis to support your answer. Threat of Entry: The threat of entry is strong because to enter...

Words: 1315 - Pages: 6

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Merck's Business Environment

...Merck’s Business Environment MNGT/521 University of Phoenix November 7, 2011 Kevin Wilhelmsen Merck’s Business Environment There are many factors a business, such as Merck, must have in order to be successful, for example strong financial statements, leading technology, and globalization. With the help of income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, a financial analysis can be applied in a wide variety of situations to give business managers the information they need to make critical decisions (Financial Analysis, 2010). They also provide information in regards to the financial health of a company. Pharmaceutical companies are using technology to conduct clinical trials, which has proven to be beneficial to research, development, and the introduction of new products. Globalization is also important for Merck when it comes to product distribution. Outsourcing was been adopted by Merck in order to produce equal quality vaccines and medications at a cheaper cost. Review of Finances Analyzing a company’s income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow is a prime way in determining their success. A comparison can be made between the competition in the industry and a leader can be established. An analysis can also show which company is spending more on research and development and in turn, producing better products. After review of the income statements, Merck’s worldwide sales were $12 billion...

Words: 2950 - Pages: 12

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Brand Extention

...It starts with an idea s t a g e s o f innovation Best Practices in Brand Extension: Effective Application of Brand Recognition BRAND EQUITY CAN BE DIVIDED INTO THREE COMPONENTS: EXPERTISE, EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENTS AND PRODUCT ATTRIBUTES Brand extensions are an effective and popular method of gaining a competitive advantage when entering a new product area. Consumers are faced with an increasingly complex and confusing marketplace. The ability of a brand to act as a mental shortcut for consumers, thereby simplifying the decision-making process, makes it one of, it not the, most important asset for a company. The ability of a brand to influence consumer behavior, and its subsequent value to companies, will increase as consumers face a growing amount of information in the marketplace. By placing a well-known brand on a new product, a company can imbue that product with all the positive associations of that brand, thereby giving it a competitive advantage. With some estimates of the failure rate for new products at 90%, the added value of being associated with a trusted brand can be critical to a new product’s survival. Given the increasing value of established brands and the difficulty in launching new products, the popularity of brand extensions is understandable. However, the brand extension process must be carefully planned in order to insure the value of the brand is successfully transferred to the extension without jeopardizing the brand’s equity. To do so, a company...

Words: 4344 - Pages: 18

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...Classic Knitwear and Guardian Case Analysis Problem Classic Knitwear is a publicly traded company, which operates in the unbranded market segment. It is a manufacturer and distributor of non-fashion casual knitwear. The main business comes in from Wholesalers and Retail Channels. Recently, the company has been able to take advantage of low production costs through their state-of-the-art offshore production facility, established in the Dominican Republic. Due to Classic Knitwear’s moderate cost advantage over other US producers, rival companies such as JamesBrands and FlowerKnit had noticed Classic Knitwear’s model. It would only be a matter of time until these rivals reached similar or better manufacturing efficiencies.  Classic Knitwear’s primary short-term objective is reaching and sustaining a gross margin of 20% in 2006. The low gross margin is due to Classic Knitwear’s poor brand recognition, the company needs to focus on innovating their products and raising recognition. To reach this objective and maintain a consistent stock price, Classic Knitwear knows that it needs to communicate compelling plans for margin growth. Through market research, the company found that a licensing agreement with the chemical firm Guardian, a manufacturer of odorless insect repellents, would benefit the reputation and financial stability of the company. In this case, I will calculate the break-even point in order to determine the best solution for Classic Knitwear. Solution Executives...

Words: 1159 - Pages: 5

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Merk Medco Merger

...| You Decide | FIN 561-60619 | Mergers and Acquisitions, Week 3Professor Gene Smith, PhD | Melissa Walter | 7/27/2014 | | Abstract Merck & Company (Merck) is evaluating the possible acquisition of Medco Containment Services Incorporated (Medco). The Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, and the Chief Financial Officer have all stated their thoughts and concerns regarding this matter. It is my job to make the final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Executive Summary Merck is a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer and Medco is a leading pharmacy benefits manager. Both companies have a strong hold on their piece of the market. In 1992, Merck had revenue of $9.7 billion while Medco recorded $2.2 in revenue.4 Benefits of the merger include: * Increased marketing potential through Medco’s accumulated data * Access into the Managed Care market * Decreased costs in sales and marketing efforts Risks include: * Merging of corporate cultures * Loss of R&D dollars due to subsidizing Medco * Regulatory and compliance threats. The stated price for the merger is $6.6 Billion. At the time of the merger, I would have recommended to the Board to proceed with the merger as benefits seem to out-weigh the risks. However, in looking back, due to the FTC findings stating the merger did create an unfair advantage to Merck, I would have to re-evaluate. Merck was unable to issue the intended...

Words: 1915 - Pages: 8

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Merck Medco Acquisition

...You Decide: Merck’s Acquisition of Medco Stacey D. Lawson FIN 561: Mergers & Acquisitions Keller Graduate School of Management Professor Gene Smith Fall 2015 Executive Summary Merck & Co., Inc. is one of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the world. The company is known for its discovery, development, production, and marketing of products and services that are geared towards the maintenance and restoration of health. The company’s business focuses on two areas: human and animal health products and Services and Specialty Chemical products. Medco Containment Services, Inc. is one of the largest pharmacy benefits manager (PBM). The company was mainly responsible for the management of drug benefits for more than 65 million Americans whose prescriptions were filled at retail drug stores or the company’s mail order business. Merck’s acquisition of Medco was one of the largest health care industry mergers, as well as one the largest U.S. corporate unions in the early 1990’s (Olmos, 1993). In addition the merger provided Merck with access to Medco’s technology and information. With the merger they acquired more than 1,000 pharmacists who decided or advised physicians on how prescriptions should be filled (Tanouye, 1993). This merger allowed Merck to increase its pharmaceutical sales through the use of patient information from Medco’s database. The merger was expected to solidify Merck’s presence in the pharmaceutical...

Words: 4515 - Pages: 19

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...MERCK MBA Healthcare Management Capstone (HCM650-1403B-01) Phase 1 Individual Project Student: Brenda Wilfred Instructor: Professor Ruth Lindegarde Colorado Technical University Online August 24, 2014 Repost Professor Timothy Tapp; Applied Managerial Healthcare Finance, Professor Kristaizell Darby: Management the Healthcare Organization (HCM612-1401B-01), Professor Jenson Hagen: ECON616-1402A-0 Applied Managerial Economics, and Professor Kristy Taylor: Systems in Healthcare (HCM632-1403A-01) Abstract Pharmaceutical comes from Greek word “Pharmakeia” with the modern translation as “Pharmacia”. Many people owe their lives to many lifesaving medicines, without which they might not have seen another day in their life. Pharmaceutical companies are responsible for discovering new drugs, marketing them and getting them licensed for their use as medications. All drugs so produced have to go through a strict process of patenting and testing and are subjected to all sorts of safety checks and a variety of laws and regulations. These pharmaceutical companies not only play a very important role in the medicine industry but also play a significant role in the revenue industry and the development of a nation. Here are top 10 pharmaceutical companies in world. The global economic crisis is impacting every area of business and forcing corporations to reevaluate how they conduct operations. In an effort to operate in the leanest most efficient manner, some corporations...

Words: 4970 - Pages: 20

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A&F Case

...Too Sexy Too Soon? A Case Study of Abercrombie & Fitch Stephanie Roussell / MC 7999 / 11.21.11 Introduction Abercrombie and Fitch, an American retailer with nearly 800 U.S. and international stores, is no stranger to controversy. The company has long profited from shock value and consumer backlash not only in its marketing, but also in its clothing and employment practices. Known for its preppy, casual style of mid-luxury clothing, the retailer is a mainstay in the American shopping mall. But recent controversies about its product style and marketing practices have kept the company continually in the news. The latest controversy is no different. In March 2011, the company posted a new product on its Abercrombie kids website: the “Ashley” bikini, a striped triangle bathing suit, sized for girls ages 8 to 14. It seemed innocent enough until one small word in the clothing description caused a firestorm of media and activist backlash. The website described the bikini as a “push-up,” complete with “extra padding for breast enhancement.” (Mendez, para. 1) Because this description was added to a website that markets to girls as young as 2nd grade, it caused an uproar about the company’s intentions of over-sexualizing young girls. Comments began pouring in decrying the company’s apparent lack of decency or sensitivity. All were asking the same question: “how soon is too sexy?” Did this controversy expose a company intent on objectifying young girls? Or is it another cog in the...

Words: 2897 - Pages: 12

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...ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH OVERVIEW Abercrombie and Fitch Co. (ANF) is a specialty retailer that operates stores selling casual apparel, sportswear apparel, personal care products and accessories for men, women and kids under the Abercrombie and Fitch, Abercrombie, Hollister and RUEHL brands. With a customer base that is primarily under thirty years old, ANF was established in 1892 by David Abercrombie and Ezra Fitch. ANF operates in the US, the UK and Canada and is headquartered I New Albany, Ohio with over 20,000 employees. As a “near to luxury” retailer, ANF operates in an apparel industry which straddles high to low end merchandise. Its’ main competitors include : American Eagle, Aeropostale, Gap and J- Crew. Their focus on capturing a young market has created a rivalry, which forces them to be innovative and creative in delivering fashionable mechandise. As a result, their competitive strategy involves not only marketing their products through stores, but via catalogs and e- commerce activites. SWOT ANALYSIS, ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH A scan of the internal and external environment is essential in any firm’s strategic planning process. A SWOT analysis defines the internal and external environmental issues with which a firm must address in its strategic planning process. This type of analysis specifies the internal and external factors that are favourable and or unfavourable to the firm achieving its business objectives. It guides the firm in matching its resources and other...

Words: 668 - Pages: 3

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A&F Case

...III. Executive Summary Abercrombie & Fitch is one of the most famous apparel retail industry that have done a wonderful job to stay in the market position despite the changing trends and lifestyles that generations have nowadays. It’s hard to keep intact with fashion trends because once you cannot cope up with the changing lifestyle of your consumers, you can expect to have a decrease in your sales and market share in other countries. The industry offers a lot of new and existing potential competitors especially in the fashion industry; you’re not just competing within the U.S. brands but also with European brands that are getting popular in all over the world. They are also products that can substitute with branded apparel, some teenagers who are experiencing financial problems can just buy an imitation one just for a cheap price and even the quality’s great, no one will notice that it was a fake one. Young generations nowadays are conscious of what they have and what things they don’t have, especially with apparel, because the trend nowadays is when you are wearing that kind of shirt and it is a high class brand, you’re in with the trend and you are considered one of the coolest kids in your school. While the organization culture of A&F is very different from other brands because they are the only company who hires people based on their looks and how they act and not with the skills. They are always saying that they don’t treat them as salespeople; they are the image that...

Words: 5363 - Pages: 22

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Abercrombie and Fitch

...Abercrombie and Fitch: International expansion external and internal analysis Name Here Business Mgmt Name Here Date Here Executive Summary This case study was identified to examine why international sales volume of Abercrombie and Fitch have increased over the past three years and to recommend further international expansion to increase sales volume. The research draws attention to the fact that in 2009, the US stores generated 81.2% of Abercrombie and Fitch’s net sales. The shares of international stores and direct-to-consumer net sales were very small in comparison. Over the next two years the US stores decreased net sales percentages while net sales increased. Further investigation reveal that the US market shrinkage in terms of overall company net sales percentage coincided with the increase in international sales and direct-to-consumer sales and the overall company net sales percentage over the same time period. Since the economic downturn in the US economy in 2008 the disposable income for Abercrombie and Fitch clients appeared to decrease. Additionally individuals were utilizing disposable income for other items such as technology, cell phones and other gadgets. These two items appeared to be the major causes of the decreased company percentage in net sales of Abercrombie and Fitch in the US. During the same two year period the international stores and direct-to-consumer net sales increased dramatically. This was an increase of 342% for international...

Words: 5435 - Pages: 22

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...By having multiple productions plants globally, it is able to create flexibility and backup options should one of their plants fail to deliver when there is natural disasters or uncertainty within the country. During the Thailand floods, its production was greatly affected as its plants were shut down and unable to operate due to the damage caused by the flood. (Thailand was responsible for the production of 891,000 forecasted vehicles, one of the biggest in SEA). Due to the crippling of its plants in Thailand, Toyota has to scale back its productions in the rest of SEA due to issues faced while exporting certain parts from Thailand. The car maker estimates the disruption in the parts supply chain has affected about 100 kinds of parts. The overall output loss caused by the floods amounted to an estimate of 37,500 vehicles. ISSUES FACED: Toyota has to be prepared for unforeseeable circumstances such as natural disasters. As shown, during the Thailand floods in 2011, its production was scaled back by 37,500 vehicles. Backup supplies from its other branches around the world creating the same vehicle parts could be supplied to SEA during this period to alleviate the burden faced by the plants in Thailand. OPINION: Safety is one of Toyota’s key concerns and also selling point. This must be ensured from the various parts that make the car, from the start to the end. It is understandable that Toyota decided to specialize each plant so that they can be focused on what they produce...

Words: 301 - Pages: 2

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River Blindness

...MERCK AND RIVER BLINDNESS 1. Think about the definition of stakeholders — any parties with a stake in the organization’s actions or performance. Who are the stakeholders in this situation? How many can you list? On what basis would you rank them in importance? People suffering from the disease or those who potentially may be infected – would directly benefit from the cure Merck employees at all levels – profitability and the economic health of the company affects current employees Merck shareholders – inability to profit from the drug might have a negative effect on shareholder’s value, but taking the stand on “doing the right thing” might have a favorable effect on company’s reputation and increase the value of the stock Various healthcare organizations – Merck is one of the leaders in the industry whose actions or inactions may affect the state of the industry as a whole One way to rank stakeholders in importance is by their level of benefit from the drug putting people suffering from the disease in the first place as they would benefit the most from the invent of the cure. Then, employees and shareholders would share the second place, provided that the company would most likely not be able to recover funds invested in the long and expensive process of developing the drug which in turn would affect company’s profitability. Finally, various healthcare organizations would rank third; the effect on them would depend on the level of their involvement in the process...

Words: 2838 - Pages: 12