...Merck & Medco “The Merger” For 102 years of innovations, our company has thrived in the health-care arena and overcome the challenges and changes in the industry. Our researchers have helped the people around the world by finding new ways to treat and prevent illness and create healthier and brighter future for all people around the world. Today, Merck is the world’s largest drug manufacturer, thanks to the vision of the former management and directors who were able to see in the future and overcome all obstacles and competition and positioned the company as world leader. Ladies and gentlemen of the board, we are experiencing a rapid change in the industry of health-care and a different dynamic induced by the fierce competition not only in the U.S. but also all over the globe. Falling drug profits and increase spending in research and development are challenges that we have to face. As a result, analysts and CEOs in health-care share my view that there will be only few big drug makers left in the global market. Therefore, it is my job to find opportunities and growth to maintain our leadership and role in the industry and maximize our shareholders’ wealth. Merck’s acquisition of Medco is a bold step that will be the initiation of new era that will reshape the health-care industry and many rivals will follow in the future. After discussion with our top executives who casted their views and concerns over the merger. I have gathered information that weighed on my proposal...
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...Manajemen Investasi Sektor-Sektor Pasar Modal Indonesia Oleh: Yosefina Selvy Arief(2012-012-093) SEKTOR-SEKTOR PASAR MODAL INDONESIA Semua perusahaan publik yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia atau BEI (dulu BEJ= Bursa Efek Jakarta) diklasifikasikan ke dalam 9 sektor BEI yang didasarkan pada klasifikasi industri yang ditetapkan oleh NEJ yang disebut JASICA (Jakarta Stock Exchange Industrial Classification). Kesembilan sektor tersebut adalah: A. Sektor Utama (Industri Penghasil Bahan Baku) 1. Sektor Pertanian 2.1. Sub sektor Tanaman Pangan Daftar perusahaan industri penghasil bahan baku, sektor pertanian, sub sektor tanaman pangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) adalah No | Kode | Nama | Tanggal | | Saham | Emiten | IPO | 1 | BISI | Bisi International Tbk | 28-Mei-2007 | (Diperbaharui 2 Oktober 2013) Catatan penting lainnya untuk sub sektor tanaman pangan : * 12 September 2013| CKRA (PT. Citra Kebun Raya Agri Tbk) pindah dari sektor tanaman pangan (kode sektor 1.1) ke sektor pertambangan logam dan mineral lainnya (kode sektor 2.3) 2.2. Sub sektor Perkebunan Daftar perusahaan industri penghasil bahan baku, sektor pertanian, sub sektor perkebunan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) adalah No | Kode | Nama | Tanggal | | Saham | Emiten | IPO | 1 | AALI | PT. Astro Agro Lestari Tbk | 09-Des-1997 | 2 | ANJT | PT. Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk | 10-Mei-2013 | 3 | BWPT | PT. BW Plantation...
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