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Coca Cola Hbc


Submitted By deepaliadhikary
Words 644
Pages 3
1- How do CCHBC's supply chain management practices help them to achieve their four major strategic aims?
Coca Cola HBC’s efficient and competent supply chain management is aimed at fulfilling its four strategic goals of availability, affordability, acceptability and activation thereby continuously meet the changing demands of customers and the market place. Extensive planning by all concerned depts. viz production, marketing and operations is involved in designing a cost effective and result oriented supply chain. Historical data about consumer behavior is used to forecast demands on a weekly basis. Production planning based on long term forecasting is futile in present dynamic markets and hence the demands forecasts are continuously reviewed and discussed with production, operations and marketing and advertising departments. A consensus is reached on a figure which satisfies company’s profit motive without taxing the production unit’s capacity or compromising customer service in terms of availability of the right product at the right place at the right time. Cooperation and effective communication of all the team members is vital to such a flawless planning process. An efficient supply chain relies heavily on its retailers, suppliers and other members involved in logistics. The company strives to maintain good relations with all members of supply chain to understand needs of its intermediate customers so as to optimize costs along entire supply chain and reach its ultimate goal of profit and customer delight.
2- How does CCHBC use IT to improve its supply chain management performance?
Coca Cola HBC’s effective planning is complemented by apt use of state of the art IT to churn out a perfect product satisfying all the company’s strategic aims. Coca Cola HBC uses SAP based Advanced Planning Optimizer(APO) to manage the demands and supply over its 16 production

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