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Coca-Cola Sustainability Report 2010/2011


Submitted By mike1604
Words 788
Pages 4
Coca-Cola Sustainability Report 2010/2011

Coca-Cola company 2010/2011 sustainability report offers a clear view on how the company views sustainability, their current suitability achievements and their goals for the future. The following analysis will highlight some of the positive attributes, as well as offer suggestions on areas of improvement.
Adding creditability and transparency to their reported information Coca-Cola utilizes third-party verification through the FIRA, standardized performance framework through the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and visibility of its global business principles. This level of reporting and verification speaks to the point the Coca-Cola is looking at sustainability in the short and long term. One area in which the company could improve from an Accountability perspective is depicting additional efforts for goals that have not been achieved.
Within the report, Coca-Cola speaks to the following areas of sustainability: The Coca-Cola System, Water Stewardship, Energy Efficiency, Climate Protection, Sustainable Packaging, Corporate Giving Economic Opportunity, Workplace / Human Rights, A Great Place to Work, Sustainable Agriculture, and Health / Well-Being. Overall statements around these measures are that they seem to be fairly inclusive to the industry, as well as covering the triple bottom lines three dimensions of social, environmental and economic performance. One highlight to the companies’ measures is their brief depiction of the Coca-Cola System. Through this measure, the company eludes that they are considering the products entire lifecycle; from where they get their ingredients, to the products refrigeration, and finally the community improvement. Areas in which the company could improve from a Measures perspective are energy efficiency and climate protection. Currently

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