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Cocaine Cowboys


Submitted By devilzero14
Words 1028
Pages 5
Cocaine Cowboys is a film that shows us an inside look into how the illegal drug trade not only started in the south Florida area but a deeper look on what it was like to be a part of it. South Florida at the time was a quiet, almost off the radar type area that most people went to retire in a quiet area, unlike the south Florida of today where it’s a more active and livelier area. Due to the large area that surrounded south Florida and how much shoreline it had drug smuggling was a huge problem. At the time Marijuana was the big drug was constantly being smuggled in by boats and later on a combination of planes and boats. It was a way for people to make a lot of money in a short amount of time due to how easy it was to smuggle in the drugs. The Columbians realizing how easy it was to smuggle drugs in through south Florida started to bring in cocaine. In the beginning it wasn’t a lot due to how expensive it was and only people who made a lot of money were able to buy it. The rise in illegal drug trade, especially cocaine led to a major changes in the area. Over time more and more cocaine was entering the country the demand started to increase.
The rise in cocaine in the south Florida area, especially Miami started to effect the economy in a way that began the reconstruction of sorts to Miami from a quiet retirement area to a booming, popular go to location that it is now. The cocaine business went from a couple of hundred thousand dollar industry to multi-billion dollar industry in no time. The people transporting the drugs started making more and more money they stated purchasing various businesses to help smuggle in the drugs. These businesses were all being bought with money that was made through illegal drug trade. It started with simple businesses, land that was turned into airstrips, barns that could store the planes, vehicles

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