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Cocktail Party Economics

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How do you define the word Education? The term education has a variety of different definitions and explanations. Some may agree or differ with the definitions, but there is one absolute thing that many people can agree on; education is significant in life. Being educated is becoming one of the essential in life as it increases the human capital. ``The more educated a population, the greater engagement in civic duties such as voting and support of free speech, and the lower crime rates. Furthermore, fundamental non-commercial research done by universities and colleges serves the public good.`` (CPE, 140) But is the education finance system fair to everyone? In the book, Cocktail Party Economic, Author, Eveline J. Adomait and Richard G. Maranta …show more content…
More specific, it pulls attention to how everyone has equal opportunities regardless of their identity; race, culture, gender, etc. The public education is not viewed as equitable as the rich families segregate themselves into a higher quality of education (private schools), leaving the poorer families in school districts receiving fewer benefits (education opportunity). To give the benefits to the financing of public education would not be viewed as equitable as well in modern society because too much of a tax burden would be placed on people with low ability to compensate. Students and Parents argue that Education is a right, as students’ education quality should be based on their work ethics and subjects, rather than their income. Students who work hard for their education should receive more benefits in the contrary to students who does not care about school at all. If private education was abolished, public school would become better if every student has an unbiased education. If everyone was enrolled through an identical education system, the whole school system would be a fairer place to be, with equal chance. It’s also noted that economist believe think that “With Equity as the backdrop, economists favour methods of redistribution of resources that do not change the incentives to behave efficiently.” (CPE, 112). Implying that, the incentives remain the same as well as …show more content…
Efficiency means the degree of performance that describes a procedure that utilizes the lowest measure of inputs to produce the greatest sum of end products. It includes time, energy, and minimizing waste and inefficiency. The concept of efficiency in terms of education is the value for the education dollar. The government wants to ensure that the education dollars is well spent by achieving educational goals in a cost-effective manner and measuring educational outputs by comparing graduation rates with enrolments. To create an efficient education is by establishing free market through private and public schools. “In a free market, the equilibrium prices that results when supply equals demand turns out to be a very important diving line.” (CPE, 107) Families who choose a private school is helping to stimulate the economy as the Canadian economy are founded on the principles of private enterprise. Those who can afford more resources receive more and consume total utility rather than the standard public education. Despite that private school receive more benefits; it is also helping the economy to invest more resources in public education to an

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