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Medici Family Primary Sources

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The research of this paper were supported by three books as well as several articles from the internet. Using these secondary sources will allow this paper to discuss how the Medici family played a strong and major role in Italian Renaissance, but more specifically in Florentine civilization. All the sources used for this research were carefully selected to get the best and most useful information about the Medici family, Florence, and Italian Renaissance. Most of the sources had more or less the same general information, with some sources giving more detail about certain topics than others.
The first book used for this research was Renaissance: Great Ages of Man. This book was written by John R. Hale and editors from Time-Life Books. It was published by Time-Life Books Incorporated in 1965, Virginia. Because this book was mainly about the Renaissance period as a whole, it did not have as much information on the Medici family in comparison to the other sources, but instead expounded more on the Renaissance period itself and Florence. The way this book was written was similar to a very thick chapter book because looking at the pages was like …show more content…
Not only does it give a general idea of who the Medici’s were, but it expounded on several relevant information without drowning the readers with heavy loads of knowledge. The format of the website was also good because the article was divided into four sections; information on the Medici Family, the involvement in art, architecture, and science, the notable members, and the papal involvement of the family. Every section of the article consisted of concise but fruitful information that expound on general ideas without giving away too much information. This article lacked a lot of important information, but it is great for someone who is just beginning to learn about the Medici family and their significance in Florentine

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