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Long-Term Care Options: A Case Study

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Discussing long-term care options is a difficult topic because there are so many options and it may very difficult for a patient or/and family member to understand the different choices that are available to them. Working as an AGNP in an internal medicine clinic would typically include adult patients only with many of the patients having chronic and complex health conditions.
My first response to this important question is to ask the patient if he/she has any family members that are involved in his/her care and/or has any involvement in helping to making this type of decision? From my clinical experiences, I have witnessed the importance of involving all of decision makers including the patient’s family members. I would also ask the patient if he/she prefers to discuss long-term care options with their family members present or not?
Prior to beginning: it would be important to me as AGNP to have reviewed the patient’s health history and performed a comprehensive geriatric assessment to be …show more content…
Home health does not provide 24 hours of care. If a person only needs a few hours each day this option is more convenient and usually less expensive than receiving care at a skilled nursing facility. A person can receive a variety of home services that include occupational, physical, or speech therapy. Additional services include assistance with activities of daily living such as, bathing, dressing, and eating. Cleaning, cooking, and assist with medications can also be provided. An important consideration is too also carefully screen applicants prior to allowing them to come into your home for safety reasons (, 2017). Other home health care services include wound care, intravenous or nutrition therapy, injections, monitoring illness, check blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and breathing, and check a person’s home for any safety concerns (,

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