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How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis Of Advertising

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Within both passages, they state negative and positive things about advertising. In Text A, his tone about the students change. The tone strengthens his tone in order for the reader to understand that he really means what he had been saying. His tone also lets you know when he is stating something of importance, like when he had said, "Kids want everything they see and don't take into account the quality or cost." With this quote he is saying that with advertising we are letting children stare at it long enough where they feel they are needing whatever has been advertised. Also his tone stays strong towards the end because he states that there is always another way to get money into the school than by advertising. But the other student in Text B, she says that not having enough …show more content…
In Text B, her tone is more persuasive than Text A's tone was in some cases. In Text B, she says she respect him for righting that, but also states that the income of money from advertising, would be best for their school. She states that the school is already having financial issues as it is and some of the extracurricular activities have been taken out because of them not having enough money for it anymore. She also gives important information about how much money the school will receive from putting just one advertisement on a school bus. The only issue with her tone is at the end. Her tone become unpersuasive and more like she is not acknowledging what she is saying fully. She sounds as if she had meant it too well and did not feel like it was wrong to say it. She states that students see advertisements all the time and do not truly feel like they need the item only because they have seen it over and over again. Then she also says "most kids probably block them out." Her tone is not as confident as it was throughout the passage. She seems as if she is saying it, but not really means all of

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