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Animal Caretaker Research Paper

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Nicole C. Britnell
Animal Caretaker

Job Description: Animal Caretaker’s take care of animal that are housed in Zoos, Stables, Aquariums, Shelters, Kennels, and Parks. Some things animal caretaker’s do is feed an water animals, clean up equipment an living spaces of animals, monitor animals and record information such as their diet, physical condition an behavior. They also examine animals for signs of illness or injury, They exercise the animals, bathe animals, trim nails, clip hair, an attend to other grooming needs, they also train animals to obey an listen to commands.

Work Conditions: Working conditions for animal caretakers can be great an lots of fun, but it can also be extremely dangerous depending on what you do as an animal caretaker. Most animal caretakers have to clean animal cages an lift, hold, or restrain animals, risking exposure to bites or scratches. There work also involves kneeling, crawling, repeated bending, an lifting heavy supplies like bales of hay an feed. They work in all kinds of weather. The Animals must be fed everyday, which means they will have to work on weekends an holidays.

Earnings: …show more content…
There overtime pay would be 10.28/hour to 31.57/hour. They can earn a certain amount every year depending on there experience. They start from a starter an work there way up to the highest. A starter gets $16,580 a year. A Junior gets $17,880 a year. A experienced gets $19,910 a year. A Senior gets $24,590. The highest gets

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