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Cross Country Leader Analysis

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I describe a leader as a person who is honest, commited, and approached. I have showed leadership in Track&Field and Cross Country. When im a leader the first thing that i personally think is that being honest is important because not a lot of people honest with eachother now at days. Another thing that i think is important is commitment. self commitment is important because you have to commit to something when you want to go far places with your life. not alot of people like to commit but when you do it god sees it and he will help you through it, even when you think that 'commitment' is hard, you just have to think postive and actually do it. One more thing is communication, because you can communicate with your friends and tell them whats …show more content…
When you make a commitment, you’re choosing to do that thing and stay true to your choice.Many high school students are on sports teams, and they make a commitment to join that team. They are agreeing to attend the long and probably tiring practices. With the commitment of being on that team you also then have to keep up with other things. For most students, they have to keep their grades up in order to play. The commitment they have to do i also do it because im in track&Field and Cross country, in order for me to play i have to have good grades bceause thats what my councilers tell me and my coach. Making a commitment really does change your life, and once you do so you are stuck with that. Many high school students “commit” to different colleges to play sports. If you’re a junior or senior in high school who commits to a college, your life changes then and there. You are then being watched constantly and cannot misbehave or that school could take away your chances of playing there. Kids very commonly make dumb mistakes that end up ruining their whole career. By agreeing to play on a team, you should also know that it is going to take up a lot of your free time. You are now constantly having to go to practices and probably having to miss seeing your friends. I myself participate in Track, and when I make a commitment to do a track, I have to watch what I do because I agreed to be a role model. A commitment is

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