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Multi-Tasking And Learning Style Analysis

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We are each unique in the ability to learn, process and perform. Everyone may learn the same information, but processing and retention come from the learning styles each person utilizes. Multi-tasking encompasses my learning style and attention span to meet the challenges of day to day requirements. The insight of multi-tasking, this writer submits the necessity to include my overall learning process that leads to effective multitasking. The learning styles I utilize; auditory, kinesthetic and visual increases the retention of new information and multiple activities. This writer is consummate multi-tasker in my daily work, school, and home activities. My conscious operates in line with focus awareness, but there are divided consciousness tendencies depending on the circumstances. Author Nevid (2015) on consciousness cites, “Consciousness is selective – we have the ability to direct our attention to certain objects, events, or …show more content…
I am a primary auditory learner, second kinesthetic then visual. Auditory abilities allow retention of what one hears, music soothes (background) and excellent at speaking and grammar. The kinesthetic approach incorporates reading aloud, the need to move around and bores quickly. My visual point of view vividly recalls anything pictured, the need quiet/alone study or work time. Usages of these characteristics/strategies used intuitively daily empower my multi-tasking performance. These considerations are my mental process they give perceptivity to my consciousness. The findings of the exercise precisely explain how multi-tasking synchronizes within my learning experience and my daily interactions. I can read quietly when necessary, but my preference is to have music compliment the study hour as it enhances my comprehension. I found reading with music playing kept me relaxed and engaged; studying was efficient, and retention and intellectual capacity

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