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King Tut Research Paper

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The mystery of king Tuts death

Tut was killed by Aye his royal guard because he was working with Horemheb the military official to become ruler of Egypt. Aye was ordered to kill twenty year old tut. After that aye married ankhesenamun the queen of Egypt. Eventually Tey (Aye’s real wife) was ordered to kill ankhesenamun.

Aye married ankhesenamun right after tut died. There was a ring found with aye and ankhesenamun on it. In ancient Egypt when a royal family got married there names would be put on a ring to show that you were married and to who. After Aye and ankhesenamun got married she suddenly disappeared and was never seen again. In conclusion maby tut was killed by aye but was he ordered to kill, or not.

Tey killed ankhesenamun

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