...“Those who strive to obtain the good graces of a [teacher] are accustomed to come before [one] with such things as they hold precious, or in which they see [her] take most delight… Desiring therefore to present myself to your Magnificence with some testimony of my devotion [towards this class], I have not found among my possessions anything which I hold more dear than, or value so much as [my grade]… ” (Machiavelli 3). The Machiavellian Code of Conduct is based upon The Prince, a controversial non-fiction written by Machiavelli in a desperate attempt to find a place of security within a new principality. To find this security, Machiavelli presents a plethora of crucial rules to the prince, leading the prince to believe that he is in need of...
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...Code of Ethics Analysis Paper PHL/323- Ethics in Management March 24, 2014 Code of Ethics Analysis Paper In today’s business environment, codes of ethics serve the purposes of guiding the everyday conduct of professionals, and all those (consultants, volunteers, and board members) who operate within a particular business or organization. The everyday conduct of professionals becomes important when servicing consumers, and is known to directly impact the community. Because codes of ethic govern ones conduct, it is imperative for business to consider the effectiveness of such codes that are outlines in their profession. The purpose of this analysis is to analyze the code of ethics established by the Arrow. In conducting such an analysis, I will first determine what is to be considered based on importance, and why such codes are important, and a justification will proceed. After providing a justification on the importance of such ethics, I will then attempt to analyze Arrow’s code of ethics, by considering how the code will be implemented, possible reactions from employees, and the effects the code will have on the organization as a whole. System of Inquiry After much deliberation, the following will include a system of inquiry that will be used to analyze the code of ethics established by the Arrow. Areas of inquiry will include: the organization definition of ethics, people issues, consumer confidence, corporate social responsibility, leadership responsibilities/activities...
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...Ethical Policies Analysis Name of the Student Name of the Institution Ethical Policies Analysis Every organization ought to have ethical standards that are effective in guiding the ethical conduct of internal stakeholders. Importantly, internal stakeholders should understand and follow the standards. An organization that has an effective ethical policy for guiding the conduct of stakeholders is perceived as being socially responsible. Time Warner Inc.’s ethical policy is quite elaborate. Firstly, the company has a code of ethics that is meant to guide the conduct of workers. Secondly, the firm has ethical standards meant to guide directors’ conduct. As well, the company has a code of ethics that guides the way internal stakeholders undertake transactions (Time Warner Inc, 2014). Similarly, Mattel has an elaborate ethical policy that defines ethical responsibilities of all internal stakeholders (Mattel, 2011). However, the ethical policies of General Electric and Merck are not comprehensive. The two organizations have brief codes of conduct that do not offer direct definitions of ethical responsibilities of the internal stakeholders (General Electric, 2015; Merck, 2015). A sales representative working for Time Warner Inc or Mattel is likely to behave in the same way since his or her ethical conduct is guided by the firms’ comprehensive and effective ethical policies. However, a sales representative working for Time Warner Inc or Mattel is likely to...
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...Strategies Based on the recent discovery, analysis and recommendation we made in regards to lead levels in whistles in the package of toys meant for distribution to our customers it has come to my attention that we need some ways of increasing the chances that the employees of our company and ultimately our company itself follow our code of conduct. It has been discussed that “Key “ethics-related actions” (ERAs) observed in organizations with strong ethical cultures include (1) management communicating ethics as a priority, (2) management setting a good example of ethical conduct,(3) coworkers considering ethics when making decisions, and (4) coworkers talking about ethics in the work they do.”1 I truly believe this to be the case. The question is how do we go about this? Once a code of conduct has been determined and needs to be implemented I would follow the following set of strategies to make it permeate the company culture. “Dissemination, training, continuous employee engagement, effectiveness monitoring and feedback solicitation”1 are the tools or strategies that I recommend. Dissemination is simply making sure that all employees are exposed to the code of conduct. The ideal way to implement this is to have classes focused on the different employee groups to be able to train the code of conduct at an appropriate level for each group, answer questions and get a sign off that the employees were indeed trained in the code of conduct. During the dissemination phase I would...
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... A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE BANGLADESH LABOR LAW 2006 AND 7 GENERAL CODES OF CONDUCT By Ameena Chowdhury Hanna Denecke Dhaka, October 21, 2007 PROGRESS (promotion of social, environmental and production standards in the ready-made garment sector) is a joint program of the Bangladesh Ministry of Commerce and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), implemented by GTZ. Executive Summary The Readymade Garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh is a highly export oriented sector and therefore extremely volatile to requirements of international buyers. Since the adherence to international social standards has become a mandatory requirement in the international business arena, the local suppliers have to be compliant to these standards in order to remain in business. There have been some significant revisions to the Bangladesh Labor Law in 2006. This newly revised law already covers a lot of the common standards like employment conditions, occupational health and safety issues as well as the ILO core labor standards. Besides being complaint to the national labor law, the suppliers must also adhere to the international standards. These international standards may be defined through their individual buyers’ codes of conduct or general codes of the conduct. Compliance to the buyers’ codes of conduct is mandatory but compliance...
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...Ethical Policies Analysis Name of the Student Name of the Institution Ethical Policies Analysis Every organization ought to have ethical standards that are effective in guiding the ethical conduct of internal stakeholders. Importantly, internal stakeholders should understand and follow the standards. An organization that has an effective ethical policy for guiding the conduct of stakeholders is perceived as being socially responsible. Time Warner Inc.’s ethical policy is quite elaborate. Firstly, the company has a code of ethics that is meant to guide the conduct of workers. Secondly, the firm has ethical standards meant to guide directors’ conduct. As well, the company has a code of ethics that guides the way internal stakeholders undertake transactions (Time Warner Inc, 2014). Similarly, Mattel has an elaborate ethical policy that defines ethical responsibilities of all internal stakeholders (Mattel, 2011). However, the ethical policies of General Electric and Merck are not comprehensive. The two organizations have brief codes of conduct that do not offer direct definitions of ethical responsibilities of the internal stakeholders (General Electric, 2015; Merck, 2015). A sales representative working for Time Warner Inc or Mattel is likely to behave in the same way since his or her ethical conduct is guided by the firms’ comprehensive and effective ethical policies. However, a sales representative working for Time Warner Inc or Mattel is likely to...
Words: 393 - Pages: 2
...|ASSESSMENT DETAILS | |Unit Code |BSBMKG502B | |Unit Title |Establish and adjust the marketing mix | |Assessment No. |1 | |Assessment Title |Report – Evaluate and determine the marketing mix | |STUDENT DETAILS | |Student’s Name | | |Student ID No. | | |Group No. | | |Date of Submission | | |ASSESSOR DETAILS | |Assessor’s Name | ...
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...Table of content 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………….……...3 2. Organization and business environment overview………………………………….….3 3. Code of Ethics Beiersdorf AG…………………………………………………….………3 4. Code of Ethics Procter & Gamble...…………………………………………….………..5 5. Code of Ethics related business issues in comparison………………………………..7 6. Summary………………………………………………..…………………………………..8 1. Introduction This paper is presented as the option B term paper for the Business Ethics elective course within the MBA program. The goal is to give an overview and an analysis of the codified Codes of Ethics of two major companies within the business field of consumer goods. The respective companies will be the Beiersdorf AG as the requested German example and actor in this field and Procter & Gamble as the world leading competitor in this area of business. The term paper will be structured in the following way. First the aim is to give a brief overview about the companies in question and the area they are doing business in. In a second step the Codes of Ethics of both enterprises will be analyzed using the framework and criteria for an effective Code of ethics which were presented in class. Thirdly, the aim is to give a personal opinion on the presented facts and compare the companies in their approach. The paper is going to be concluded with the presentation on historical and current issues of ethical questions which are applicable for Beiersdorf and P&G. 2. Organization and business...
Words: 2878 - Pages: 12
...paraphrased. We also certify that this assignment was prepared by us specifically for this course. Student’s Signatures ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Table of Contents Definition of Problems 3 The Lack of Ethical Culture and Stakeholder Orientation 4 Low Board’s Professionalism 5 Poor Trust and Excessive Emphasis on Marketing 5 Identification of Possible Action Alternatives 6 Analysis of Each Alternative 7 Doing Nothing 7 Hiring a New Board of Directors 7 Developing a New Code of Conduct 8 Developing a New Organizational Strategy to Reconstruct the Ethical Climate 10 Decision 10 Implementation 11 Evaluation 13 Conclusion 14 References 15 Case Decision Making Paper- Red Cross In a world of intensive competition and numerous marketing challenges, maintaining trust in the organization-stakeholder relationships is an extremely difficult task. Numerous organizations have failed to achieve the desired strategic...
Words: 4100 - Pages: 17
...like Tiger Woods to increase the value of the brand by associating the factor of lifestyle to their products. The company's image has been damaged many times by press releases as well as a variety of NGOs who have long pointed out the inhumane working conditions in the production facilities of sporting goods manufacturers. This leads to the question whether should Nike orientate the regulations of the suppliers to the labor standards in their respective countries or those in the United States? The labor conditions are so inhumane that Nike at least should try to converse to the US standard to improve the situation. The following analysis of an abstract of Nikes’ Responsibility Concept, including SHAPE and their Code of Conduct, should give an insight into the difficulties of the Sweatshops. 1.1 Nike Responsibility Concept: Explanation and Critical Analysis Since the pressure of the NGOs on the company has been growing, Nike developed a concept that promises to improve the monitoring of social and environmental standards for their contractors. According to Nike’s...
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...like Tiger Woods to increase the value of the brand by associating the factor of lifestyle to their products. The company's image has been damaged many times by press releases as well as a variety of NGOs who have long pointed out the inhumane working conditions in the production facilities of sporting goods manufacturers. This leads to the question whether should Nike orientate the regulations of the suppliers to the labor standards in their respective countries or those in the United States? The labor conditions are so inhumane that Nike at least should try to converse to the US standard to improve the situation. The following analysis of an abstract of Nikes’ Responsibility Concept, including SHAPE and their Code of Conduct, should give an insight into the difficulties of the Sweatshops. 1.1 Nike Responsibility Concept: Explanation and Critical Analysis Since the pressure of the NGOs on the company has been growing, Nike developed a concept that promises to improve the monitoring of social and environmental standards for their contractors. According to Nike’s principle “Nike was founded on...
Words: 1207 - Pages: 5
...The declaration of principles and the code of conduct for international election observes lays out the standards for election observation agreed upon by a variety of intergovernmental and international nongovernmental organizations. The code of conduct has much more to do with ensuring the integrity of international election observers by laying out what is expected of them, behavior wise, as this is a necessary instrument to ensure an independent and bias free assessment of election processes for different countries. The declaration and code of conduct were drafted as an effort to guarantee the integrity and proficiency of elections. The document defines international election observation as: “the systematic, comprehensive and accurate gathering...
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...| | | Jextra Neighbourhood Stores in Malaysia By Nichole Williams, AMBA660, January 22, 2013 | | | Introduction This analysis consists of the issues of bribery and business deals that are direct conflicts of interest facing Jextra’s country manager for the Neighbourhood Markets Division in Malaysia, Tom Chong. During this analysis the areas of social ethical and legal challenges, how Chong should address the issues, should managers be held accountable for corruption, where to go for guidance if these matters where to arise in your company and lastly; recommend steps for Jextra to help build its corporate culture for the long term benefit of the company. What are the major social, ethical, or legal challenges that Jextra faces in operating in Malaysia? Are these the kind of issues Chong should have anticipated as a country manager? The major social, ethical and legal challenges that Jextra faces while operating in Malaysia include bribery and conflicts of interest. The issues that Jextra is facing are not uncommon in international business, and as a country manager Chong should anticipate these types of issues to as well as other legal issues that include product safety and liability, marketing practice, rule of origin, jurisdiction, and intellectual property protection when conducting international business as described in DRS. (pg 129) How should Chong resolve the requests from the mayor of Klang? Resolving the request from the mayor of Klang is a...
Words: 1965 - Pages: 8
...OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 1.1 Outline the steps involved in Benchmarking. Introduction Benchmarking is the process of measuring an organisation’s internal processes then identifying, understanding and adapting outstanding practices from other organisations considered to be best – in – class. The essence of benchmarking is the process of borrowing ideas and adapting them to gain competitive advantage. It is a tool for continuous improvement, for e.g the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative reform initiatives and maintains links with other organisations at national and international levels, so as to keep track of latest development in public management practices. BENCHMARKING CONCEPT Benchmarking is a way to go backstage and watch another company’s performance from the wings where all stage tricks and realignments are visible. This can be illustrated as follows: What is our performance level? How do we do it? What are others performance levels? How did they get there? Creative Adaptation Adapted from the Benchmarking Concept : Institute of Industrial Engineers (Page 208), 1995. Breakthrough Performance Benchmarking involves setting standards for business operations based on the best practice that can be found. For example, a business targeting rapid and significant growth may choose comparisons with an established market leader. The term “benchmarking” emerged when the idea took ground in US during 1980s when Xerox, Ford...
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...Q1 Primary stakeholders are those stakeholders who are directly affected by company’s activities, either positively or negatively. Primary stakeholders always have a close relationship with the company. For example, shareholders, employees, managers, suppliers and customers are in the primary stakeholder group. Secondary stakeholders stand for those who are indirectly affected by company’s operation or project. Secondary stakeholders always play an intermediary role but also have interest related to the company. For example, secondary stakeholder includes government agencies, policy makers, finance institutions and local board members. It is important for company to do stakeholder analysis and classify stakeholders into different groups. Different group are affected by company’s operations in different patterns (Goodpaster 1991). Primary stakeholders tend to be more greatly affected by company’s project; hence, primary stakeholders should be put into the first consideration priority when company makes decisions. Besides, company’s economic and human resource are scarce and limited, it is always impossible for company to allocate equal resources to all stakeholders, thus, company should put those who are directly affected by company and those who are closely related to company in the first priority (Kivits 2011). Stakeholder classification is used to help company identify the significance of stakeholders and attach different importance to different stakeholders. Q3 Crisis...
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