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Code of Ethics Analysis


Submitted By yance
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Code of Ethics Analysis
February 8, 2015

Code of Ethics Analysis
I that the NASW code of ethics sufficiently covers the many areas where a human service worker could possible face any ethical dilemma. The guidelines laid out in the code provides adequate materials and information for training and coaching of new and present employees. The code covers all the areas, from the duty and responsibility of accepting employment in the field Manning, S. S. (2007) pp294. To the termination of service Manning, S. S. (2007) pp289. It gives clear instructions on how workers should conduct themselves and how they should relate to clients, coworkers and supervisors.
In terms of my dilemma of presenting all the options to the client even if it goes against my personal beliefs system. The NASW code of ethics states “Social workers should be alert to and avoid conflicts of interest that interfere with the exercise of professional discretion and impartial judgment.”(p284) This covers any personal ethical dilemma any worker may face as the first obligation is to the client. The code notes that conflicts will arise and it is the duty of the worker to be alert and avoid the conflicts and to do so in an impartial manner.
Although I think the NASW code of ethics is complete and efficient in the administering of guidelines to the human services industry, I think it is still necessary to evaluate it from time to time, as things and laws change. Amendments may be beneficial in the future as humans evolve with time, the way we view things today and the way we think about the services we offer must also evolve.

Manning, S. S. (2007). Ethical Leadership in Human Services: A Multi-dimensional Approach. Ann Arbor, MI: Allyn and Bacon.
Social workers should be alert to and avoid conflicts of interest that interfere with the exercise of professional discretion and impartial judgment

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